Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future  (Read 233190 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #150 on: April 03, 2013, 01:15:36 pm »
*The Birdman laughed as he reset his knee back into place.*


*Birdman then rushed into the middle the Imperials firing on him and swung both his gigantic arms. The four in the middle of them were sent flying into the wall, killing them instantly. Birdman then grabbed one Imperial who was knocked over, picked him up, and snapped his spine. He threw the limp body over to the side.*

You monster!

*Ny-Lee fired rounds into Birdman's back which only caused a minor flinch. Birdman turned and rushed Ny-Lee before she could reload.*

Watch out!

*Roland rushed past Ny-Lee and grabbed in an attempt to dodge the oncoming mass. Roland successfully got Ny-Lee out of the way. Sadly, the same couldn't be said for Roland. While dodging, Birdman's arm managed to clip Roland's right leg, crippling it. Roland and Ny-Lee were on the ground. Roland gripped his right leg and moaned in pain.*


*Yiski opened fire on Birdman using his sunburst rounds. The rounds hit and exploded. The red smoke obstructing the Birdman's vision. Ny-Lee yelled over to the Imperials.*

I need one of you to go get back-up now!

Yes Captain!

*Ny-Lee pulled Roland over toward wall and propped him against it. She tried to inspect Roland's leg, but touching it clearly wasn't the best idea. Even though Roland was clearly in pain, he forced a smile.*

Go. *ugh* I will be fine.

*Soon enough the red smoke dissipated from Birdman's face, only for Yiski to fire additional shots causing more red smoke.*

yOU ThINk tHIs iS EnoUgh tO StoP mE!

*Birdman began rushing blindly into the walls of the room.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #151 on: April 03, 2013, 01:43:26 pm »
*As one of the Imperials left to get back-up, BdrLine looks at Ny and remembered that she still had the dual blades*

*He goes over to her and Roland*
Quick Ny take off your braces.

*Confused by this, she begins taking them off*
Ok, but what are you gonna do with them?

*She hands them to her brother who takes them and begins adjusting them*
*Once finished, he stands up and says to her*
Something crazy *smirks*

*He rushes into the clouds and extends the blades*
*He sees the Birdman thrashing about trying to locate anyone of them*

*The Birdman has his back turn to BdrLine which he extends the blades and jump onto his back*
*He inserts them near the back of Birdman's neck*
Ah ha gotcha.... OHHHHH FLAKKK MEEEE

*The Birdman notices BdrLine on his back and try to buck him off*
InsUlAnte FoOl

*Holding out tightly on his back*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #152 on: April 03, 2013, 02:03:02 pm »
*Zill and Papa get behind him after he crashed into a wall. They pull his legs from under him and he falls face-first on the ground. Bdr hops off and Papa works on dislocating his shoulder, and Zill calls to "Lilly."*
Toss me a knife!

*She chucks one over to him. He catches it mid air and jabs in into Birdman's spine. He twists it in and Birdman can feel it. He yells, and throws Papa off him. Papa lands on his feet. Birdman then flails and Zill is thrown off. He doesnt land gracefully, and flies to the other side of the room. Shinkurex rushed over to get him up.*
Holy Hell Zill. You alright??

Get me back up.

*As Zill is getting back up, "Lilly" charges Birdman, digging two blades into his legs and slashing down, brining the beast to his knees. He roars and smacks her away. She hits a wall and lies on the ground unconscious. He watches the scene and assumes the worst.*
Unload your clip into him, give me a grenade, and go get Jun.

*Zill was beyond done with this, and Shink knew something was going to break. He unloaded his rifle clip into the Birdman, catching his attention. Zill rushed forward and punched his face clean into the ground. Shink ran over to Jun to see if she was ok. She was beaten but still breathing.

Zill hopped onto the Birdman's back and sliced a hole into into his back. With all his strength, he shoved the now-armed loch grenade into the hole. The Birdman let out a gut wrenching screech. He grabbed at Zill but he held on, facing what was left of his armor toward the coming blast. It exploded, throwing Zill into the wall and back down to the ground. Feathers and flesh littered the room and the Birdman was nearly in two, though still alive.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #153 on: April 03, 2013, 02:21:02 pm »
*Birdman used his one good arm to drag himself toward the team. Blood was gushing out of his blown out torso and blood leaking from his mouth*

*uugh* I *gurg* wIlL... nOT diE... *cough* I... LiVE... *gurg* FOREVER!

*Yiski walks over and jabs one of the blades in Birdman's shoulder to prevent him from moving. Birdman grunts at the pain.*

No, I think this has gone long enough. I'll be honest with ya. Had you not come after us in Anvala, you might've gotten away with all this. But no. You thought you knew better and look where it got you.

*Yiski smirked at the Birdman who tried to say something, but the blood preventing anything to be said. Yiski checked his ammo and he still had one shot left. Yiski raised Blood Bolt to Birdman's shot out eye.*

Now could you do us all a favor, and just die.


*Yiski fired into Birdman's head and the shot penetrated into Birdman's skull. Soon enough the explosion occurred causing Birdman's head to expand slightly causing blood and red smoke to seep out his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Suddenly, the troopers on the multiple monitors seemed to stop moving and fall over.*

*Yiski turned and face the team with a weary smile.*

So, who wants to make sure he's dead?

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #154 on: April 03, 2013, 02:31:23 pm »
*Shink draws his blades and walks over to the beast*

"I'll have that pleasure if you don't mind"

*Shink carefully advances on the corpse, wary of it springing up and attacking. He plant both blades into the ligaments, and checks for any sign of life*

"Dead, but I don't like the fact that there's still a body. I recommend we burn the heck out of this place. Yiski, I took the liberty to create a  phosphorous burst grenade from one of the lumberjack rounds we created. Would you like to do the honors?"

*Shink holds out the grenade for Yiski*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #155 on: April 03, 2013, 02:49:18 pm »
*Yiski takes the grenade from Shink.*

Phosphorous grenade huh? Yeah, this'll do nicely.

*Yiski then places the grenade into the Birdman's torso. Luckily, there was a gaping hole left by the first grenade. Yiski yelled.*


*Yiski pulls the pin and rushes away from what was going to be a spectacular display of fire and body parts.*


*Sure enough, Birdman's body is ripped to shreds and lit on fire by the grenade. Consequently, the blast was stronger than Shink thought it was and the team found themselves quickly dodging a rain of eternally burning flesh.*

*Checking to make sure nobody was caught on fire, Yiski turns to Shink.*

See, this is why I don't trust others to tinker with my stuff when I'm not around. Now, how about we get back up top and get Roland here come medical attention. Let's have the Empire clean all this up because I need a drink.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #156 on: April 03, 2013, 03:03:33 pm »
*Zill picks himself up off the ground slowly. He see's the remains and sighs, but then looks over to Jun'ko. He hobbles over to her and leans over. Blood drips onto her jacket as he just sits there looking on. He takes off his mask for some extra air, placing it at his side.*
Too close....

*He just sits there, blood still dripping from his mouth. She doesnt move. An Imperial soldier comes over and sits next to him.*
We have to take her back to the medical tents. Can i do that?

*A long pause as Zill just looks at Jun.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #157 on: April 03, 2013, 04:16:56 pm »
*Eventually the soldier who left for back-up returns with a squad of 15*
*After seeing the corpse spread around the room, the squad rushes to the others and administer first aid*

*Ny-Lee notices them and addresses them*
Come on, let's move the others and get out of this hellhole

Yes ma'am

*The squad helps Roland and Jun'ko on to a streacher, two soldiers goes over to Zill and helps carry him*
*Moments later everyone moves out towards the entrance, once at the hatch, they make a pulley system and lift up Jun, Roland, and Zill up. *
*The rest of the team climbs up the ladder and heads to the medical tent*

*Outside, smoke can be see from the Tower and the surrounding town as well as the bodies of the Birdmen army*

*At the medical tent, it was expanded as there are multiple casualties from the fighting from the new enemy's*
*At an empty tent, the group are escorted inside as medics goes over their wounds*

*From the south, engines are heard as a Galleon and two pyramidions head towards the Tower*
*The three ship formation lands and out from the galleon comes the Emporer*

*Abled body troops stand at attention at the sight of him. The Emporer looks over the damage and let the soldiers be. *
*He heads towards the medical tents*

*He comes by and sees the team in one of them and enters*
I see that the battle is done. I want to extends my and the Empire gratitude for what you have done today. If there is anything you need, I am happy to give. For your courageousness you are friends to the Empire and are always welcome here. I thank you again

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #158 on: April 03, 2013, 07:24:13 pm »
*Yiski is sitting down with his rifle upright and against his shoulder.*

No problem. It's not everyday you get to completely annihilate an organization hellbent of world domination.

As with your assistance from your last run-in with the Birdmen, the Empire will be happy to reward you for your efforts and sacrifice.

*Yiski takes a look around and sees the team fairly battered.*

Well, we appreciate it, but I think right now we'd like to recover.

Of course, when you are ready, please do not hesitate to contact me personally.

*As the Emperor leaves, BdrLine and Ny-Lee and the other Imperials saluted the Emperor out. As the Emperor left, Zankif enters.*

BdrLine I have an order from your parents. I am to escort you, your sister, and your friends to Chang-ning.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #159 on: April 03, 2013, 09:51:31 pm »
*Despite doctor's "orders," Zill walked himself to Jun'ko's side. He was still spitting blood at this point, and she was still unconcious. He sat down in a lone chair next to her, and said his prayer under his breath.*
By the Skies we fly this day. Off into the Sunset to give chase. May the Winds stay at our back. Our Dusty Mistress be appeased. Our Mugs ever full. Onwards ye' Dogs, Into the Fray.

*He started drifting into sleep. The battle had throughly battered his body. His armor was pierced and gashed. Every movement was painful, but it didnt matter to him. A small pool of blood was forming under his chair. The doctors had no choice but to work on him there, trying to stabilize him. He held Jun'ko's hand and drifted off.*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #160 on: April 03, 2013, 11:01:31 pm »
After viciously flirting with the nurse that patched him up, Papa walked up to the Emperors galleon.

A squad of men pointed guns at him.


"I was on the team that brought the birdmen to their knees, show some fuckin' respect, boy."

The looked at each other, and lowered their guns.

"You may pass"

As Papa enter the Galleon he smelled the opulence: Perfumes hung in the air, as well as incense burning. Golden laced furniture, tapestry's, and carpets.

The emperor sat at his desk

"So the mechanical spectre... The blight of Chang-ning himself enters my chamber, tell me why I shouldn't have you killed you insolent dog."

"Because as much damage as I've done to your empire, albeit all deserved I..."

The Emporer stood up furiously.

"Yes, deserved. One of your fleets killed my best friend... so I raided. Town by town, village by village... and to this day I still haven't been sated for his death."


Two men rushed in and grabbed Papa's arms.

"Arrest this man for acts against the empire."

"You have two seconds to let me go."

Before they could even think, Papa's one arm dawned the hidden blade, amputating the one guards arm, before the other could react he had a blade at his neck and was raised a foot in the air.

Staring deep into the Emperors eyes Papa said:

"I want a full pardon. You can save this one's life, an opportunity I've never given until now."

"You son of a..."

"We got time now, why don't you write and sign that document now... Oh and before you even think about going back on this deal, remember I own the DLTC so unless you want a massive embargo on Yesha I suggest you adhere to it"

Papa let go of and brushed off the soldier, winked at him as he picked up the piece of paper. He left the Galleon unharmed and rejoined the group.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"Making friends and influencing people."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #161 on: April 03, 2013, 11:17:03 pm »
*Yiski notices Paradox putting away a parchment and saw some soldiers leading a one-armed soldier to the triage tents. Yiski facepalmed.*

Dammit, I'm goin' to assume that was your doin'. As much as I don't care what you do, don't let it cause trouble for the rest of us. I've got a large enough target on my back as it is and don't need you makin' it bigger.

*Meanwhile inside a triage tent, Roland is lying on a bed after the medics reset his leg bone and applied braces to it. Roland attempts to get up, but Ny-Lee immediately pushes him back down.*

Oh no you don't. You're resting.

I am fine now. Plus, my leg does not hurt as much.

*Despite Roland's comments, Ny-Lee forced Roland back down, though she did give her new fiancee a kiss.*

Should we tell the others about our announcement?

I think it is best we wait for everyone to recover some.


*Ny-Lee gave Roland another kiss.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #162 on: April 04, 2013, 12:21:59 am »
*After stabilizing all the injured in the group, everyone was then transferred onto a medium transport ship*
*Roland, Jun'ko, and Zill were all being carried onto it by stretchers. On the ship, they were moved onto the beds on board the vessel*

*On ship Ny-Lee goes over and sits next to Roland on his bed, in another room Jun'ko and Zill are placed next to eachother.*
*A platoon of imperial soldiers are also coming on board to provide protection*

*Yiski and Shink are wandering about the ship having thoughts to themselves*
*BdrLine goes up to the helm and sees Zankif*

So we're ready to set off?

Hold on, i was told to wait. The Emperor said he wanted to speak to one of your friends. Once he finished we start leaving

*BdrLine goes to a window and sees Guards escort Papa Paradox to the Imperial Galleon*
*Sighs* Alright. Paradox what did you do now.

*Outside on the boarding platform, Papa Paradox was about to board the ship*
*A squad of Imperial Guards halted him*

What do you want.

Sir, the Emperor has a message for you. We are ordered to escort you to him, once finished you may return to this ship.

Very well.

*The Guards escort Paradox back to the Galleon*
*He is then taken back to his office again*

*The Emperor sees him enters and slides a document towards him, before Paradox retrieves it, the Emperor spoke*
Sit and listen. Yes these are the pardon papers, unsigned. I sign them once we are finished. But why should you spared that life when you already killed countless of innocent citizens in my Empire. Why did you keep killing just to justify for one death of a friend. We all lost friends, why is this one important to you, why go on a rampage on the innocents who has done nothing against you. And why did you stayed on this mission when you knew that it would come back here. I sign this document that it may bring justice for you, but I ask will it bring justice to my people? Just take it and once you finished your time here, leave and never come back. We will be watching you if you do return, we'll capture you and do more then how you received your limbs. Oh if you do place an Embargo, we are self-sustained plus you should know the largest company on this side. It's the White Lotus Trading Company, and i do believe its own by one of your friends a certain Zhao Family, you wouldn't want and target them. But i'm finished take your papers and begone with you.

*The Emperor signs the document and slides them to Paradox*
*He grabs them and looks over it, he gets up and leaves towards the transport ship, Zankif sees him board and he raise the ship into the sky heading towards the City of Eternal Tranquility*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #163 on: April 04, 2013, 12:39:03 am »
*Jun'ko finally wakes from her ordeal. She finds herself in a room with Zill, who is sleeping. She isnt sure what happened, but doesnt panic. She looks over to Zill and sees the effects of the battle. All his gear had been removed. Bruises and cuts lined his torso, plus the gunshot wound. She just looked on. At first she was mad that him, but then was glad he was alive. She kissed his forehead and walked outside. She bumped into Yiski as she exited.*
Oh silly me, must be groggy still.

Good to see you awake. Zill was worried.

Worried? He doesnt get worried....

He does for those he cares about. He just never shows it until he ends up like this normally. He practically blew himself up protecting us.

*She remembers his comment at the tower exit. My love.*
Now that sounds like him, heh. So did we win?

Indeed. You took quite the blow there but its over for the Birds. We are headed to Chang-ning. Get some rest.

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #164 on: April 04, 2013, 01:01:32 am »

Yiski exited Zill and Jun'ko's room and knocked on Roland and Ny-Lee's door.

Even if they're young, you never know.

Come in.

Yiski enters and sees Roland lying down with Ny-Lee sitting next to him on the bed. Yiski approaches the bed.

Huh... should've expected nothin' with these two. So, how's your leg feelin'?

It is feeling much better, but it does cause some pain when I shift it around.

Which is why I'm making sure he's not going anywhere.

The couple smiled at each other. All Yiski could do was sit in their aura of love. During the couples' stare, Yiski spotted a ring on Ny-Lee's hand. It was the wedding band he had handed to Roland. Yiski also saw the matching ring on Roland. Couple had slipped it on after they were in the room.

Well I'll be drenched in Hellfire. Well, I guess congratulations are in order.

Roland and Ny-Lee followed Yiski's eyes to their hands and the two blushed.

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm not goin' to ask for details, but I'm goin' to guess this was recent and BdrLine doesn't know yet.

Yes, well we were hoping to tell him on our trip. He turns to Ny-Lee. Also, this trip will give me a chance to meet Ny-Lee's parents.

Well, I guess this is the best time. Uh... give me a minute. BDRLINE! GET DOWN HERE!

Wait? You're calling down my brother now?

Well, you said you were gonna tell him.

Yes, but...

BdrLine came down and entered the room. He was covered in sweat, dust, and smoke. Yiski gave a grunt.


Yup, but what is it you want?

These two here have something to tell you.

Yiski, wait...

What? He walks by Yiski and stands in front of the couple. Please don't tell me you two... uh... did... you know... when two people are intimate with...

Ny-Lee threw her knife at BdrLine barely missing him and lodging into the wall. Ny-Lee was flush from what BdrLine was implying.

Where in the world would you get an idea like that? I mean we haven't done anything... yet...

Roland heard the last word and became flush as well. Before BdrLine could ask Ny-Lee to clarify the last word was, Yiski stepped in.

Come on now. They're young, not stupid.

Well, what is it then?

Roland and Ny-Lee looked back and forth at each other and BdrLine. All the while, they stumbled over their words. Yiski laughed. Finally, the two took a deep breath and said simultaneously.

We are engaged.
We are engaged.

The couple showed BdrLine the rings on their hands. BdrLine stood in complete silence. Moments passed without movement and Yiski went over and tapped BdrLine in the shoulder. BdrLine then fell over and was out cold. The three stare at BdrLine.

Well all things consider, this was probably the best result of the things which could've happened.


--END OF DAY 11--
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 01:05:00 am by Yiski »