Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future  (Read 233188 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #165 on: April 04, 2013, 10:35:51 am »


The team still had a few hours before they arrived in Chang-ning. Yiski had carried BdrLine to another room and dropped BdrLine in a bed.

Heh... if he acts like this to the new, I can only imagine his parents' reactions.

Yiski leaves and heads back to see Zill and Jun'ko. He knocks and enters to see Jun'ko still awake and Zill asleep. Jun'ko greets Yiski with a smile and Yiski can see she hasn't gotten any sleep.

I thought I told you to get some sleep.

I can't. Not with him like this. I'm terrified that if I don't watch him, I'll lose him.

That maybe true. Zill is crazy, but you knew that already.


Yiski sighed and grinned.

You should get some rest. I doubt Zill will want to look at you as you are now.

Yiski's response was met quickly with a kick to his leg. Yiski dodged and looked at Jun'ko who was sticking her tongue at him.

I guess you're right.

Jun'ko then closed her eyes and was asleep immediately. Yiski chuckled to himself and left the two.

Feeling a little cramped below deck, Yiski decides to head top side and sees Shink lounging around and Paradox leaning against the railing. Before talking to either of them, Yiski yells up to the helmsman.

How much longer till we dock?

We should arrive around the afternoon.


Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #166 on: April 04, 2013, 10:44:40 am »
*Shink Sees Yiski Heading his way, and starts to get up and moving*

"Hey Yiski... I can't wait to get back home, and have some good old hellfire at the Saloon.

*Exhaustion overcomes Shink and he stumbles a bit, and Papa stabilizes him*

"Careful boy, your wound have yet to heal completely"

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired... Yiski, how is everyone else?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #167 on: April 04, 2013, 10:56:02 am »
*Zill woke up slowly, the hum of the transport's engines greeting him. He looked around and saw Jun'ko. A short inspection of her face told him she stayed up all night. He sighed and thought of getting up.*
Well, she stayed all night, so ill stay awhile. She worries too much.....

*He tries to move and is greeted to instant pain. He grunts.*
And then again, I give her reason to....

*The fact she was still sleeping despite his movements meant she was out like a light. Despite the pain, he put a blanket on her. He saw his watch on the stand next to his bed and flipped it open. He fidgeted with it a little and put it back. Scenes from the battle flashed in his mind, followed by sharp pain again. He went back to bed and dozed off.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #168 on: April 04, 2013, 11:01:42 am »
-Top Deck-

*Yiski turns to Shink.*

Well, there's some business we have to take care of once we get to Chang-ning. First, Zill and I need new ships to get us back to Anvala. Though I'm sure the Empire would be more than happy to transport us back, there's nothin' like flyin' your own ship... with enough firepower to blow raiders out of the skies.

*Yiski walks over and leans against the railing*

Speakin' of Zill, he and Jun'ko are asleep. Roland and Ny-Lee are are okay, though Roland's still nursin' his leg. And BdrLine's well... indisposed.

*Yiski then walks around for a bit and notices his leg is still irritable, but not noticeable to Shink or Paradox.*

Damn scattershot. Docs probably missed a few bits of metal.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #169 on: April 04, 2013, 11:54:00 am »
*An hour or so passes, and Zill wakes up again. Jun'ko hasnt budged. He gets up with much pain slowing him down. He tries stretching and that just makes it worse. A small blood stain appears on his bandages.*
I cant even flakin' stretch?? Its going to be a long day....

*He slowly sits on his bed and look at Jun'ko. He couldnt leave her alone in the room. She looked so peaceful as she slept. He laid back down and dozed off once more.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #170 on: April 04, 2013, 02:34:13 pm »
*Yiski's leg was still bothering him. He decided to head back down below deck to rest. He went into the room where BdrLine was still out cold his shock from Roland and Ny-Lee's engagement.*

*Yiski decided to sit in a chair and started recapping everything that's happened.*

Go to war with a secret world-dominating organization and win: Check. Get shot: Check. Killin' the people who shot at me: Check. Paradox causing trouble: Double and triple check. Blowin' shit up: Always. Zill being badly wounded: Check. Roland and Ny-Lee gettin' engaged and seein' BdrLine's reaction: Priceless.

*With that, Yiski closed his eyes for a well deserved nap.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #171 on: April 04, 2013, 05:04:58 pm »
*A few hours later, BdrLine wakes up and notices he is in one of the rooms of the ship*
*He swings he's legs over the side of the bed and sees Yiski sleeping on a chair*

*Figuring he is resting after the fighting, BdrLine leaves him be and exits towards the top deck*
*On top side, BdrLine goes towards the bow, and in the distance the he can see the skyline of the city*
Almost home. ...Now what to tell my parents about their daughter being engaged?

*BdrLine rest his arms on the railings looking out at the city, thinking on what to say*

*In Ny-Lee and Roland's room, Ny is having tue same thoughts as well*
*She face Roland onthe bed*
Roland dear, how should we tell my parents about our engagement?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #172 on: April 04, 2013, 05:17:04 pm »
*Roland sits up and puts his back against the bed's headboard and puts his hand to his chin in a thinking posture.*

Hmm... Well, first I would have to know more about your parents. Aside from that, the best time to tell them would probably be when we see them.

Shouldn't we wait before telling them? I mean...

No, no my dear. The sooner we tell them, the longer they have to accept our decision.

And if they never approve?

*Roland made a mental grimace. He knew there was a high chance her family wouldn't accept him because of his merits or lack thereof. He turns to Ny-Lee and forces a grin.*

I do not see why they would object to your decision and happiness. If the worse comes to pass, then I am positive we can work it out.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #173 on: April 04, 2013, 06:33:13 pm »
*Jun'ko wakes up this time. She sees Zill asleep and notices the blanket on her.*
I dont remember this. Did he wake up yet stay here?

*She sat next to him, and noticed the small blood stain on his bandages. She sighs.*
So you did move. I picked a stubborn one thats for sure.

*She yawns, and puts the blanket over both of them. In her mind, this would stop him from moving, surely. She falls asleep.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #174 on: April 04, 2013, 06:51:32 pm »
*Back at the bow, one of the ships personnel goes up to BdrLine*
Sir we are about to arrive into the city and dock in around thirty minutes. We also received word that your parents send vehicles to pick you and your friends up for the Manor.

*BdrLine turns towards him*
How about medical treatment for us?

They expected that you would be healing and brought medical doctors. They will be there once your group arrives

Thank you, I'll let the others know

*The personnel nods and leaves*
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 06:53:23 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #175 on: April 04, 2013, 09:17:33 pm »

Hours pass by and the transport ship finally makes port in Chang-ning.

The city is the capital of the Yeshan Empire and has a completely different look and feel than Anvala. Aside from the vast difference in scale, Chang-ning is renown for its open stall markets which can be found all over the city and one can argue it holds everything the current world has to offer. The fashion and architecture draw heavily from pre-world orient compared to Anvala's (and by extension the Baronies) pre-world renaissance Europe.

The Emperor palace, or "Pride of Yesha" as its commonly called by its citizens, sits at the far end of the city. Built before the Great War, it's one of the few landmarks which survived and even fewer with all of it splendor and beauty.

Ny-Lee walks into Yiski's room and wakes him up.

Transports arrived to take us to the hospital. A prior emergency transport has already taken Zill, Shink, and Roland.

Ah... alright, give me a second.

Ny-Lee leaves and Yiski gets up and starts walking, his leg still feeling the same.

Definitely goin' to get this fixed. It's gettin' annoying.

Yiski arrives at the transport and sees the others are waiting for him.

You wanna hurry up there? I don't want to stay any longer than I have to.

Ny-Lee shoots a look to Paradox, but refrains from saying anything. Yiski gets on and the transport makes it way to meet the others at the hospital.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #176 on: April 04, 2013, 09:55:57 pm »
*Zill wakes up to a blinding light. After his eyes focus, he looks around and realizes he isnt on the ship anymore. Jun'ko isnt there either. He realizes its a form of hospital but doesnt know where. Not taking chances he gets up. The pain is quick to hit. He grunts and makes for the door. He opens the door and there is blood on the handle. Looking down, his bangades have started leaking blood.

At this point he just wanted out. The blood loss was making him dizzy. Not knowing where he was, he just looked for a near exit or elevator. Some doctors followed his blood trail and called out.*
Hey! You shouldnt be moving!

Who are you?

We're here to help!

Oh dont....Get away....from me!

*Zill walks faster but falls over. The blood loss was too much. He passes out as doctors surround him.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #177 on: April 04, 2013, 11:28:10 pm »
--Central Hospital--

*Yiski and the others arrive at the hospital. When they get out and head inside, they see a group of doctors rushing toward one part of the hospital. Ny-Lee turned to the entrance attendant.*

What is going on?

Well, we had just gotten a new arrival. I think he was in a sort of battle... Oh flak, don't tell me... anyways he seemed to have caused a ruckus.

*Jun'ko swallowed hard.*

Did he have a mask?

Yes he did...

*Immediately, Jun'ko went running of into the directions all the doctors were heading towards.*

I swear if you're not dead, I'm going to kick you so hard!

*The others were just left standing at the lobby. Soon enough, Yiski had to sit down and start rubbing his leg.*

Are you alright?

Mostly, kinda feel like I've got a few bits of metal in my leg the field docs missed.

*Before Ny-Lee could say anything the attendant spoke into the PA.*

Can I get a wheelchair and a nurse to the lobby please?

*Moments later, a nurse with a wheelchair came.*

Sir. We can check out your leg immediately.

*Yiski nodded and shifted himself into the wheelchair where he was whisked away.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #178 on: April 05, 2013, 12:32:17 am »
-Central Hospital-

*Jun'ko rushes in with the doctors. Zill has since regained conciousness and is fighting the doctors to keep him on the bed. She enters the fray and tell the doctors to back off.*
Get away! He needs to see a familiar face!

*Zill is breathing heavily, and bleeding still. His eyes lock with Jun'ko's. He calms down and just looks at her.*
Youre....youre here...

*He passes out again. She starts to slowly cry. She removes his mask, tears hitting it as she undoes the straps. Once its off, she slowly goes to the door. The doctos begin working as he is out.*
Take good care of him...

We'll do everything we can.

Dusty Mistress help you if you dont.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #179 on: April 05, 2013, 03:51:01 am »

At the central hospital, each of the members in the team are escorted in to different rooms for their injuries. In one room, Yiski is lying down on a bed as doctors remove the field bandages. At closer inspection, they can see leftover metal traces from the scattershot.

Great gods man who was the physician that checked your leg? I'm surprised that you aren't in pain because of this.

Lets just say that it was a quick patch up as he had others to attend to.

*sighs* Very well... Nurse can you hand me some pliers.

As the doctor works on removing the metal in Yiski's leg, Roland is in another room where doctors are checking on his broken ankle. Ny-Lee is also with him sitting on a chair besides his bed. The doctors check the brace that is on his leg, they see that it was properly fixed correctly, but decides to replace it with a medical grade brace. Once finished replacing the brace, they go and look over Ny-Lee and her injuries. She only received minor cuts and bruises from the battle, and with a few stitches, she is cleared to go.

After applying the stitches, Ny-Lee goes up to the doctors.
You think you can clear the room and give us some privacy, we would like some rest.

[Sure thing ma'am.]

As the doctors exited the room, Ny-Lee goes back to the chair and sits facing Roland.
My parents may come here tonight to check up on myself and my brother. You ready for us to tell them about our engagement?

Roland is lying in bed when he looks into Ny-Lee's eyes and holds a hand onto hers.
Yes we should tell them as earlier as possible. And no matter what their answer will be, we will go through this together.

Ny-Lee becomes warm inside by Roland's answer and goes up to kiss him on the lips. Roland kisses back, but is limited on how much he can lean forward because of his legs. Ny-Lee sees this and chuckles, she stands up and goes over and leans so that he can kiss her better. After a moment, Roland breaks the kiss as a yawn escapes his mouth.


After a whole day of fighting for my life, ... a little.

Ny-Lee chuckles again and goes over and adjust his pillows.
I think we all need to rest after that, here just lay down and go to sleep.

How about you?

Don't worr, I'll be right next to you on this chair. Right now just rest.

Roland reluctantly agrees and makes himself comfortable on the bed. Ny-Lee goes back to her chair and lays her head on his bed. Both holds hands and soon they drift into a slumber.

Continuing on, in different rooms, Shink and Paradox are being checked as well. Well doctors are checking over Shink as Paradox in his room is flirting up a storm with the nurses.

In the cafeteria, BdrLine has already been check for his injuries. He sits at the table with a plate of food. What he doesn't notices is that his mother, father, and his younger brother has entered the room. Huan, Bdr's younger brother spots his older sibling and rushes over him rearlly tackling him off the chair.

BROTHER soo good to see you again.

BdrLine cringes a little from his wounds but hugs Huan.
Huan nice to see you as well. I noticed you grow that last time I saw you. What are you now 11, 13?

Huan releases his hug and wraps his arm around his head
Oh haha, you know that I'm 18. And i can see your age showing.

Ok Huan, Huan, you're choking me. Can you please let me go, just got back from a battle and my body hurts remember? And how is 27 old, I think you're confusing me with dad.

Huan lets go of his grip.
Ops, sorry. I'm just glad you and Ny are back.

BdrLine parents eventually goes towards them. Their father hears the last bit of the conversation and laughs a little.
Hey don't you point old age at me, i still have ways to go. But speaking of your sister, where is she.

BdrLine see that his parents are here, goes up and hugs them both. He releases them and to his father.
Well she, and the others that I am with, are still being checked over by doctors. It may take awhile, only reason I'm here is that, besides a grazed forearm, i got no other injuries.

BdrLine's mother is the next to speak.
Oh is the boyfriend of her's came with you guys as well. I really want to meet him since you brought him up when we talked on the radio.

BdrLine gets a little nervous as he remembers that Roland and Ny are engeged.
Ahh yes Roland is here as well. He is being looked over at the momentl.

When you think we can meet him?

Yes i want to see the man who is dating my daughter as well.

Well it may take awhile as all of us have different injuries and such, some minor, some major.... *sighs* Ahh mom, dad there is something that i want to tell you. Roland and Ny.... I mean Ny and Roland.... jeez how do i say this.

BdrLine's mother puts a hand up to make him stop speaking.
Stop right there, they are engaged aren't they?

BdrLine is dumfounded on how his mother can deduce it that quickly. Even Huan goes slack jawed at the comment.
But, but how did you know, i didnt even tell you yet.

Just call it mother tuition plus this is almost how your father engage to me, without all the saving the Empire and fighting a secret organisation and others.

Say what now?

Well you see before my trading company took off and before you father became an important political figure. I was just a plain merchant ship captain and he was just a scholar. Well one day he accidentally came on bard my ship I think he was drunk when he came aboard, hmm can't remember. But when we first saw eachother somehow we were meant to be. Well he started to see me every time I came back to port. Eventually we started dating, but how he proposed to me is sorta similar to how your sister got proposed.

You mean that you were about to enter a life or death situation and that, no matter what you two will bw together?

Not exactly, my family didn't approve of him as they distrusted politicians and barred me from seeing him. You can guess that i got pretty angry and fumed all my anger at him as an outlet. Well he can see the hurt in my eyes and stop me in mid-sentence, drop on one knee and proposed promising that no matter what, we will get through it together.

BdrLine father goes up and hug his mother form behind.
And i'm happy that we did.

All four family members continuing discussing and sharing different stories, laughing and being happy that their family is back together.

But in the ER its a much somber tone. Doctors are around Zill's body trying to stop the blood flow. Outside the door, Jun'ko is sitting on a chair

Please Dusty Mistress, please don't take him away from me

Back inside the ER, doctors frantically running around.
Nurse can you apply pressure on that wound, too much blood is coming out. ...Can some one get me some clean bandages!?! ...Ok check his pulse again.

A nurse goes over and puts her hand over the open wound
Yes doctor on it

On the other side, another nurse goes over and gets new bandages as she takes and removes the blood soaked ones. She then quickly dries up the remaining blood that is covering Zill's body.

Another doctor then notices that the bleeding has stopped and addresses the head doctor, he them complies to check the pulse again.
He has a steady beat, all the blood has even stop flowing. He's gonna make it.

The head doctor gives a sigh pf relief.
Thats good, well lets stitch up his wounds. Ahh nurse can you bring me a blood bag, with the amount he lost, he will need a transfusion

As the nurse leaves to get the proper equipment, the remaining doctors stitches up all of Zill's wounds. Around his torso, they wrapped around bandages as to immobilize Zill so he won't open his new stitches and that if there is anymore bleeding, it will soak it up. The doctors then transfer Zill onto a gurney where they set up the equipment for the fusion and roll Zill out from the ER towards an empty room.

As the doors from the ER opens, Jun'ko sees Zill unconscious and is happy to see him alive. She followed them to a room, where she explains to the nurses that she is close to him. They agree to let her stay in the room. Once they left Jun'ko moves a chair and sits in front of the bed watching his chest rise and fall from sleep.

With the injuries most of the team has sustained, doctors recommend that everyone should stay over night to see how their wounds will hold up. Shink and Paradox are just in their rooms wandering when will they leave. Ny-Lee and Roland are fast asleep within each other embrace. In the cafeteria, BdrLine is chatting up a storm reconnecting with his family. And Jun'ko watches as Zill is fast asleep happy that he has survives.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 04:22:49 am by BdrLineAzn »