Author Topic: Press Start Community Guns of Icarus Tournament - Sign ups extended to April 30  (Read 65524 times)

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Ah crud. I forgot to clarify again NO CASH. If the team chooses to get a prize it will be steam gift cards or a tangible item. International laws and even local laws are very difficult with cash. It's a prize pool that can get the team Steam gift cards or a tangible item or they can donate it to Child's Play under their name instead of PSC.

I know it seems unnecessary however I feel odd forcing the winners to donate. I'm pretty confident every team would however I would still like to allow the teams to decide themselves.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 01:16:16 pm by ZeckPressStart »

Offline Allien'

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Well this event has been catching my attention since its been published, mainly for the wrong reasons, I'm sorry. Because of the lack of interest I didn't left a comment before but now , that you have something more defined, I fell like showing what my/our concerns are.
Looking at the current list of teams I notice that there's only 3/8 teams left to fill but there's no regulars, which left us concerned. Then after some research I found that almost every player on that list is not sign up into the game, yet.
Then, even if we would like to participate, there's also a competition going on at the moment, The Sky League, in which most of the teams in this game are participating, and its also going to be on the 19th.

But I liked the way you change the structure of the event with the tips of the community. I wish you the best of luck with this event ;)

Offline Velvet

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Ah crud. I forgot to clarify again NO CASH. If the team chooses to get a prize it will be steam gift cards or a tangible item. International laws and even local laws are very difficult with cash. It's a prize pool that can get the team Steam gift cards or a tangible item or they can donate it to Child's Play under their name instead of PSC.

I know it seems unnecessary however I feel odd forcing the winners to donate. I'm pretty confident every team would however I would still like to allow the teams to decide themselves.
my mistake, I just generally meant putting the money towards the winners. I understand your reasoning although I still respectfully disagree. Competitive teams are interested in any well organised and well presented event, an (insignificant) cash prize would probably mean rather less than the joy and satisfaction of winning (or indeed losing) closely matched games.

and yes, I agree with Allien that with 5 of the team slots filled by total newcomers, your tournament will have issues. If some regular competitive teams do participate a lot of  those matches will be total stomps which may make things rather less interesting for everyone involved.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 03:03:58 pm by Velvet »

Offline Imagine

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Holy moly, guys, turn down the dial on the elitism meter...

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Well this event has been catching my attention since its been published, mainly for the wrong reasons, I'm sorry. Because of the lack of interest I didn't left a comment before but now , that you have something more defined, I fell like showing what my/our concerns are.
Looking at the current list of teams I notice that there's only 3/8 teams left to fill but there's no regulars, which left us concerned. Then after some research I found that almost every player on that list is not sign up into the game, yet.
Then, even if we would like to participate, there's also a competition going on at the moment, The Sky League, in which most of the teams in this game are participating, and its also going to be on the 19th.

But I liked the way you change the structure of the event with the tips of the community. I wish you the best of luck with this event ;)

Yes you are right I did not start this topic out right lol I've learned a lot.

As for the event yes i did get a lot of Noobies to start. Like I said I wanted this event to be more about the fun of the game (bring more new players in) and less about the winning and being the best. For you guys here I was hoping to offer more of just a laid back game for you guys to play or if you had new tactics you wanted to test or if you had new clan members that you wanted to get some practice in. This is a casual Tournament that's all. I know getting some of the top players could result in the stomping of the lower players however i just wanted to offer a more casual fun event for everyone here that's all.

As for sky league i thought it was over on April 26th? that's was why i extended the signups till the 30th after the sky league finishes. Did I somehow miss some other event???

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Holy moly, guys, turn down the dial on the elitism meter...

Haha thanks Imagine no worries though I knew i was posting in a place where a lot of high level players were going to see my small little noobie event. I was expecting these kind of posts and readied myself for them. :)

Offline Imagine

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Holy moly, guys, turn down the dial on the elitism meter...

Haha thanks Imagine no worries though I knew i was posting in a place where a lot of high level players were going to see my small little noobie event. I was expecting these kind of posts and readied myself for them. :)
Well, you shouldn't have to. Most of the people here pride themselves for being a part of a very accepting community and it's been anything but. I'm glad you're able to take it in stride and grab the positive from it, but it's still something that bugged me >_<

Offline Allien'

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Oh, sorry, that was totally my bad. :)

Offline Thomas

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Will the matches only be played on DM maps? Or all maps?

Normally I wouldn't recommend Dunes as the tie breaker, as it's one the largest maps and teams can spend a long time playing hide and seek as they snipe at each other. Although if it's newer teams, this probably won't be an issue.

Labyrinth is probably a good choice, and I believe most tournaments in the past use Duel at Dawn because of it's small size. Not a lot of ways to draw a match out.

Offline Imagine

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Labyrinth? What? The game can take forever, especially if people take a while going back and forth capping at the start, much less turning points in the middle of the game. There's a reason lobbies empty out when Labs comes up.

Offline Thomas

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*Sorry, I meant Paritan. And I hope he did too. xD
I always end up calling Paritan, Labyrinth. Just sounds better I think.

Offline Velvet

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Holy moly, guys, turn down the dial on the elitism meter...
Elitism? What is elitist about stating the fact that a tournament between a highly skilled and a generally inexperienced team may not be very interesting? My understanding is that this is a pretty widely accepted fact in all areas of competition.
Now that it's clear the the tournament is intended to be more casual the situation makes slightly more sense. This wasn't at all clear as the OP has expressed an interest in involving the seriously competitive teams and creating videos that are interesting to watch - and the general understanding is that a competitive tournament is going to be, well, competitive. You probably won't think this is very nice but I'm not particularly interested in participating in an event where the majority of teams are hugely inexperienced and have no real interest in or commitment to competitive play.

Perhaps you're right, and there is a certain amount of elitism in competitive play. The object of most tournaments is to find and acknowledge the best teams. Most participants want to be the best and play with the best, and the viewers are watching because they want to see the game's best players face each other down in tense matches. If not, we would all play pub matches, watch pub matches and be happy with it. I don't actually see a problem with that kind of "elitism".

Where elitism is a problem is when people are being refused entry to a group (for instance in this case the competitive scene) because they are not "good enough". This is not that situation. This is a tournament where the majority of teams have no connection with the GOIO community, don't play GOIO actively or competitively and don't have any apparent interest in playing GOIO actively or competitively. I don't grudge them that, but equally I don't think they will be much fun to compete against or have much fun competitive against seasoned competitive players rather than against each other. Mixing these two rather separate casual and competitive communities with different interests and different skill levels into the same tournament does not seem like a good idea to me.

Imagine, you seem to think I am criticising the organisation of this event out of contempt or some delusion of superiority. To clarify: I'd love to see this tournament, or any new event, succeed. However, I don't feel that it necessary to refuse to acknowledge any issue or flaw that the proposal may have. Failing to point these problems out is not going to achieve any kind of resolution.
You have taken offence to the critical feedback being offered in this thread. I would counter that all good feedback on any creation is to some extent critical, because nothing is perfect. It is the unfortunate truth that in the case of a highly inexperienced creator the proportion of criticism must be higher as they have more to learn and more to improve upon.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Will the matches only be played on DM maps? Or all maps?

Normally I wouldn't recommend Dunes as the tie breaker, as it's one the largest maps and teams can spend a long time playing hide and seek as they snipe at each other. Although if it's newer teams, this probably won't be an issue.

Labyrinth is probably a good choice, and I believe most tournaments in the past use Duel at Dawn because of it's small size. Not a lot of ways to draw a match out.

Duel at dawn right I forgot about that map... I think you may be right in that one. Dune is fairly open and easy to just run from one another... hmm anyone else have any recommendations for tie breaker maps? Im very interested in this I chose dune and lab since dune is a very open map and lab is a very cluttered map. I figured those two will be the best way to offer a change in dynamic from whatever the actual map was which cause the low point score or tie. I was trying to look for a way to completely change the environment forcing the two teams to completely change tactics and possibly end the stalemate

As for the maps as it says in the for posts all maps will be randomly selected from the 2v2 death match battles. No capture matches will be played at least not in this event..
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 06:30:15 pm by ZeckPressStart »

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Labyrinth? What? The game can take forever, especially if people take a while going back and forth camping at the start, much less turning points in the middle of the game. There's a reason lobbies empty out when Labs comes up.

Right camping but that could be a problem in any map can't it. I actually enjoy lab it places a lot of skill on the flying side of the crew needing to work with the pilot to reduce impacts. You can set up ambushes in the buildings as I myself did against bubbles.

I didnt think of camping at start... does any other tournament holder use any type of tactic to prevent this from happening?

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Alot of tournaments showed that Dunes with its low amount of possible cover and especially covered ways to approach an enemy for a bid of distance tends to end in extreme long range battles where it takes quite a while to actually happen.
Duel is the smallest map with alot of cover. Not to many hard cover but enough to get closer and grab an engagement where you can get a benefit. Even against a sniper.
Thats why its probably the best tiebreaker map.
Paritan would work aswell but it can end in drawn out longrange engagements aswell. You can prolong a fight there quite decent.
Same goes for fjords. While you can approach an enemy there its usually the one with crontol of the archway that can decide how the map is played out.
And Canyon has its own issue.
To many clouds in the actual canyon can often lead to both teams going in there and just circling around each other and moving into the enemy spawn without getting a glimpse on each other.
And i wouldnt suggest a CP map like labyrinth for a tie break.
While it defintly forces you to play a different style it can probably prolong a series much harder than a smaller DM map like Duel.

Well the currently run Skyleage are using the same time limit rule the Sunday Rumbles and the Saturday Box Socials used.
You have a 30 minute time limit.
Once that limit exceeds the match is called a draw unless one team has minimum 3 kills.
If this is the case the match goes into overtime.
Overtime means that a 2 minute timer starts. If one ship looses armor the timer is reset 2 two minutes.
That can happen to a max of 15 minutes. In that time any team can grab the win by the usual winning conditions (5 kills).
If that didnt happen or the timer runs out the match will be called by the current score.

While this rule has its own issues and influence on the match a limit is definitly needed.
Else you have matches go for an hour without anything special happening.

You dont have to use that presented rule. But i would suggest you to get a time limit rule into your ruleset when you want to get highlvl or competetive players into your match.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 06:52:55 pm by Alistair MacBain »