Author Topic: Press Start Community Guns of Icarus Tournament - Sign ups extended to April 30  (Read 66470 times)

Offline ZeckPressStart

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They are apparently working on getting a sponsor for the whole thing as well...

Here is a link to a quick doc of it since there are no spoiler tags on the forums yet, and I don't want to clutter the thread.

15min games, that's going to be rough.

15 minute games is the plan so far i've had matches last longer and also shorter depending on the teams. I'll be running open optional skirmishes this week and next to test this and see if this time limit is good or bad. The idea is to get a good youtube video that isn't too long but doesn't have tons of jumps. I'll be testing this and possibly adjusting this if necessary...

Offline Omniraptor

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I am... very concerned about the presence of cash prizes (and betting). They can potentially do bad things to the spirit of a game once they're added. Am I the only one that feels this way?

Extrisnic motivation like this can actually make something you enjoy doing a lot less fun. It's a well-studied and documented effect.

p.s. charity is awesome, don't get me wrong. The ratio is just kind of low IMO.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 07:22:45 pm by Omniraptor »

Offline ZeckPressStart

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I am... very concerned about the presence of cash prizes (and betting). They can potentially do bad things to the spirit of a game once they're added. Am I the only one that feels this way?

Extrisnic motivation like this can actually make something you enjoy doing a lot less fun. It's a well-studied and documented effect.

p.s. charity is awesome, don't get me wrong. The ratio kind of bothers me, though.

Sorry more clarification no cash prizes due to age restrictions and countries. The prizes will be more like either steam gift cards or tangible item other then cash. This also prevents the negative aspects that can arise from cash betting. As for the ratio of 50/50 right now, this is only in case of low participation. If the event gets the exposure I hope it does the ratio will update and more will go to Child's play. I'm hoping to earn at last $25 per player in the team. Once we at least have that then the ratio will change to 85% to child's play. There will be no cash available to win just raffling based on teams.  you get 5 tickets for a dollar and can put a ticket in each team if you wish for $6 you can have a ticket on each team in each match and be in each raffle. Items you can win include game keys, in game avatar items and I'm working on getting more such as steam gift cards and such.  I'm working very hard to do what i can to reward the viewers as well as the players.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 07:18:51 pm by ZeckPressStart »

Offline Piemanlives

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I have to agree, while our tournaments have always had prizes, for instance costumes or badges attached to them. We have never actually competed for actual cash, costumes and badges are not very substantial and are freely given through certain events.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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I have to agree, while our tournaments have always had prizes, for instance costumes or badges attached to them. We have never actually competed for actual cash, costumes and badges are not very substantial and are freely given through certain events.

I agree with you sorry but I didn't want to make a long post so I apparently left out some important details. However please continue to post things so I can help to clarify things.

Offline Skrimskraw

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guess its just wait for the end product.

problems you will have:
time limit on matches,15 mins means brawl or go 0-0 most likely.
actual event time, if you put it at 4pm EST on a weekday, lots of eu players wont make it due to work the day after, if you put it earlier lots of US players is at work.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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guess its just wait for the end product.

problems you will have:
time limit on matches,15 mins means brawl or go 0-0 most likely.
actual event time, if you put it at 4pm EST on a weekday, lots of eu players wont make it due to work the day after, if you put it earlier lots of US players is at work.

Ah good to know... I was hoping 15 could be enough however now that I think back my matches do take a while... In you opinion what do you feel would be a fair amount of time?

As for scheduling the matches are pre-recorded to allow for flexible scheduling the scheduling will start the last weekend of march and we will have 3 weeks to schedule the matches and take everyone's schedules into consideration.

Offline macmacnick

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Our previous time-limit rules in competitive were around 45 minutes and either led to a conclusion with who won or to a sudden death round.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Our previous time-limit rules in competitive were around 45 minutes and either led to a conclusion with who won or to a sudden death round.

Thank you I'm curious how do you deal with latency have you ever had any issues with people thinking the latency would cause an advantage? That was the reason for what i was doing two matches with each one being away and home. I could possibly hold a 40 minute match and have each youtube show be 20 minutes with the cliff hanger for the first recording. Thank you, this is the other reason for posting here. Matt told me to post on here once I had an official posting to get help on running the event.

Offline macmacnick

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If you need advice on this stuff, contact Urz, while everyone wants to kill him in-game, he does a pretty damn good job at event organizing events like this.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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I hope I'm answering everyone's questions all right. I hope you'll consider taking part, I'd really like some great teams to help bring in some fans who will help to donate to childs play. Like I said once we get to a certain threshold I will increase the amount. Once we get to a second threshold then I will donate 100% of all future proceeds to childs play. It will all be made public at the end of the event with a public donation to Childs Play including ad revenue from the youtube videos and the proceeds from the raffle tickets. if anyone has any questions let me know. Also i'm running some optional skirmishes randomly to test stuff out and practice flying around in spectator mode. If anyone is on the game and finds a PSC match feel free to join us we could use the practice. This way you can ask me questions directly. I'm about to get on the game in the next couple of minutes

Offline ZeckPressStart

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I'm playing right now with a headset probably for the next hour or so if anyone wants to play with me and ask questions just join the PressStartCommunity Skirmish match i'll be happy to chat.

Offline Velvet

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Perhaps you should consider hosting a smaller scale tournament first? You're aiming pretty high for a first pitch and you may be disappointed. I think the involvement of money in your pitch for this one is not encouraging for a startup organiser and you will need some practice to avoid technical issues, to get used to the quirks of the game and to establish yourself with the reputation necessary to draw any significant number of participating teams.

Additionally I'd suggest that you'd make all information about your tournament available on this forum. You'll have enough issues trying to organise a tournament with no prior reputation or experience without making potential participants jump through unnecessary additional hoops. It may also be worth looking into streaming via Twitch, whether you look into doing it yourself or contact established casters. A Twitch stream is a pretty standard expectation for any competitive event now.

Finally... well. Even if we ignore the issue with your inexperience: you're too ambitious. To put it simply, competitive GOIO rarely draws any significant attention beyond the teams participating. I'd be highly surprised if any number of people were willing to involve money in the competitive scene. Forget ad revenue. You will not get that many views, you will not become famous. If you do an excellent job, participants will probably be grateful and think more highly of you, and that's about it.

As for the profit sharing with charity, I too don't really see the need for tangible prizes or any kind of money split. Give it all to charity, or better, don't ask people to let you handle their money at all. I would much prefer to see you show a feature on the charity with each match to encourage people to donate directly; that way you aren't casting doubts on your own legitimacy by asking people to give you money, yet will still be supporting a good cause.

Offline Imagine

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Perhaps you should consider hosting a smaller scale tournament first? You're aiming pretty high for a first pitch and you may be disappointed. I think the involvement of money in your pitch for this one is not encouraging for a startup organiser and you will need some practice to avoid technical issues, to get used to the quirks of the game and to establish yourself with the reputation necessary to draw any significant number of participating teams.

Additionally I'd suggest that you'd make all information about your tournament available on this forum. You'll have enough issues trying to organise a tournament with no prior reputation or experience without making potential participants jump through unnecessary additional hoops. It may also be worth looking into streaming via Twitch, whether you look into doing it yourself or contact established casters. A Twitch stream is a pretty standard expectation for any competitive event now.

Finally... well. Even if we ignore the issue with your inexperience: you're too ambitious. To put it simply, competitive GOIO rarely draws any significant attention beyond the teams participating. I'd be highly surprised if any number of people were willing to involve money in the competitive scene. Forget ad revenue. You will not get that many views, you will not become famous. If you do an excellent job, participants will probably be grateful and think more highly of you, and that's about it.

As for the profit sharing with charity, I too don't really see the need for tangible prizes or any kind of money split. Give it all to charity, or better, don't ask people to let you handle their money at all. I would much prefer to see you show a feature on the charity with each match to encourage people to donate directly; that way you aren't casting doubts on your own legitimacy by asking people to give you money, yet will still be supporting a good cause.
Geeze, being a little bit overly harsh there, aren't we? Something tells me this isn't being done for fame and profit frankly, and it's already been mentioned that cash won't actually be involved because of age restrictions and country regulations.

Yeah, GOIO doesn't draw much in terms of attention or viewership, but we can't just yell at everyone for being a newbie and tell them to go away, never going to grow that way. Yes, I'm sure we were all slightly suspicious upon the first post mentioning money and such, but it seems like this has been someone who has at least thought some of the plans through, has contacted and talked to Muse about it, written up a document for how they want the matches run, and how they plan on showing it of, not just some hodgepodge idea.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Perhaps you should consider hosting a smaller scale tournament first? You're aiming pretty high for a first pitch and you may be disappointed. I think the involvement of money in your pitch for this one is not encouraging for a startup organiser and you will need some practice to avoid technical issues, to get used to the quirks of the game and to establish yourself with the reputation necessary to draw any significant number of participating teams.

Additionally I'd suggest that you'd make all information about your tournament available on this forum. You'll have enough issues trying to organise a tournament with no prior reputation or experience without making potential participants jump through unnecessary additional hoops. It may also be worth looking into streaming via Twitch, whether you look into doing it yourself or contact established casters. A Twitch stream is a pretty standard expectation for any competitive event now.

Finally... well. Even if we ignore the issue with your inexperience: you're too ambitious. To put it simply, competitive GOIO rarely draws any significant attention beyond the teams participating. I'd be highly surprised if any number of people were willing to involve money in the competitive scene. Forget ad revenue. You will not get that many views, you will not become famous. If you do an excellent job, participants will probably be grateful and think more highly of you, and that's about it.

As for the profit sharing with charity, I too don't really see the need for tangible prizes or any kind of money split. Give it all to charity, or better, don't ask people to let you handle their money at all. I would much prefer to see you show a feature on the charity with each match to encourage people to donate directly; that way you aren't casting doubts on your own legitimacy by asking people to give you money, yet will still be supporting a good cause.
Geeze, being a little bit overly harsh there, aren't we? Something tells me this isn't being done for fame and profit frankly, and it's already been mentioned that cash won't actually be involved because of age restrictions and country regulations.

Yeah, GOIO doesn't draw much in terms of attention or viewership, but we can't just yell at everyone for being a newbie and tell them to go away, never going to grow that way. Yes, I'm sure we were all slightly suspicious upon the first post mentioning money and such, but it seems like this has been someone who has at least thought some of the plans through, has contacted and talked to Muse about it, written up a document for how they want the matches run, and how they plan on showing it of, not just some hodgepodge idea.

Thank your for your help. Yes I know im new and I know im a little inexperienced. At the same time I feel ambition is how new ideas are grown honestly this entire game was a crazy ambition from an amazing team. A team no publisher thought they were worth it but they tried anyway. Im not looking to run the same normal tournament everyone else is doing. I want to do something unique. Instead of a live twitch stream where you only get one angle I want a minor edited show similar to any non esports game is shown. I want to include the ability to drop into the ships crew chat and listen to them. Also your right fixing technical difficulties are an issue as well running this way I can prepare for the planned twitch final championship match.

To clarify im not looking to get famous or popular just build a foundation to grow from. I want to aim for the sky instead of hold myself back. Im hoping a couple teams are willing to give me a chance if not that will be alright i'll make due. I just think this game is amazing and I want to have a real fun event. I want to earn money for charity as well as ensure a prize is available IF the winning team wants one. A thanks for participating and winning. The other reason. For the ticket raffles via the psc website is also so I don't cross the line for both you tube and twitches give away policies. Example in order to give something away on twitch the winner has to be in the united states and over the age of 18 as I've been told.

Holding the raffles on the website and not mentioning any prizes or anything during any of the videos removes the connection from youtube and twitch and allows us to give away whatever prizes we want according to local and international laws instead of the very strict guidelines enforced by these companies due to others abusing the systems. I've thought that part through and thus why I tried this. All money earned via tickets will be listed on the site with a public donation to child's play to ensure im not doing anything odd or suspicious. This is also another way im trying to build reputation so this doesn't become a problem next time. I understand the way im doing things will not create an amazing amount of money but I gotta start somewhere.

As for ad revenue I do not expect much from ad revenue that is why im giving it all to child's play. This is my way of trying to show im not doing this for money im doing it because I enjoy this game and want to create an interesting series. I don't plan to fail but if I do at least I tried something and didn't just follow the crowd and create the same thing. Ihope some of you will give me a chance I already have 5 and a half full teams I just need two full teams and one more crew of 4. I even have some solo players who wish to join some partial teams as well. So I have an event how good it will go depends on the teams.

Thank you for reading i hope you'll excuse my noobism lol im just a passionate gamer who wants to create something unique for this unique game... im sorry if you think im doing something wrong. Ps I wrote this on my phone so please excuse any grammar problems lol.