Author Topic: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.  (Read 19220 times)

Offline SnipahShot

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Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:21:18 pm »
I am kinda disappointed that I am completely blocked from novice games because I got to level 4 Engineer, only reason I did that was because I thought I will be able to continue playing novice matches for the roles I haven't passed level 4 with yet..
Got friends who just joined GoI so it kinda screws me up by not letting me play with them as well as explain some things.

Offline Imagine

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 01:24:25 pm »
I am kinda disappointed that I am completely blocked from novice games because I got to level 4 Engineer, only reason I did that was because I thought I will be able to continue playing novice matches for the roles I haven't passed level 4 with yet..
Got friends who just joined GoI so it kinda screws me up by not letting me play with them as well as explain some things.
They can play with you in non-novice matches.

Offline SnipahShot

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 01:34:29 pm »
What is up with players in this game.. Why would I want a friend of mine to start playing the first match against high levels? That is probably the worst experience possible for a new player. Imagine yourself as 1/1/1 playing against 10/10/10.

And that wasn't the point of the suggestion anyhow(Don't see any relevance to the suggestion actually).

Offline Imagine

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 01:44:28 pm »
The problem with opening novice matches to higher levels is that the novice matches then lose their meaning if higher levels can just romp in and beat down on the newbies, which is the whole point to having them anyways.

Part of the problem is that you're overvaluing levels here. They're practically meaningless in terms of denoting skill, and quite often have to have you do un-optimal things to fulfill achievements to progress to the next level. All it really is is some hazy notion of the amount of time you've spent in the game, and I've seen lvl 6+ players who still don't get it and get beat by lvl 2-3 pilots.

And, as I said in my other post in your other thread, non-novice matches aren't all 10/10/10, in fact I'd say it's pretty rare to find a lobby with a buncha 10+. You may find one, maybe two of the like.

Offline SnipahShot

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 01:47:02 pm »
A player who is level 2 as pilot is same as every other level 2 pilot(Experience wise), a 2/10/2(Example) is still a noob pilot, so he won't be beating down noobs.

Offline Imagine

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 02:00:37 pm »
A player who is level 2 as pilot is same as every other level 2 pilot(Experience wise), a 2/10/2(Example) is still a noob pilot, so he won't be beating down noobs.
But in reality that's not it works.

Having a large amount of experience in one class really helps you with everything else, a 2/10/2 will most likely be much more knowledgeable about how a ship, guns, and the game works in general, giving them a fairly substantial advantage over someone who might be just 2/2/2.

And, once again, levels are a very... hazy number in terms of skill. I mean, I was stuck at 5 pilot forever because I didn't really care about leveling and thus didn't take a lot of the ship/gun achivements, or didn't play on the maps requiring wins, so on and so forth.

Offline SnipahShot

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2014, 02:19:33 pm »
Knowledge yes, ability no. I obviously got carried away with the 2/10/2 because no level 10 will have the other roles lower than 4.  I am talking about players who are new, like me and want to get their roles up to level 4 (goals and stuff).

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 02:22:43 pm »
You can just make a match with a password if you're that worried about experienced players beating you. If they don't know the password they can't play. In my opinion though getting beaten over and over is a good way to learn, and makes your eventual victory more satisfying.

Once again, levels are meaningless. The real goal is to have fun, not to increase a pointless number or earn a shiny hat.

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2014, 02:26:55 pm »
i previously posted in the spectate issue now for this topic,

I don't think this will ever happen for a few reasons first off, it is not viable to have a level 15-15-1 join a novice game, novice is a status that is for people new to the game not the role or level they are,

engineers get to shoot fly and repair, so if you had a max level engineer they could jump in a novice game to say shoot and they have over 1000+ games already but because they never leveled gunner they are now allowed to play with newer players that would not be fun for anyone,

i do understand where you are coming from with the notion will if i want to try somthing i can't because of high level are in every lobby, but i don't see this as the case at all there are plenty of lower levels that do not use novice system in place, and just play standard lobbies and you can learn alot faster and alot more in depth from lobbies where people will just take a few minutes to explain once you know how to fly and the builds the rest is practice doesn't matter on level i have seen level 2 pilots be better than some level 5+ because it is practice in games not achievments,.

They are so alternatives you could ask a CA to be part of your crew am sure we are more than happy enough to help if we are online

Private matches-so just you and your friends can play and learn, or sandbox together

Ask in global for newer players to join your game or for some players to help you out,

Offline Imagine

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2014, 02:49:07 pm »
Knowledge yes, ability no. I obviously got carried away with the 2/10/2 because no level 10 will have the other roles lower than 4.
You'd be surprised. For example, there's someone posting on the forums right now who is 15/1/13.

Look I get what you're saying, certainly, and don't disagree with the notion, but the feasibility for it to happen is just not there. Sooner or later you'll have to venture out of non-novice matches anyways, and I assure you, it's not just a steady stream of high level players everywhere :)

Offline redria

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2014, 02:54:11 pm »
I obviously got carried away with the 2/10/2 because no level 10 will have the other roles lower than 4.
I know a player level 15 in gunning, 13 in piloting, and literally never played a game as engineer: level 1. I only just recently leveled by gunner up past 2. A lot of people find what they like and stick with it.

What is up with players in this game.. Why would I want a friend of mine to start playing the first match against high levels? That is probably the worst experience possible for a new player. Imagine yourself as 1/1/1 playing against 10/10/10.
Now imagine yourself as a 1/1/1 playing *with* a 10/10/10. Think of everything you could learn by communicating. I am absolutely brutal to my engines. I often have to give regular commands to my high level main engineers to stay on task and not let something die. I have had a friend come in and on his second game *ever* he was outperforming over half the engineers I have flown with.

The novice matches are a wonderful place to go if you and your friends have no experience. If noone with you has any information to share about the game, go play with similar people. If one of you has that information, and can help guide the others, it is okay to branch out into the regular matches because it will be the best experience for you. Yes you will meet high level players. Try to be on their team or, if you feel that you can't remain competitive/have fun, find a different lobby. Or ask us to find a different lobby if we just ambushed yours. If I join a random lobby and am asked to leave, I would. That is pretty fair.

The novice matches are a place for those who have no experience on their team. Once you have experience on your team, you can lead, give direction, and help your friends. This is done to protect those who still ave no experience on their team.

Offline redria

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2014, 02:54:48 pm »
You'd be surprised. For example, there's someone posting on the forums right now who is 15/1/13.

Sniped! Dang!

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2014, 12:33:38 am »
I'll state this, I've played since the beta, I really have little interest in leveling, though sometimes I will go for it. While most of the valid points have already been said, there was a point in time in which there were no novice lobbies, you'd have level 1/1/1's mixed in with 5/3/6's and the like, sure you'd be stomped from time to time, but if your crew isn't communicating with one another you aren't going to do a very good job of things. Even further there was a time when there were no levels, so you'd only know someone's skill by reputation or actually knowing them.

Main point? You may be locked out of novice lobbies, yet if you have a grasp of how to play the game and can teach your friends how to play as well you can probably jump into a normal lobby together and have a bash at that, knowing your concern about getting completely 5-Zilled here and there, you will lose, I've had some terrible games that ended up in total defeat, however if you are learning from why you lost you can play better the next round and even beat them.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2014, 02:43:21 am »
Novice matches suck, i don't think people get the proper experience of this game, or learn how to get better. I really believe that one of the wonderful things about this community is that the majority of high level players take their time to teach new ones, rather than (just) stomping them in games. Besides, you can learn so much about every aspect of this game from just being an engineer anyway, that's all i did for my first ~200 games, and i felt comfortable piloting after that.

Offline Adrasteia

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2014, 03:55:37 pm »
I actually rather like the idea.  I had been playing 5 or so months when I had finally decided to take my first steps as a pilot... At that moment, all I could think was that it would have been amazing if I could jump into the beginner matches and pilot there.  You know, actually learn how to be a pilot without constantly being crushed.