Author Topic: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.  (Read 19217 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2014, 05:18:50 pm »
Take them into regular matches. You can't stay in the crib forever playing novice. Plus I've had more players than not being glad they got out of novice as the players are some of the most dreadful this game ever sees. Who would you rather play with, a bunch of newbies running around like hormone crazed monkeys, or people that understand the concept of pointy end of pyra goes into the other ship? You never learn anything in novice.

If you don't want to get stomped then...ask questions. Heck if you want to get anywhere in this game you'll never do it alone. You need the vets around to learn from. Lot of us vets here will answer and will help teach you how to not be a flying bullseye.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2014, 11:27:32 am »
I understand the issue of wanting to play versus new people, because you still consider yourself new.

But, you are not new. Not in the games terms.

Novice matches are for people who have just started. You barely have beggun. It is a place to begin, not stay.
For me, i have come beyond novice levels first when i started the game on my first playtime real quick. I was confused and sadened, but quickly realised that the other games that are not novice are really not that much different.

I got some friends to play and told them to join me and not novice as i cannot play with them there. But me with experience (a bit at that time) we quickly started getting thigns done and kills. So novice is not gameplay, it is a place to start. And getting tought by other experienced players starts you off much better than novice. So just ignore the concept. Really, it shouldnt bother you.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2014, 11:48:44 am »
I can understand the desire to play with your friends who just started the game, as that is something that comes up more often than people think. However, allowing anyone to hop into Novice matches defeats the purpose of Novice matches. Currently there are a few players (CA's and some others) who can still go into novice matches to help teach, and you can always ask these players to give your friends a hand.

Otherwise I would suggest having your friends play with you outside of the novice matches. Ideally they would do some Novice Matches the tutorials on their own to pick up on the basics; but there's a lot of novice ranked players playing in the non-novice matches as well. Not all the players are rank 10+ in some role or other, so it shouldn't be impossible to find a lobby with players around you and your friends' experience level.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2014, 06:00:10 pm »
I learned the game from barely experienced players in non novice matches and had a blast.

Anyone can win anytime and its hard to beat the rush of beating a perceived superior opponent due to your ship communicating well together.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Allow players to continue playing novice for roles lower than 4.
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2014, 06:46:41 pm »
Players should be able to join novice matches in classes that they are less than 4 for two reasons:

They want to.

They will not be able to do it for very long, especially if they are higher levels in other classes. It is very hard to stay <4 if you are doing well in matches.