Author Topic: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).  (Read 366506 times)

Offline LordDon

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #90 on: March 21, 2013, 06:19:31 pm »
If you are already playing the game (Skirmish mode) the cheapest way to get Adventure Mode is either First Flight (EB) or Back To The Skies at $20.

First Flight (EB or not) would bring your current game up to the Kickstarter Edition (Awkm will have to confirm if that backdates Dustrider, but I think it will).  You'd also get into the beta.

Back To The Skies would leave you current game as it is, but get you the Kickstarter Edition of Adventure Mode (presumably with Dustrider 2.0 - or is that Kickstarter Collectors Edition only?).  You wouldn't have access to the beta (which seems poorly thought out given that FF EB does for the same price and includes swag).

There are a couple of sensible options missing as I see it (thinking budget conscious and non-US residents)..
- something around $30 with single-player beta and both Skirmish and Adventure Mode Kickstarter Editions, none of the swag.
- something around $50-60 with single-player alpha, beta and Adventure Mode Kickstarter Collectors Edition, none of the swag.

I like the way you think Hubert PIckle.

Offline awkm

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #91 on: March 21, 2013, 06:27:08 pm »
If you are already playing the game (Skirmish mode) the cheapest way to get Adventure Mode is either First Flight (EB) or Back To The Skies at $20.

First Flight (EB or not) would bring your current game up to the Kickstarter Edition (Awkm will have to confirm if that backdates Dustrider, but I think it will).  You'd also get into the beta.

Back To The Skies would leave you current game as it is, but get you the Kickstarter Edition of Adventure Mode (presumably with Dustrider 2.0 - or is that Kickstarter Collectors Edition only?).  You wouldn't have access to the beta (which seems poorly thought out given that FF EB does for the same price and includes swag).

There are a couple of sensible options missing as I see it (thinking budget conscious and non-US residents)..
- something around $30 with single-player beta and both Skirmish and Adventure Mode Kickstarter Editions, none of the swag.
- something around $50-60 with single-player alpha, beta and Adventure Mode Kickstarter Collectors Edition, none of the swag.

That was an error, you should get beta as well.  Thanks for pointing that out.

If it's a Kickstarter version, you will get Dust Rider for Skirmish and Dust Rider 2.0 for Adventure Mode.  KCE has Dust 2.0 as well as new CE content.

Offline awkm

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #92 on: March 21, 2013, 06:38:22 pm »
Update 8 posted.

We are launching the KS around 8am to 10am EST time.  Get ready!  Hopefully everything goes as planned.

Offline Pickle

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #93 on: March 21, 2013, 06:52:10 pm »
Bumping for relevance..

Not sure how friendly the start time will be for EU... we're bound to EST time right now but we'll keep it in mind.  Hope you don't mind waking up early in the morning lol.

8am kick-off EST would be 1pm GMT, I think.  That makes it 2pm in most of Europe, 5pm in Moscow, 10pm in Tokyo, and midnight in eastern Australia.  I'm not sure there'll be a better alignment.

Edit:  and I assume you mean tomorrow (Friday 22nd), Awkm.. ..

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #94 on: March 21, 2013, 06:56:05 pm »
CANNOT WAIT! Planes arrive and this game is my godsend.

You realize Player Driven Bi-planes are a 650K stretch goal. I would love it if Muse got enough to reach the 1.5M Skywhale Stretch goal, just to see Lord Dick Tim's happy dance, but I will be happy with what we can get. I am excited for Muse, live the dream guys.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #95 on: March 21, 2013, 07:04:23 pm »
Can you guys put a key in as to what everything means on that chart? I'd like to be sure what I'm going for. Adventure mode for sure but then it says you need Skirmish mode but I'm not sure what that really means. There are some noted with Adventure but without Skirmish so, I'm confused. There are a lot of abbreviations.

Offline awkm

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #96 on: March 21, 2013, 07:18:30 pm »
Can you guys put a key in as to what everything means on that chart? I'd like to be sure what I'm going for. Adventure mode for sure but then it says you need Skirmish mode but I'm not sure what that really means. There are some noted with Adventure but without Skirmish so, I'm confused. There are a lot of abbreviations.

The legend for the game packs are in the main content of the post.  The other stuff are swag and physical items.  The full details will be revealed when the Kickstarter is launched... yes friday march 22nd 8-10am EST.

To play Adventure Mode, you must have Skrimish Mode installed.  ADventure Mode is like a DLC, requires Skirmish.  Everyone here obviously has Skirmish mode so you don't want to pay for that again if you're trying to save money.

Offline LordDon

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #97 on: March 21, 2013, 08:24:49 pm »
Thanks for the clarification, awkm, you're the best!

Offline Doone

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #98 on: March 21, 2013, 09:16:19 pm »
Just thought of mentioning it here that the 'PFG' or Pilots of the First Generation has been turned.. Active.. With this announcement, good flying to you all. *slightly devious tone*

Offline AquaMac

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #99 on: March 21, 2013, 09:19:24 pm »
What's the difference with KE Adventure Mode and Adventure Mode? Is the KE a collectors edition or something? What is the difference with those and the KCE Adventure Mode? To bad it doesn't come with any swag the KE that is for some reason? Yeah I wish we had same more choices without Skirmish Mode for us here who already have it.

Offline Veffidia

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #100 on: March 21, 2013, 10:08:20 pm »
Ugh.....I'm seriously stressing out.  I didn't figure that it was going to start in like.....the next 24 hours or something.

Offline awkm

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #101 on: March 21, 2013, 10:51:32 pm »
What's the difference with KE Adventure Mode and Adventure Mode? Is the KE a collectors edition or something? What is the difference with those and the KCE Adventure Mode? To bad it doesn't come with any swag the KE that is for some reason? Yeah I wish we had same more choices without Skirmish Mode for us here who already have it.

KE editions get Dust Rider.  Dust Rider regular for Skirmish KE and Dust Rider 2.0 for Adenture KE.

KCE is Adventure KE (Dust 2.0) + Adventure CE Content (documentary, soundtrack, costume coupons).

Offline LordDon

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #102 on: March 22, 2013, 12:14:58 am »
Can you wear Dust Rider 2.0 in Skirmish as well?

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #103 on: March 22, 2013, 01:36:45 am »
If the Kickstarter truly met that ridiculous stretch goal, I'm not really sure what I'd do.
Besides fashion a harpoon from rebar and wood in my back yard.  And fill a net with balloons, possibly get in a dingy and put the balloon net out on the water.

And hunt it.

Offline krait

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Re: Adventure Mode... it's coming (Kickstarter).
« Reply #104 on: March 22, 2013, 01:48:21 am »
A very old idea that I had was if a faction was trying to take over a town, you would need to successfully complete some number of attack missions (number depending on players we have)... basically making that progress bar go up within a certain time period (hours, days, weeks, months?).

Economy seems like a very natural solution for this... if a city is under siege or blockade, they need a few things: food, water (water possibly being provided by the location, by being built around a river or reservoir), building materials, and ammunition (possibly manufacturable from raw materials if it's an industrial city). Building materials for repairs could be cannibalized from non-defensive structures (such as private dwellings), which is a tradeoff, since the economy of that city would take longer to recover by doing so (less demand for luxury goods when you don't even have a place to live).

The defending nation, its allies, or neutral entrepreneurial pilots could bring these through supply missions: you start on an edge of the map (with the town being in roughly the center of a square map, or the opposite edge of an elongated map, depending on how many approach routes there are), and must simply make it through the blockade and deliver supplies to the town. Ideally you make it through alive, though you could crash into the town -- depending on the severity, some to all of your supplies may get destroyed, and if you crash into anything besides empty ground, you'd be doing damage to your own town. The AI will naturally try to do this, but they'd be easy to shoot down (and with too many losses, they may just give up on the town).

The attackers could have at least three attack mission types:

assault: destroy as much as possible, and harass the town (this weakens the town's economic contribution to its controlling nation), and may disable that town as a spawn point until rebuilt.

siege: attempting to break through defenses and deliver ground forces to occupy; the ground battle could be implied, with troops just being another deliverable resource -- if enough attackers land safely for long enough (all hull damage after the armor is destroyed could injure or kill troops), then the town will be overwhelmed.

blockade: simply starving the town out -- staying out of range of their defensive armaments, but preventing resources from being delivered in.

Towns could have a meter indicating defensive strength. If defensive strength is high when an enemy action begins, a portion of allied ships (relative to defensive strength) could opt to spawn by the town; if defensive strength is low, most allied ships would have to spawn far away from the town (giving the attackers time to attack the town without much resistance). If the defenders win a match, defensive strength increases; otherwise, it decreases, with damage to a town counting in favor of the attackers winning. Towns could also have a state, such as the state of being attacked or not -- a player mission would always be needed to change the state to something worse, but the state could continue to have a dampened effect on the town between missions.

Scouting missions could also exist: the strength meters of enemy raiders along a trade route could only be fully known if you manage to explore enough of a given map without dying too much, for example.


As far as economy goes, even if it's not fully dynamic, I find an important part of keeping that aspect from getting stale is to have supply and demand (not just the amount of, but also the types of resources) gradually shift over time as a form of economic climate; it could change in response to events (or a major event could randomize the economic nature of a town drastically), but in general it would be predictable over the course of a week or two (if you play constantly and are good at noticing trends, it'll usually be predictable), but will give something for periodically returning players to do, however artificial (or not) the economy is in terms of the underlying mechanics; sometimes the easy way out can be good enough and still sufficiently interesting.

I rather like the idea of a faction's ships being community-distributable across the world map, including AI ships -- players could jump into battles wherever their own or AI ships have been positioned, with force strengths relative to where the faction has its concentration of ships. Those ships would take a while to position (for offense or defense), and trade routes take a while to adjust or open up. Players could maneuver their own ships from map to map (or much more slowly have them auto-navigate themselves [such as when logged out] across the world map), but may have a negligible contribution to force strength. This can also help to make an otherwise static economy quite dynamic -- since the community controls ship distribution, they can block established trade routes, or form new ones that were previously too risky to lone-wolf.

I imagine smaller ships would have considerably less cargo capacity then large ships -- a 1v5 single-player blockade run mission could be manageable in a squid, but would have little value.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 01:50:33 am by krait »