Author Topic: The Wall [v1]  (Read 477062 times)

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #555 on: June 22, 2014, 04:21:12 am »
I use the force to operate Grond and ram the wall.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #556 on: June 22, 2014, 04:35:52 am »
I set myself to building several dozen explosive drones as I set the tunnel machine on a new course.

Offline Shadak Shademore

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #557 on: June 22, 2014, 05:34:05 pm »
I continue making the debris blaster whilst at the same time thinking of as many tunes as possible what could possibly become the theme tune for the wall. Something to sing whilst i blast it to pieces. :)

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #558 on: June 26, 2014, 10:45:17 am »
Ok so. I go along with Abby to get cured. The Titandozer is squishing macmacnick, my Smart Wall Minions are working on time travel and my Magma minions are just rolling about the place being adorable.

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #559 on: June 26, 2014, 02:24:10 pm »
Heh, I'm safe in the hospital cheesy.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #560 on: June 26, 2014, 10:59:04 pm »
Heh, I'm safe in the hospital cheesy.
Titandozer works on squishing the hospital as well then

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #561 on: July 04, 2014, 12:31:31 am »
We're so close to beating the wall and there need to be more updatesssss D:

Someone poke Olivier again!

Offline Jawjee

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #562 on: July 04, 2014, 09:18:37 am »
We're so close to beating the wall and there need to be more updatesssss D:

Someone poke Olivier again!
No I:, He's ours, and we like having fun with him I:

Offline Keon

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #563 on: July 05, 2014, 01:46:10 am »
I'd like to fire the thing with the really long name that I just made.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #564 on: July 05, 2014, 09:25:28 pm »
No but that's the thing I dont want the Wall to end so soon I'm gonna miss it so I'm taking some time to post again :DDDD but I'll post soon ^^ <3

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #565 on: July 06, 2014, 11:04:15 pm »
No but that's the thing I dont want the Wall to end so soon I'm gonna miss it so I'm taking some time to post again :DDDD but I'll post soon ^^ <3
You shoulda let me make that time machine :3

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #566 on: July 07, 2014, 09:36:25 pm »
No but that's the thing I dont want the Wall to end so soon I'm gonna miss it so I'm taking some time to post again :DDDD but I'll post soon ^^ <3
You shoulda let me make that time machine :3

Offline TerminalRequiem

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #567 on: July 09, 2014, 11:53:01 am »
I prepare to begin my training as soon as I am able!  Also, this may have been a bad time to do this because the wall is almost dead anyway XD.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #568 on: July 13, 2014, 08:49:17 pm »

You decide to run away and fight another day. You manage to get to the hospital just in time and immediately start planning your next move while you heal (+11 HP). You can also see that the Titandozer is waiting for you outside the hospital. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital.

Ongoing action: Healing at the hospital.
Stuff: Robot (deployed), magical notebook, advanced handheld sticky mine launcher, portable banshee rocket launcher.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 37/100
Misc.: Armor.
Achievements: Love thy GM...

You're feeling very tired from all the hard work you've been doing so it only sounds fair to throw a par- er... meeting in your new tactical bunker to plan your next attack on the Wall. The other guys seem to be too busy getting bricks thrown at them, but you can still have fun with your strategy simulation devices. The Wall can't attack you because you're in the sniper's nest/tactical bunker.

Stuff: Super real cool awesome beautiful peashooter, Bubble-atron-inator-thingy.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 64/100
Misc.: In the sniper's nest/tactical bunker.
Achievements: ... -The Sign Painter.

You get on your Junker once more, leaving Ariden at the hospital. You order you AI crew to shoot the harpoons at the Wall and then hit reverse, just like you usually do. The Wall loses a few more bricks and decides to throw a rock at you to avoid taking more damage.

Damage dealt:  5670 (1038, 1278, 1198, 958, 1198 from harpoons).
Damage taken: 3
HP: 97/100

You get a saddle to mount the Alpha Husky Titan of your army and tie the cannon's rope to it. You charge at the Wall with your Husky Titans and your sword, making the ice cannon fire behind you. You deal a lot of damage to the Wall and you also get some damage from the impact, but it's not too bad. The Wall throws a rock at you to finish it off.

Peeps: Armoured Husky Titans (100 HP).
Stuff: Ice crystal sword, ice cannons.
Damage dealt: 6990 (5640 from charging with sword, 1350 from ice cannon).
Damage taken: 15 (5 from the Wall, 10 from impact).
HP: 76/100

You go back to the laboratory with the magma-ish Cheesy and start researching for ways to make him human again, and maybe even a better one, while you're at it. (You can now use the spell "Turn Cheesy into a more powerful and smarter human"). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Stuff: Wand, black cat.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 94/100
Misc.: Wearing teal robes and hat.
Achievements: Social engineer at Muse Games.

-Muse- Jacob:
You join the game again and change your name, then get down to business.

Achievement unlocked: Recently updated.

You grab a computer that was just sitting around somewhere and start changing the code. You decrease the Wall's rate of fire, accidentally buff Shadak's plot and put the computer away. The Wall looks as scared as a wall can possibly look, and has lost a lot of bricks from all the shaking. This Wall sure has some issues... But you've already done enough for now, so you leave the game.

Damage dealt: 42260
Damage taken: 0
HP: 80/100
Achievements: Recently updated.

You join the battle against the Wall by grabbing a pineapple that was conveniently placed near you the whole time and throwing it as far as you can. The pineapple flies over all the other people and hits the Wall! The pineapple explodes in tiny pieces, but deals some damage to the Wall. The Wall throws a welcome rock at you, since it is running out of bricks, but it doesn't hurt you that much.

Damage dealt: 168
Damage taken: 1
HP: 99/100

You've been upgrading your swords the last few turns, but you were so distracted with technology that you didn't talk for a while and no one noticed you in the laboratory. (Just this once, mmkay?). Your swords now have some cool tri-grinders to deal extra damage! The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Stuff: Rotten apple, upgraded photon blade large swords with tri-grinders (x2).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 62/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
You decide to use the Force again, but this time to ram the Wall with Grond. After a few tries that don't go so well, Grond moves enough to hit the Wall and damage it! It's not as much damage as you could get if you actually walked over there and used it yourself, but it's a lot cooler this way. The Wall throws a rock at you because you're getting better at this.

Stuff: Grond.
Damage dealt: 3598
Damage taken: 7
HP: 38/100
Achievements: Reference letters.

You set the tunnel machine on a new course so that it keeps damaging the Wall and then head back to the laboratory to build a bunch of explosive drones. (The explosive drones will be ready in turn 34). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making explosive drones.
Stuff: Tunnel machine (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 90/100

Shadak Shademore:
You continue working on the brick hauler and debris blaster as you start thinking of the music that should be playing when you use this machine, because that makes things a lot more fun. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Ongoing action: Making a brick hauler and debris blaster.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 100/100

Cheesy Crackers:
You go along with Abby to the laboratory to get cured. The Titandozer is waiting outside the hospital because that's where macmac is at the moment, your smart wall minions are working on time travel and your magma minions are just rolling about the place being adorable. (The time travel research will be done in turn 34). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.

Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x43.5), the Titandozer.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 36/99
Misc.: Magma-ish cubical minion, immune to baby sign effects.
Achievements: Breaking the Fire Wall.

You go outside with your super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray and everyone immediately takes cover because it looks really scary. You place it in front of the Wall, close your eyes and fire.

Achievement unlocked: A year in the making.

The blast throws you back a couple meters and a few things that were on the way fly out as well, but despite the mess it was all worth it. The Wall is more dead than alive at this point and it doesn't even try to hit you with a rock. You also feel like after spending so much time making this one thing, you can make anything else a lot faster.

Stuff: Super-high-power-kinetic-raingun-orbital-bombardiment-laser-death-ray, KillStealer (deployed).
Damage dealt: 17480
Damage taken: 0
HP: 42/100
Achievements: A year in the making.

As soon as you get to the Outer Rim you start your training. You've heard news about the Wall being almost dead and you think you should hurry up! You're so motivated to learn fast that your training will be complete sooner than expected. (The training will be done in turn 34). The Wall can't attack you because you're so far away.

Ongoing action: Training in the Outer Rim Territories.
Stuff: Large freeze ray (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 83/100

Other Damage:
12262 from Firing Range (3386 from catapult, 3692 from cannon, 2692 from wrecking ball, 2492 from freeze ray).
1800 from Robot (900 to max HP)
11408 from Bomb Factory (6504 from bomb factory, 4904 from bombs in the ca--

the ground shakes...

The last impact is a lot louder than you expected. At first there's too much dirt covering the place to know what's happening, but after a few minutes it sets down and you can see... well... the spot where the Wall used to be. You finally did it, you defeated the Wall! You start turning around, congratulating each other. Everyone is happy (maybe Cheesy not so much), and you have truly proven what teamwork can do. You gather together in the different buildings to celebrate this great day in human history. You are the heroes. You saved the world from the oppression of this evil wall...

Then the KillStealer activates and kills all of you (except for TerminalRequiem because he's really far away). (But I would recommend he stays there if he wants to stay alive).

The KillStealer then calls the news papers and tells everyone it defeated the Wall by itself. Then it says it wishes it could have saved you, but the Wall was too powerful and killed everyone before it could do anything. Such a sad story... but now the world is safe thanks to the KillStealer! The governments all over the world give lots of money to the KillStealer, and Morgan Freeman hands him the Nobel Peace Prize because walls are inanimate objects anyway so who cares if you punch them.

The KillStealer becomes very super famous and marries Scarlett Johansson and they live happily ever after.

The end.

Honorary mentions:

First turn players: Cheesy Crackers, Coldcurse, Gryphos, James T. Kirk, -Narcotic
First building: -Narcotic
First big weapon: Keon
First brick recycler: BdrLineAzn
First city: -Narcotic
Best bathroom: -Narcotic
Best surround sound system: -Narcotic
Best cafeteria: Shinkurex
Best use of Velcro: BdrLineAzn
Best speech: Swallow Sama
Thickest plot: Coldcurse, Cheesy Crackers
Most player kills: Cheesy Crackers
Most deaths: Cheesy Crackers
Most PMs to the GM: macmacnick
Really close second: redria
Really close third: AbbyTheRat
Most changed: Cheesy Crackers, redria
Most blamed: Shinkurex
Still owe him my life for that one time he stopped all the nonsense that Coldcurse and Cheesy Crackers were making: macmacnick
Still hasn't noticed me: BdrLineAzn
Most false promises: The GM
Is still very sorry about that and loves you all: The GM
Last turn players: Read above, silly!
And the one we all hate: The KillStealer

All players:

Cheesy Crackers
James T. Kirk
Sammy B. T.
-Muse- Jacob
Swallow Sama
Mill Wilkinson
Shadak Shademore

And everything/everyone else I'm forgetting but was great, too! <3

Good night everyone, it was fun! And I guess you can all haunt TerminalRequiem now if you want! ^-^

Offline Jawjee

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #569 on: July 14, 2014, 07:52:37 am »
Then the KillStealer activates and kills all of you
Boo ;~; I'm a husky ghost.