macmacnick:You continue working on your advanced handheld sticky mine launcher and portable banshee rocket launcher. You take a moment to point out the sniper nest you made to BdrLine, but he doesn't seem to be paying any attention to anything anyone says, so you just go back to work. The advanced handheld sticky mine launcher is done, so you move on to making the portable banshee rocket launcher. (The advanced handheld sticky mine launcher is now in your stuff). The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.
Ongoing action: Making the portable banshee rocket launcher.
Stuff: Robot (deployed), magical notebook, advanced handheld sticky mine launcher.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 60/100
Misc.: Armor.
Achievements: Love thy GM...
Cheesy Crackers:You finally upgrade the Llaw with the help of your minions by using brick language, so the Llaw can spawn more minions every 10 turns or so. You leave the Llaw to avoid setting it on fire and the Wall takes this chance to throw a rock at you. You may be a magma-ish cubical minion, but those things still hurt you.
Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x43.5).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 5
HP: 50/99
Misc.: Turned into a magma-ish cubical minion (for your whole life).
redria:You get in the laboratory with the sword Coldcurse just gave you. You start by splitting it into two swords and then try upgrading them to photon blades. (The photon swords will be ready for use in turn 27). Coldcurse tells you to go fix the ship but you have better things to do, and now that you have landed you're not even part of his crew anymore! Unless you want to join again, that is. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the laboratory.
Ongoing action: Upgrading large swords.
Stuff: Rotten apple, large swords (x2).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 62/100
Coldcurse:You get into the hospital with Ariden to get the two of you healed (+14 HP, +13 HP for Ariden). You tell redria to go fix the balloon of your ship, but she goes into the laboratory to upgrade the sword you just gave her instead. Well, that's not so bad. The Wall can't attack you because you're inside the hospital.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 57/100
Gryphos Felldawning:You ignore the pain that all those bricks have caused you and decide to take some more. You set Grond once again and hit the Wall with it. This time you hit it right in the middle of the barely visible red circle, and deal a whole lot of damage. The Wall throws more bricks at you to remind you that health is important.
Stuff: Grond.
Damage dealt: 7191
Damage taken: 7
HP: 21/100
Achievements: Reference letters.
BdrLineAzn:You're getting ready to attack again when you see macmacnick gesturing at you. You stare at him for a few seconds, but you can't stop thinking about your awesome weapons, so you decide to ignore him and just shoot. Honestly, the bubble-atron-inator-thingy doesn't deal that much damage, but the Wall shakes a lot every time you use it. It's almost like it was scared. The Wall attacks you with a brick again, because you're not taking cover... again.
Stuff: Super real cool awesome beautiful peashooter, Bubble-atron-inator-thingy.
Damage dealt: 2826 (1242 from Peashooter, 1584 from Bubble gun).
Damage taken: 7
HP: 44/100
Achievements: ... -The Sign Painter.
Piemanlives:You're finishing the installation of the AI core in the cannon when the letter arrives. "From: Bill Nye the Science Guy, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gabe Newell, Mark Zuckerberg, Edward Snowden, NASA and Google...". They all agree that your high energy kinetic rail-cannons should be certified as a sentient being, and immediately certify it as one! Congratulations! The cannons will now fire automatically at the Wall. You go out and put the cannons back to work. The Wall throws a brick at you to celebrate.
Stuff: Tunnel machine (deployed).
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 3
HP: 64/100
Other Damage:3153 from Firing Range (1271 from catapult, 1016 from cannon, 866 from wrecking ball).
1000 from Robot (500 to max HP)
5814 from Bomb Factory (2591 from bomb factory, 3291 from bombs in the catapult, 1091 from bombs in the cannon, 3041 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
2283 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
858 from Tunnel Machine.
1092 from High Energy Kinetic Rail-cannons.
329 from Ivy.
704 from Mold.
The laboratory:Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).
Status: Finished.
The fort numero uno:Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.
Status: Finished.
The catapult:First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).
Status: Finished.
The Llaw:+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.
Can spawn minions to attack people.
Status: Finished.
The other Wall:Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.
Status: Finished.
High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Can be used by many people in one turn.
Certified as a sentient being by several science authorities.
Has an AI core.
Attacks the Wall automatically every turn.
Status: Finished.
Bomb factory:Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.
Status: Finished.
The hospital:Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).
Status: Finished.
The wrecking ball:She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.
Status: Finished.
The firing range:Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.
Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.
Impact-mine mine-launcher:Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.
Status: Finished.
Ice fortress:Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.
Status: Finished.
The shelter:Gives cover to everyone inside it.
Holds up to 5 people.
Is the closest building to the Wall.
Has a nice bar and buffet area (+ 2 HP to anyone who uses it).
Has a special sniper nest for BdrLine and his peashooter only.
Status: Finished.
The Wall:HP: 797842/994700
Status: Having fun and stuff.
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II
Turn 25 is now and we're at the 700000s w00t! xD This is gonna go on for a good while