Author Topic: The Wall [v1]  (Read 476310 times)

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #330 on: March 06, 2014, 06:42:03 am »
Coldcurse rolls a d20 for noticing cheesy trying to steal his scroll that is always hidden in the inside pocket of his shirt.
It's in your pocket

a thing that causes disgust or hatred.
"this bill is an abomination to all mankind"
synonyms:   atrocity, disgrace, horror, obscenity, outrage, evil, crime, monstrosity, anathema, bane More

A synonym is horror, that can lead to fear. Also the "thing that causes disgust and hatred" can distract you from your scroll

Also searching in "Abomination" in Google images comes up with the Hulk (I didn't know he looked like that) and the Hulk is strong and stuff and he gets like that when he gets angry, my magma things are angry because you keep insulting them
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 06:46:17 am by Cheesy Crackers »

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #331 on: March 06, 2014, 10:10:07 am »
Coldcurse rolls a d20 for noticing cheesy trying to steal his scroll that is always hidden in the inside pocket of his shirt.
It's in your pocket

a thing that causes disgust or hatred.
"this bill is an abomination to all mankind"
synonyms:   atrocity, disgrace, horror, obscenity, outrage, evil, crime, monstrosity, anathema, bane More

A synonym is horror, that can lead to fear. Also the "thing that causes disgust and hatred" can distract you from your scroll

Also searching in "Abomination" in Google images comes up with the Hulk (I didn't know he looked like that) and the Hulk is strong and stuff and he gets like that when he gets angry, my magma things are angry because you keep insulting them
Synonym: Disgrace.
They are not worth to be called real opponents as they just bounce.

The scroll is in the pocket INSIDE my shirt. this will make sure it won't fall out that easily. By the way I wouldn't get scared of your litle puppets.

If this is all because of the babysign, then I'll destroy it next turn.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #332 on: March 06, 2014, 07:26:16 pm »
I'll just wait until you guys kill each other with your completely made up stats and dice xD No but srsly I'll see what I can do with all this, holy funk... P:

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #333 on: March 06, 2014, 10:58:57 pm »
Coldcurse rolls a d20 for noticing cheesy trying to steal his scroll that is always hidden in the inside pocket of his shirt.
It's in your pocket

a thing that causes disgust or hatred.
"this bill is an abomination to all mankind"
synonyms:   atrocity, disgrace, horror, obscenity, outrage, evil, crime, monstrosity, anathema, bane More

A synonym is horror, that can lead to fear. Also the "thing that causes disgust and hatred" can distract you from your scroll

Also searching in "Abomination" in Google images comes up with the Hulk (I didn't know he looked like that) and the Hulk is strong and stuff and he gets like that when he gets angry, my magma things are angry because you keep insulting them
Synonym: Disgrace.
They are not worth to be called real opponents as they just bounce.

The scroll is in the pocket INSIDE my shirt. this will make sure it won't fall out that easily. By the way I wouldn't get scared of your litle puppets.

If this is all because of the babysign, then I'll destroy it next turn.
You cursed me! It's cuz of the curse not the sign :\

There's also more than one synonym so one can't define it.

You never mentioned your shirt was tucked in, so it can still fall out.

I'll just wait until you guys kill each other with your completely made up stats and dice xD No but srsly I'll see what I can do with all this, holy funk... P:
Have fun xD

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #334 on: March 06, 2014, 11:01:06 pm »
...umm...hmm... Too much for me to comprehend.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #335 on: March 06, 2014, 11:09:31 pm »
Delays work on the shelter (Plus one turn until it is finished) in order to nullify Cheesy's Counter curse by using an old Family scroll that casts a nullify charm along with also turning Cheesy into a roughly man-sized magma-ish cubical minion, permanently, thus making it impossible to fly on any airship.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #336 on: March 06, 2014, 11:43:40 pm »
Delays work on the shelter (Plus one turn until it is finished) in order to nullify Cheesy's Counter curse by using an old Family scroll that casts a nullify charm along with also turning Cheesy into a roughly man-sized magma-ish cubical minion, permanently, thus making it impossible to fly on any airship.
Objection! Wheres my lawyer?

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #337 on: March 06, 2014, 11:47:27 pm »

Edit: Cheesy I'm your lawyer don't worry about it

Edit #2:

Speaking of which, Colt, I gave you my number between 1 and 4 and you haven't told me my fate yet. :(

Sorry, I didn't read this bit before xD I was gonna tell your fate in the next post but it looks like macmac has saved all of you now, so I guess we'll never know :3
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 12:15:57 am by Oliver Colt »

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #338 on: March 06, 2014, 11:51:23 pm »
Thou art not aloudeth to speaketh, or changeth the transformation, including attempteths to reverteth to human-eth form-eth, Monsieur Crackers.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #339 on: March 07, 2014, 01:33:28 am »

You jump off of Coldcurse's ship once more, straight towards the Wall, as Gryphos sings a nice song over the radio. Once you're close enough you yell "Take that, Wall!" and poke it. You fall all the way down and spawn on Coldcurse's ship once more. The Wall throws a very effective brick at you for being so effective with your attacks.

Damage dealt: 70
Damage taken: 1
HP: 92/100

You hear Gryphos singing songs about breaking walls over the radio, and inspired as you are, you let the tunnel machine do its work and get an innocent Galleon from god knows where. You load it inside the cannons ad fire it. The shot is very accurate so you deal a good amount of damage to the Wall. The Wall throws parts of the Galleon right back at you.

Stuff: Tunnel machine (deployed).
Damage dealt: 1846 (863 from cannons, 983 from ram)
Damage taken: 7
HP: 67/100

Gryphos Felldawning:
As you go back to the Wall, you sing some inspirational tunes for your friends over the radio. Mordor sure is far away, god dammit. You hope you don't lose your voice by the end of the trip! It's just one more turn away, anyway. Although one turn can mean a month these days, am I right?

Achievement unlocked: Reference letters.
You stumble on something... A brick? You look up and see the Wall. You think of Back to the Future and Doctor Who and a bunch of other mainstream shows, movies and games that have nothing to do with this RP and come to the conclusion that making so many references all this time has made your future references even more effective, and singing Wall songs (possibly from the Pink Floyd movie) as you walked, made you walk even faster. In any way you're currently at the Wall with your Grond, ready to deploy it.

Stuff: Grond.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 45/100
Acievements: Reference letters.

You're getting really tired of the GM's shizzle, not posting often etc. so you decide to sit around and blow some regular bubbles in the laboratory while you wait for your Bubble-atron-inator-thingy to be done. (The Bubble-atron-inator-thingy is now in your stuff). Outside, the Wall shakes and loses a few more bricks. How odd...

Achievement unlocked: ... -The Sign Painter.
You feel like you're onto something. Bubbles, bubbles... where have you heard that before. And why is the Wall so afraid of them. Maybe it's something about that teal color of theirs, or their rank. What if they could just nerf the Wall? Wouldn't that be cool, now. Also cool is that you may ask the GM any questions about the Half-Life easter egg, that is actually called that just to sound cool and is in no way related to those games.

Stuff: Super real cool awesome beautiful peashooter, Bubble-atron-inator-thingy.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 59/100
Achievements: ... -The Sign Painter.

Cheesy Crackers:
You start babbling about some magical cheese energy you have but since it wasn't stated anywhere before your post, your lawyer says you cannot complain about your current situation. You tell all of your minions to attack Coldcurse and steal his scroll. Before you can finish casting any sort of spells and whatnot, macmac uses one of his scrolls to nullify your curse and turn you into a magma-ish cubical minion for a lifetime. On the bright side, the curse that Coldcurse used on your minions is now gone as well. Hooray! Your lawyer says this was for the best. The Wall thinks you've had it bad enough already and doesn't attack you this round.

Stuff: Smart moving wall minions (x41), magma-ish cubical minions (x39.5).
Damage dealt: 0 (15 to Coldcurse).
Damage taken: 0
HP: 63/99
Misc.: Turned into a magma-ish cubical minion (for your whole life).

You are minding your business when suddenly you see Cheesy and his minions getting on your ship. The minions attack you and Cheesy manages to steal your scroll somehow. You feel as if the GM didn't even roll for any of this but maybe you had it coming for trying to decide for him. You shake your head, thinking you've been watching too many conspiracy movies. Cheesy is about to use a curse on your crew when macmac stops him with a counter-curse and turns him into a magma-ish cubical minion. You feel a lot better as you see Cheesy fall back to the ground and bounce away. The Wall doesn't attack you because it's so confused about what just happened.

Stuff: Baby sign (98 HP).
Damage dealt:  0
Damage taken: 15 (from Cheesy's minions).
HP: 50/100

You hear Gryphos singing over the radio, but also a lot of noise coming from somewhere else and decide to go investigate. You find Cheesy and Coldcurse playing Dungeons & Dragons or something like that, yelling about dice and scrolls at each other. It's not letting you focus on your task! You remember you have a scroll yourself, and use it on Cheesy. You almost forgot what it does until he turns into a magma-ish cubical minion and falls down from Coldcurse's ship. Everything is quiet for a second, and then you hear a short, nice tune coming from nowhere.

Achievement unlocked: Love thy GM...
You walk back to the shelter, thinking of the time you lost there. Another turn in GM time is like 3 weeks nowadays! As you're thinking about this you bump into something... The Shelter! It's finished! You go inside and find a flower bouquet with a nice "thank you" card, which you quickly disregard as you see a notebook next to it that looks kinda magical. It's green and has a star in the front, just like Maxwell's in that one Scribblenauts game. You put it in your stuff just in case you ever need something quickly.

Stuff: Robot, magical notebook.
Damage dealt: 0
Damage taken: 0
HP: 60/100
Misc.: Armor.
Achievements: Love thy GM...

Other Damage:
3363 from Firing Range (1266 from catapult, 1386 from cannon, 711 from wrecking ball).
1200 from Robot (600 to max HP)
8876 from Bomb Factory (2144 from bomb factory, 2744 from bombs in the catapult, 1844 from bombs in the cannon, 2144 from bombs in the mine-launcher).
1088 from Impact-mine Mine-launcher.
1157 from Tunnel Machine.
431 from Ivy.
461 from Mold.

The laboratory:
Speeds up the creation of new weapons and gadgets and other sci-fi goodies.
You can upgrade weapons here for extra damage.
Has a really sweet bathroom (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The fort numero uno:
Gives +15 defense to anyone staying inside of it.
Holds up to 3 people.

Status: Finished.

The catapult:
First siege unit of the game.
Effective attacking cities.
Can be used by many people in one turn (only one shot for each person).

Status: Finished.

The Llaw:
+1 Culture output for every Wall.
-5% Accuracy for everyone directly attacking the Wall.
Allows research to commence on upgrading the Wall's arsenal.
Deals damage to the Wall for every construction turn.

Status: Finished.
Inside: CheesyCrackers.

The other Wall:
Defense bonus to anyone behind it.
Allows to use long range weapons without losing cover.
Holds up to 6 people.
Producing: +1 Culture.

Status: Finished.

High energy kinetic rail-cannons:
Deal damage to the Wall... I don't really know what kind.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

Bomb factory:
Produces bombs that get thrown at the Wall automatically every turn.
Has expansions for other existing weapons.

Status: Finished.

The hospital:
Helps recover more HP each turn to anyone inside it.
Has a really good cafeteria (+1 HP to anyone who uses it).

Status: Finished.

The wrecking ball:
She came in like a wrecking ball.
She never hit so hard in love.
Can be used by many people in one turn.

Status: Finished.

The firing range:
Shoots every long range weapon placed inside of it.
Holds up to 5 weapons.

Status: Finished.
Inside: The catapult, the wrecking ball, the high energy kinetic rail-cannons.

Impact-mine mine-launcher:
Throws impact-mines at the Wall automatically.
Is a cake related thing.

Status: Finished.

Ice fortress:
Heals Jawjee, Coldcurse and the Husky Titans when they're inside.
Deals damage to anyone else inside it.
Has a workbench to make weapons.

Status: Finished.

The shelter:
Gives cover to everyone inside it.
Holds up to 5 people.
Is the closest building to the Wall.
Has a nice bar and buffet area (+ 2 HP to anyone who uses it).
Has a special sniper nest for BdrLine and his peashooter only.

Status: Finished.

The Wall:

HP: 843970/996100
Status: About to get nerfed, possibly
Producing: +1 Culture
Perks: Incendiary Pebbles II

And so turn 23 is finally (finally!) here. I've just completely made up an achievement system, congrats to our first 3 beta testers! :D I'll be doing more on the way but don't worry so much about them :P w00t! Also forgive any format/math/grammar mistakes, I was pressured to post this quickly XD
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 01:42:55 am by Oliver Colt »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #340 on: March 07, 2014, 01:40:53 am »
Walking back to the lab, I sit down and begin writing a letter to get my cannon certified as a sentient being, as I install the AI core.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #341 on: March 07, 2014, 01:48:47 am »
I go into the laboratory and work on making myself an advanced handheld sticky mine launcher, along with a portable banshee rocket launcher.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #342 on: March 07, 2014, 02:04:49 am »
I start to fly back to the hospital after removing all the dead wall minions off my ship.
Using the power of the baby sign, I create a barrier that cheesy can't enter.

Crew update:
 +1 AI (this one will die soon by the following action.)

As everything became peacefull once more, an AI crewmember run across th ship fo no reason. As he ran acros, he stepped on Redria's foot. As expected Redria got pisse off and was insulted by the action of the AI. She pulled out Coldcurse's 2 handed steel sword that was hilt on his back, she could wield the sword with 1 hand without any problems. Redria screamed loudly in rage and started to slash into the AI crewmember, she went totally beserk on him and didn't stop. The AI crewmember screamed loudly in pain, he cried out and soon stopped breathing as redria forced her 2 handed sword deep into his chest. She turned the sword a quarter to the right to inflict even more damage. The AI looked into her eyes, you could see the life escaping from him as he his eyes slowly rolled up. Redria placed her foot on his chest and kicked the dead body of the AI of her sword and off the ship. Coldcurse slow clapped as he was watching the whole thing. He smiled at Redria and says "Well done, you can keep the sword. I have another one laying in the captains quarters.

Redria's stuff:
1 Rotten Apple.
1 Steel Longsword.

Ariden fell asleep during the fight with the wallminions because she found it too boring.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #343 on: March 07, 2014, 02:27:22 am »
Hmm.... well this sucks
And technically coldcurse none of the wall minions actually died because it says i still have 41 of them.

Since i'm now a magma thing I use my culture energy (Since they were made from the wall culture) to upgrade the wall to spawn magma minions to attack everyone else. I employ the remaining wall minions to help and have the magma things patrol the area and guard it.

Also if it doesn't count as an extra turn - since I can't enter the hospital because of the barrier I'll bounce around on Coldcurses ship which is parked wherever and set it on fire.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 02:33:38 am by Cheesy Crackers »

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: The Wall [v1]
« Reply #344 on: March 07, 2014, 02:48:30 am »
Walking back to the lab, I sit down and begin writing a letter to get my cannon certified as a sentient being, as I install the AI core.
Lawyer! I demand we sue this person for copying the sentient weapon concept!