Author Topic: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH  (Read 50368 times)

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2014, 02:10:05 am »
the planetary system still makes it possible for a vet team to lose vs. a vet team and then fight a new team the week after. that hasnt changed. there are just more split up cogs, meaning some teams might never face each other.
Actually the system works like a blender when it comes to match making. the same match will reoccur after slot-count-of-wheel-1*slot-count-of-wheel-2 weeks (so 2*3 = 6 weeks in most cases) - IF 2 teams stay steady in the cogs for 6 weeks.

Regarding the weekly matches: Offering weekly matches for the entire community has been a design goal of the cog season 3. So yes, if you loose you're scheduled vs. a weaker team the week afterwards. I can not see what's wrong about that.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2014, 02:33:38 am »
I think the best elements of Cogs season 3 that should be preserved are these:

Every team plays every week - This keeps clans active and enjoying the game smashing each other to pieces

All matches are best of 1 - This makes the stakes extremely high, increasing the level of competition while simultaneously reducing the burden on casters and the wait on players.  With teams playing every week, the losing sides will only have to wait a week to reclaim their honor.

The best teams play against the best teams.  Other teams win to earn their place as the best teams while the losers drop down to play against easier foes.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #62 on: January 20, 2014, 02:34:23 am »
I think the best elements of Cogs season 3 that should be preserved are these:

Every team plays every week - This keeps clans active and enjoying the game smashing each other to pieces

All matches are best of 1 - This makes the stakes extremely high, increasing the level of competition while simultaneously reducing the burden on casters and the wait on players.  With teams playing every week, the losing sides will only have to wait a week to reclaim their honor.

The best teams play against the best teams.  Other teams win to earn their place as the best teams while the losers drop down to play against easier foes.
oh but don't think the ducks will be number 1 again.

That paritan rumble title is mine I tell you!  :D

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2014, 05:16:44 am »
That paritan rumble title is mine I tell you!  :D

I beg to differ, there is no way you pity soul collectors can keep up with our relentless rhino charges.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2014, 05:27:21 am »
That paritan rumble title is mine I tell you!  :D

I beg to differ, there is no way you pity soul collectors can keep up with our relentless rhino charges.
Oh seems the furrsuiters call me pitty. I laugh on the dead scrap of metal what you call "your ship".
Don't expect any mercy from us.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2014, 12:32:58 pm »

That paritan rumble title is mine I tell you!  :D

Almost. Better to almost lose a title than almost have a title.  :p

Offline Sir Maxio

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #66 on: January 21, 2014, 03:54:52 pm »
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Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #67 on: January 21, 2014, 06:30:41 pm »
cogs is cancelled afaik

Offline ramjamslam

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Re: COGS Season Three, REBIRTH
« Reply #68 on: January 21, 2014, 06:50:05 pm »
cogs is cancelled afaik
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