Ooooo, my turn:
"Engies, get to the engines. I'm burning (Moonshine/Kerosene)."
"Engies, if the engines aren't up then I can't run away from the double Hwacha Galleon."
"Engi, please repair the Hwacha so that I can ruin someone's day."
"Engi, I know you love that front gun. But the balloon is on fire and if you don't extinguish it I will eat you."
"Engi, spanner for dead things, mallet for things crying out in pain. No, that doesn't mean you throw it at the enemy ship."
"Gunner, you will only stop shooting guns if there are no targets and no guns to shoot at/with/for/(with a burning passion)."
"Gunner, are you good with a Mercury? You're not? Well fu-*kaboom*"
"Gunner, the protocol is you shoot at the hull unless I tell you to shoot at the balloon."
"Pilot, keep in mind I'm not the best of shots. I'm the best at being shot."
"If you jump off the ship one more time I will sit on you."
...Do I win?