Clan Name: Unity
Founder: Jamini
Members: 8
Clan tag: [NEV]
Steamgroup: None currently
Primary Communication: Skype
Location: US, Canada, UK
Requirements: Fly with us. Prove you can communicate and be a team-player. Be willing to man up to your own mistakes. Accept your teammates for what they are, and respect them for what they can do.
Info: We are a group of friends with a true love of games related to aviation, space exploration, building, teamwork, and roleplay. We play a great number of games together, and are often looking for new multiplayer pastimes to become involved in. Everyone in Unity knows that the other members have their back when the going gets rough. As a group we respect resourcefulness, teamplay, and humility. We don't brag. We don't blame. We simply accept what happened and learn from it.