Clan Leader: Captain Coldcurse
Co-Leader: Captain Lockheart
Clan Tag: TFD
Members: 20
Steam Group: [Placeholder]
Clan Location: International
Preferred Timezone: GMT +0 London
What Are We Looking For: We are looking for
active players that are wanting to learn and fight for fun and/or competitive. Negative Attitude will not be allowed.
Must Have: Fun, Creativity, understand english and speak english, being active.
Clan Description: The Flying Dutchmen is a Clan that everyone can join. We enjoy our battles and we share our knowledge with others. We are a great competitive/Fun Clan that have been flying around for a very long time. Some of our players are real veterans of GoIo. We are going to play more competitive matches in 2014. The Flying Dutchmen has many Friends and Enemies, we are known as the clan with alot of fighting spirit. We hope that more people with fighting spirit and honor will join us to fly along and kill all that stands in our way of victory.