[...] or get upset when they see they can't play well without the help of others/requires strategy.
"I bought this game, I can't pwn teh n00bs by myself, I can't pay to win, I can't farm for uber equipment, I have to actually think to play this game, I don't like thinking.... Might as well troll." - FPS tryhards.
I think that's a valid point, and something that I see from time to time, albeit somewhat rarely. Players who think they can just charge into a ship with whatever idea is in their head, work alone, and get kills. It can be frustrating on both ends, because from our perspective, here is a player who will actively resist what strategy we give and just sort of do their own thing, and from their perspective, "WHY ARE THESE GUYS TAKING SO LONG I KNOW WHAT TO DO I GOT MY AMMO I PWN AT COD THESE N00BS JUST DONT KNOW *foams at the mouth*"
I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. I think more often than not, however, I do see players who want to learn but they see lobbies with a lot of high numbers and they're afraid to ask questions, and I feel they get frustrated when they lose or when they don't understand what's going on in the bigger picture. I like it when a lower level player takes the ammo I tell them to bring, but I like it more when they say "Why that ammo for that gun?" I feel like I'm helping to forge a better player xD