Author Topic: Pyra being op?  (Read 134281 times)

Offline Imagine

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #135 on: August 29, 2013, 01:22:42 pm »
Our clan doesn't, don't lump us in with you guys, even if a lot of the people in other clans are pretty cool. ANYWAYS. Pyra OP nerf pls, discuss.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #136 on: August 29, 2013, 01:24:20 pm »
How about this. Let's come to a compromise.

The Pyramidion is overused, not overpowered.

Offline Zenark

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #137 on: August 29, 2013, 01:24:28 pm »
I figure the Pyramidion is only a problem with gat/mortar. Once we eventually have more guns and therefore a more spread out meta, the Pyra will even out. I'm sure it'll still be the easy ship that newer players use, but it won't be in 90% of matches.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #138 on: August 29, 2013, 01:25:43 pm »
We can only hope Zenark, until then.

Offline Eukari

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #139 on: August 29, 2013, 03:50:28 pm »
I think that the problem with this whole thing is that there will always be the "best" meta. There's always going to be a particular build, or certain ship, or right strategy that is the current most effective one. Right now, that's the Gatling/Morter Pyramidion, because the combination of easy to learn, easy to fly and easy to kill with makes it the simplest, quickest thing for new players to learn. And it's wishful thinking to want players to intentionally hobble themselves just to make things more "interesting." I'd lay money that most of the people who fly the current meta either figured it out themselves or noticed how well it worked against them. They saw what was good, and they want to win. Who can blame them?

Does this mean I'm not sick to death of flying with/on/against Gat/Mortar Pyras? Absolutely not. It's to the point where I'm tempted to leave the lobby if my captain switches to Pyra, or that I take captain myself (which I don't like doing unless I know my crew well) just so I can switch to something else. But, even if all our dreams come true and something happens to reduce the attractiveness of that setup ... there will emerge some other combination that people will latch onto. I mean, any ship that can pull off Gat/Mortar is a problem. The Junker, the Pyra, the Mobula...they can all kill things very fast.

I'd love for something a little more fun to fight against, yeah, but we're always going to be stuck with some sort of metagame.

P.S. Zenark, I'd love to fly with you sometime- it sounds like a blast. :3

Offline Zenark

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #140 on: August 29, 2013, 04:37:24 pm »
Oh yes, Eukari~ We'll have to do the Mine Squid! XD only time I've ever heard someone say that Mines were OP.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #141 on: August 29, 2013, 04:47:46 pm »
This probably sounds strange coming from me but unless I'm practicing I usually fly a squid or some crazy mine Junker in pub matches and I never really have problems with metamidions.

Perhaps by flying one so often I've gotten used to its weaknesses, but I usually don't have an issue countering them.

Offline Zenark

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #142 on: August 29, 2013, 04:50:30 pm »
I agree, countering them isn't too difficult, it's just repetitive. How do you get past that? Or does it not even affect you?

I think I need to set some stuff on fire, maybe stick a few mines up a Pyramidion's aft.

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #143 on: August 29, 2013, 05:10:54 pm »
The problem here isn't really if the Pyrimidion is over-powered or if gat/mortar is over-powered, it's that disabling is under-powered.

And I can't, for the life of me, find out why.

We have all of these amazing weapons for breaking other ship's toys (Mercury gun, Manticore, Carronades, Lumberjack), but we see predominately piercing/explosive oriented ships across the board. The only time you ever see a disabling weapon in competitive play is on a Galleon.

My guess? The Galleon is the only ship that can afford disablers.

It's high armor and perma helps it survive a 2v1 long enough for allied assistance.

Most other disabler builds can maybe effectively disable another ship in a fight, but keeping two down while your ally goes in for the kills requires too much luck and skill to be effective.

I'm not saying piercing/explosive takes no skill, it's just so much harder to keep a good crew disabled than it is to outright kill them. We can all agree on that.

Besides, why disable them when it doesn't take that much more effort to kill them?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling for a gat/mortar or piercing/explosive nerf.
I'm not suggesting we wait for there to be more weapons to play, either
I'm not even necessarily asking for a disabler damage buff either.

We just need to make disableing more effective. It needs to work better with an ally. It needs to be able to survive on its own.

How to do this fairly?
Frankly, I haven't got a clue.

Offline Echoez

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #144 on: August 29, 2013, 05:18:51 pm »
Fire is realy not that effective against guns anymore

Carronades can't even imagive of sitting in a safe arc despite how hard to is to approach someone with them, plus they make the enemy fall out of their own arcs.

Hwacha used to be slightly more effective with the old Heavy clip, but it took a small hit.

Artemis can't aim up.

Realy, any disabling weapon that isn't the Lumberjack is getting a lot of shit running for it. Disabling weapons are disabled themselves in some way or an other, hence end up just not being the most effective thing ever.

Also Kirk, the Galleon can afford a lot of disables cause it just has enough gun ports to use both killing and disabling weapons :P

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #145 on: August 29, 2013, 05:39:46 pm »
Also Kirk, the Galleon can afford a lot of disables cause it just has enough gun ports to use both killing and disabling weapons :P

Thus further proving my point.

Disablers UP.

Offline Gambrill

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #146 on: August 30, 2013, 02:04:43 am »
James, i found the Carronade and banshee is quite effective. with the disabling baloon, explosive damage + aoe (also good for hull damage) and fire stack chance it makes this quite a lethal build if you get a small ammount of time on a hostile.

The pyramidion is not Overpowered. I find it to be one of the easiest ships to kill.... WITH THE RIGHT SHIP!!!  The Pyramidion is terrible at turning, correct? then use a fast ship to exploit that weakness! I run rings around a pyramidion with my amazing gungineer B'Elanna torching everything they own.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #147 on: August 30, 2013, 02:20:19 am »
I run rings around a pyramidion with my amazing gungineer B'Elanna torching everything they own.
Every time, there is always going to be a lot of burning.

Offline Gambrill

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #148 on: August 30, 2013, 02:25:58 am »
I run rings around a pyramidion with my amazing gungineer B'Elanna torching everything they own.
Every time, there is always going to be a lot of burning.

HMS Slightly Toasted, at your service ;D

Offline Echoez

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Re: Pyra being op?
« Reply #149 on: August 30, 2013, 07:44:52 am »
James, i found the Carronade and banshee is quite effective. with the disabling baloon, explosive damage + aoe (also good for hull damage) and fire stack chance it makes this quite a lethal build if you get a small ammount of time on a hostile.

Implying that your enemy is realy not that stupid, you won't be getting much time on them, the moment they activate Phoenix you have something like 3 seconds before they have arcs on you (If it's a Pyra, if It's a Junker it's even less), that's where you start to realize that maybe this loadout is good on paper and CAN perform, but in reality the prequisites for it to work properly almost never go according to plan against competent opponents cause they will abuse your weapon's disability to follow them lower or higher while you can't abuse the arcs of a gun like say.. the Gatling, that can aim through the freaking floor of a ship, you can't abuse the Gatling's arcs, but you abuse every single disabling weapon's arc very much.