I Played with Captain Kirk and his fellows...
Well not exactly played since i was holding a spot and when i was giving it back someone took my original spot but still was good to watch those guys in action
I cannot thank you enough for that.
Really, this guy deserves a medal.
I was having some trouble with my mic, so I restarted my game to fix it. When I joined back in my friends' game, all ready to spectate, Gambrill was there in my spot. As soon as he saw me in spectator, he hopped over too.
He selflessly gave up his spot on a high-leveled crewed ship to hold mine, and I'm sure they were all working well together and having a good time the match before.
Seriously, TRY finding a player HALF as considerate in ANY other game out there.
Gambrill, I salute you both with that little button, and with my heart.
Thanks again.