Author Topic: My issues with this game.  (Read 53907 times)

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2013, 08:12:16 am »
tbh Gilder both solutons are not perfect - always play with the same folks drastically limits when you can play, play with lots of pubs means you will run into crews froim hell.

Offline Pickle

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2013, 08:42:34 am »
You have Captains flying as gunner/Engineer instead of pilots.

A classic example yesterday.  On the other ship in the team there was an Engineer in the Captain's slot, no Pilot on the ship.  Against my initial judgement and personal rules, I thought that as they were flying a Spire they might be trying something to mitigate its fragility.

Thirty seconds into the match, and on the Team text channel there's the other Captain typing, "Somebody go steer"

It's times like this I don't want to Block a player, I just want to flag them as a Muppet so I can still see/hear them but get a warning if I see them in my crew or team.

Password protected private matches FTW.

Offline QKO

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2013, 10:15:57 am »
Yes, as a player it's annoying with crew and captains leaving midgames. But we can't simply force teamwork, only encourage it. As in any other game with a chain of command, it's not against the rules not to work with your teammates. You have power to choose the ship, kick people off the helm and communicate with fellow captains, but having the team cooperate is up to the captain and crew themselves.
And you don't see a correlation between captains/players leaving and players being disobedient? In almost every other game where there is or isn't a chain of command in a team, there's an excessive amount of flaming going on because people don't listen to eachother and because a leader isn't appointed at the start of the game. Make no mistake, this is where this game is headed once it gains popularity.

I know I can rage pretty damn hard and some people cave in under this pressure and do start to listen, others don't even understand me or just think it is funny. If I have no tools to deal with these people, you are recommending that I leave the game and try my luck elsewhere, while the (often only) disobedient player is the cause of the problem. So lets recap on that: 1 player is disobedient, I leave, which means that my ship remains without a captain, so I ruin the game for my crew because of that disobedient player. Then because I left my ship, and my ship basically hangs in the air, it means that my team is down a player, so now I ruined the game for 2 + 4*(teamsize - 1) players. My opponents were expecting a good game and didn't expect me to leave, that's a game ruined for teamsize players. So by me leaving, I ruin the game quite extensively; and yet, this is the only AND RECOMMENDED action to deal with crewmembers that don't listen. I cannot even prevent these players from following me or joining my ship, so everytime they join my boat, I have to leave. Do you honestly think this is fair?

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2013, 10:31:24 am »
He's not telling you to leave during the match.

Raging at your crew also causes more problems then it fixes. I'm all for clear orders (ask any of my clanmates), but you are fully aware that not everybody on the internet is going to listen, and that reason can be one of many. (Ex. language barrier, age, no mic, no interest in team-play, ect.)

Goio is unique in that it really requires teamwork to be successful. This includes taking orders from others, and that in itself is a very tall order. If you plan to be a good captain, you have to make people want to listen to you. You do not just immediately have that right, nor can we force it onto anybody.

Offline Serenum

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2013, 10:35:59 am »
If you play with the same people regularly it mitigates a lot of problems tbh.

Hence players complaining of stacking!! lol

Let them.
Stacking is the whole point of being in a clan, for me. If you don't stack when you can you are just handicapping yourself. After all no-one is forcing anyone to play in a stacked match.

Offline QKO

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2013, 10:47:07 am »
He's not telling you to leave during the match. noting point 2.
Raging at your crew also causes more problems then it fixes. I'm all for clear orders (ask any of my clanmates), but you are fully aware that not everybody on the internet is going to listen, and that reason can be one of many. (Ex. language barrier, age, no mic, no interest in team-play, ect.)

Goio is unique in that it really requires teamwork to be successful. This includes taking orders from others, and that in itself is a very tall order. If you plan to be a good captain, you have to make people want to listen to you. You do not just immediately have that right, nor can we force it onto anybody.
Raging at my crew happens when the other means of manipulation have been exhausted and when frustration kicks in. You are telling me it's not nice for me to ruin their experience while they are ruining mine. GoIO is not unique, DotA and spinoffs requires the same degree of teamwork, and we all know where that has lead people: . Granted, in those games you are not permitted to leave...

I'd love to be a good captain, I think everyone in the role has the same goal as I do. But that means that I am responsible for my ship and that I feel responsible when things go wrong. If my crew members are set on not listening to me, my hands are tied. I haven't met a single person who has claimed to me that they could make people who don't listen listen. That is the issue here, I cannot do anything about this and you/Muse is refusing to give me means to do so.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2013, 11:10:18 am »
I haven't met a single person who has claimed to me that they could make people who don't listen listen. That is the issue here, I cannot do anything about this and you/Muse is refusing to give me means to do so.
Hello! I've made people who don't listen listen!

Granted it doesn't happen often. Troll usually don't listen, and sometimes you can't get around that.
When this happens I counter troll. I take a flamesquid or something, constantly encourage my crew to do things better via voice and type. If that doesn't work, I let it go. It's a video game and I want to have fun. So I make it fun (squidramkilltime!).

I've actually turned a few crewmen who were "not listening" into listening crew members by taking the game a little less seriously (and possibly singing to them). But most of the time they were just inexperienced. I have a lot of patience, and I could care less about winning most of the time. Some people simply never talk, and if they don't I instruct those on my crew who are listening to work around them. I consider them like an AI, they will do what they will do.

They usually leave after we lose a few times. But in general I just assume everyone has no idea what they are doing and it's my job to teach them!

Remember, respect is earned. You can't expect people to listen to you just cause you are the captain. Make them want to listen. Give them direct feedback. "Oops. Okay, next time X, stay on the hull and we won't die." "Y you need to aim for the hull, it's that thick part on the bottom." "Guys, stay on the guns, if we kill them quickly they can't keep shooting us".
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 11:12:30 am by Plasmarobo »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2013, 11:17:55 am »
2. Relocate — Leave the problem player behind by moving to a new lobby. You can invite other players in the match to a party and take the whole gang to a new match in crew formation, leaving the troll alone in the cold.

"Move to new lobby" does not equate to "leave the game you are playing thus ruining everyone's game."

Raging at my crew happens when the other means of manipulation have been exhausted and when frustration kicks in. You are telling me it's not nice for me to ruin their experience while they are ruining mine.

I didn't say it wasn't nice. I said it causes more problems for you than it will ever fix.

I'd love to be a good captain, I think everyone in the role has the same goal as I do. But that means that I am responsible for my ship and that I feel responsible when things go wrong. If my crew members are set on not listening to me, my hands are tied. I haven't met a single person who has claimed to me that they could make people who don't listen listen. That is the issue here, I cannot do anything about this and you/Muse is refusing to give me means to do so.

I'd love to hear about the means you expect Muse to give to you to force people to listen to you, while you also say people who don't listen simply never will. We both know not everyone is a team player, and there is no means of forcing them into that, so no tool exists that will ever net that result.

Make friends who listen. They want to have fun just as badly as you do. Ignore the troll. If they specifically target you and break the rules, report them. It has been this way since beta and no personal experience of mine, be it before and after I became a CA, has made me think we need any form of forced teamwork.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2013, 11:45:02 am »
It is all well and good to rage at a crewman for disobeying orders, trolling, or just general stupidity. Try to be creative about it. My personal favorites are:
"Get to your station or I will have you flogged."
"You are a disgrace to this ship."
"You have failed your country, you have failed your crew, and worst of all you have failed ME!"
"We die here for your incompetence."
"I expect a better hit rate from you."
"You can't be trusted with that <vital job> go to the <less vital job> and let <more experienced player> take over."

Quitting mid game is just poor sportsmanship. If you must, surrender or suicide into the enemy to end the game faster. It is better to loose the match and inform the entire lobby that you are leaving the server because Player X can't take orders. That way everyone in the lobby knows Player X is to be avoided, player X is publicly shamed, and nobody bares you ill will for making their game suck.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2013, 12:44:04 pm »
To add on what Zill and Plasma said. We can't punish people for not wanting to work together, and as such the "BRR" is designed for trolls. If you got problems with them, yes you can move, report them and hopefully they'll get handled by Muse. There is however a difference between trolls and people simply not listening to you. These will in most cases be new people, and/or people who doesn't understand the teamwork. We don't recommend you to leave and report these players, and if you do they probably won't get handled. However as said previously, you are prefectly fine to report trolls, spammers and the like.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 01:19:53 pm by Sgt. Spoon »

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2013, 12:55:59 pm »
Stacking is the whole point of being in a clan, for me. If you don't stack when you can you are just handicapping yourself.

Ah yes, I'm sorry but the win at any cost thing just doesn't work for me, if that's what you meant of course. It's that kind of mentality - win by any edge possible, no matter how cheap, that makes playing most multiplayer games such a bad experience.  If that's what you meant of course.

Clans are fine, until it comes to the point you cannot play a game without getting preyed on, until it comes to the point that the members of the clans won't look after new players, unless they join, for fear of giving an edge to their competitors. That kind of mentality is extremely bad for any game imo. Lucky we don't have that kind of situation in GoI.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2013, 01:14:12 pm »
My methods for fostering teamwork

1) Communicate - most players who are not trolls will communicate if you choose the right method.  I generally start communicating with my team in the lobby.  I'll often discover immediately if there is a communication issue.

1b) Solve communication issue - does the player have a mic?  Is their sound turned off? Do they speak another language (google translate to the rescue!)

2) Set crew responsibilities and give broad description of your strategy
2b) If players are new teach them how to do their roles

3) If crew dissents decisions use discuss and use inductive reasoning to explain why you plan on using said tactics.

Now you have a communicating team all working together on a set agreed upon strategy.  If you fail to make communication or agree on a strategy before the match starts, you can save yourself aggravation by finding another match without ever having to rage.

Offline QKO

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2013, 02:20:57 pm »
2. Relocate — Leave the problem player behind by moving to a new lobby. You can invite other players in the match to a party and take the whole gang to a new match in crew formation, leaving the troll alone in the cold.

"Move to new lobby" does not equate to "leave the game you are playing thus ruining everyone's game."
No, it doesn't equate to it, but it does include it. The alternative is as suggested that you leave from within the lobby. What can I say, my patience has limits and my limits tend to be fairly high. People are leaving, and the way it is formulated, you endorse it.
I didn't say it wasn't nice. I said it causes more problems for you than it will ever fix.
Unfortunately, I don't see a bigger problem than someone ruining my game while I'm trying to have a fun time. Especially in the context of this game. So I would like examples of problems it creates.
I'd love to hear about the means you expect Muse to give to you to force people to listen to you, while you also say people who don't listen simply never will. We both know not everyone is a team player, and there is no means of forcing them into that, so no tool exists that will ever net that result.
It has been said too many times before, just make em walk the plank, so a new crew member has the option of taking his place. It's the easiest solution and it has worked for thousands of years. Otherwise allow us to muppet stamp people, where they get flagged for other users. There's also the banlist that can help us avoid playing with those who cannot be trusted. If the taste of victory, a friendly captain, or ability to waylay all responsibility for a loss, isn't enough incentive for players to listen to their captain; then nothing really is.
Make friends who listen. They want to have fun just as badly as you do. Ignore the troll. If they specifically target you and break the rules, report them. It has been this way since beta and no personal experience of mine, be it before and after I became a CA, has made me think we need any form of forced teamwork.
Nothing is really forced, but the problem here is that not listening doesn't really have any form of consequence; that voids the captain's role completely. And when it happens, the captain can just as well drop whatever he's doing and go watch a certain type of movie until the round is over.

Offline WhiteWeasel

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2013, 10:08:49 am »
A captain is a captain, he can run his ship how he wants. Some are nice and communicative, others are not. While some take the "hard arse" route and see yelling cursing a an appropriate reprimand, go right ahead.

But just remember, if everything blows right up in your face don't expect people to sympathise with you or see it as
(entirely) the crews fault. This captain learned that the hard way.

I'm personally encourage the nice route and try my best to educate new players if they are willing to learn. And if I do get a bad crew and the nice route doesn't work, people won't see their actions being justified by a mean captain. 
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 10:10:50 am by WhiteWeasel »

Offline Zenark

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Re: My issues with this game.
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2013, 10:26:31 am »
I don't really have issues with new players, I just don't like training one every other match. I'll teach them for a little bit, but after awhile, I just want to fly, so I let them do whatever and probably don't talk for the rest of the match.

This is what I get for not having a bunch of friends to fly with, but whatever, I'll get lucky every once in awhile and get a competent/higher level crew.