Author Topic: Combat fly text and passive class abilities  (Read 19219 times)

Offline Keon

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2013, 11:27:59 pm »
Does hit size depend on damage? I think it does, cause carronade shots are huge.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2013, 05:24:07 pm »
Hit box size depends on damage done.

Carronade hit boxes will be huge if you smash all of the scattershot projectiles into the balloon but you'll notice if you have normal ammo and shoot at a light gun you're likely to get a small hitbox on the hull and weapon.

Offline Kharthynogus

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2013, 09:16:22 pm »
If we're going to talk about realism, then we should acknowledge that someone who shoots for a living should have some sort of learned skill advantage over someone who fixes things for a living. While I'm against random crits, I'm all for the idea of skills improvements for each level. It's perfectly realistic that a veteran gunner should be able to manage his gun better (+X% accuracy, +Y% turning speed). It's perfectly realistic that a veteran engineer should be able to get more out of his tools (-X% repair cooldown, +Y% damaged repaired per hit). It's perfectly realistic that a veteran pilot should be able to push his ship's capabilities further (+X% horizontal acc., +Y% rotational acc., +Z% vertical acc.).

Offline DMaximus

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2013, 09:42:57 am »
If we're going to talk about realism, then we should acknowledge that someone who shoots for a living should have some sort of learned skill advantage over someone who fixes things for a living. While I'm against random crits, I'm all for the idea of skills improvements for each level. It's perfectly realistic that a veteran gunner should be able to manage his gun better (+X% accuracy, +Y% turning speed). It's perfectly realistic that a veteran engineer should be able to get more out of his tools (-X% repair cooldown, +Y% damaged repaired per hit). It's perfectly realistic that a veteran pilot should be able to push his ship's capabilities further (+X% horizontal acc., +Y% rotational acc., +Z% vertical acc.).

This may come as a surprise, but veteran gunners, pilots, and engineers already have skill improvements for each level. It's called experience. It takes time and a ton of games to get to the higher levels. You learn to hold your flak shots, stop turns with moonshine, and parkour all over the ships. Adding a passive bonus just further disadvantages newbies and would create a huge preference for high level players over low levels, resulting in even more team stacking. Part of what I love about guns is that stats wise, everyone is equal. That Powder Monkey could be just as good as any level 10. All that's missing is the experience.

Offline Serenum

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2013, 10:29:52 am »
About combat fly text: I don't want numbers in my face.

Passive abilities: hmmm. maybe. I really don't like the idea of a crit in GOI.

Call me old fashioned, but I guess I just don't get the point.

Same here.
And I especially don't want a random% passive bonus, don't introduce more random elements in the game please, it lowers the skill ceiling and makes it unfair for everyone involved.

If noobs want to see big numbers fly about, sure, make it an option. I just won't use it.

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2013, 11:43:32 am »
Numbers would immediately become the Thing To Do, because they'd add that much of an edge over people not using it. Let us all have even ground and not apply something that would just rip away the feel this game has. If they want numbers, they want to play some other game.

Offline JaegerDelta

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Re: Combat fly text and passive class abilities
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2013, 12:21:17 pm »
This may come as a surprise, but veteran gunners, pilots, and engineers already have skill improvements for each level. It's called experience. It takes time and a ton of games to get to the higher levels. You learn to hold your flak shots, stop turns with moonshine, and parkour all over the ships. Adding a passive bonus just further disadvantages newbies and would create a huge preference for high level players over low levels, resulting in even more team stacking. Part of what I love about guns is that stats wise, everyone is equal. That Powder Monkey could be just as good as any level 10. All that's missing is the experience.


the passive bonuses dont really work for this game because its not a randomization generator.  some one who has more experience with a gun, already has more experience with a gun they dont need a passive bonus to simulate that experience. besides that having a passive bonus would basically tighten the restrictions on the standard crew composition, so if there were to be passive bonuses there might as well be class selection by slot in the lobby.

as for the numbers. its true people like seeing big numbers. but games that use those numbers are often RPG's of some type. people dont like seeing the big numbers by themselves, people like seeing small numbers grow into big numbers through playing the game.  in this game the numbers would have no meaning as the stats on the equipment are always the same. in an RPG or other such games the numbers increase on a √x curve. they go up fast in the beginning to get you hooked but then they taper off as you continue playing to not become absurd .

in this game the numbers would be a horizontal line on the graph. you could put that line anywhere on the y axis and it wouldn't matter, the gatling could do 1 dmg or 100000 dmg it wouldnt matter because all dmg is constant and proportional to all other values in the game. that is why the hit markers as they are right now make more sense (and besides they already indicate damage with size anyway). you dont need numbers to tell you how much damage you are doing because that damage is always the same. you just need to know if you are hitting.