Author Topic: The Skies have no Limit  (Read 311904 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2013, 04:49:49 pm »
He was watching the line form from inside, to say it was long was a bit of an understatement, he turned to Richard who was on his 5th glass, man had a gut of steel because he wasn't drunk, then again neither was he and he was on his 7th.

"What do you suppose that line's for?"

"Not sure sounds like someone is paying big money from the talk outside."

"Really now? I wonder if the man with the money is willing to buy some guns, can't be too prepared you know."

He got up and decided to walk to the front of the line.

"So, big man with money, wanna buy some guns for the job?"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2013, 05:18:37 pm »
Plasma nods at Gareth, and glances sidelong at Mill as he sidles up.

"The pay is not much, hundred crowns, but for one day's work it's pretty phenomenal. The job questions asked. We don't open the crates, we just deliver 'em. I'll be taking my ship out tomorrow, and I need a few more men. Sound interesting?"

He slides a contract across the table. It's simply worded, stating the amount of compensation (100 crowns), work expected (duties include ship maintenance and lookout posts), and expectations for combat (run away if we're faster, shoot them until we can run away if not).

The contract is obviously one of several copies.
He looks up at Imagine as he enters, following his gaze to the bird. He shrugs, and turns his attention back to Gareth.

Several others have filtered into the bar, coming for a noon drink or lunch. The volume level slowly elevates to a comfortable cacophony. One of the men drinking stands up suddenly, and slides to the front of the line. Plasma frowns at him.

"So, big man with money, wanna buy some guns for the job?"

"That depends, what are you selling?"

"We've got chainguns, mortars, howitzers, and light flak cannons. Plenty of 'em"

Plasma considers the man for a moment. Then checks something behind the counter.
He turns back to Alex with a somewhat evil grin.

"We'll take them all actually, or rather, my employer will. One moment. EMILY!"

He shouts across the bar, and the pretty blond barmaid sighs and strides over, glaring at Plasma expectantly.

"Find Newt, tell him I need some merchandise inspected before I make a purchase."

She nods and disappears behind a door at the back. Plasma turns back to Alex.
"When Newt get's here, I'll ask you to take him to your warehouse so he can inspect the goods."

He turns back to Gareth and Mill again.

"So how about it?"
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 05:22:11 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2013, 05:28:16 pm »
Gareth stroked Roc's head as he considers the offer, Roc acting rather more like a cat as he rubbed his head against Gareth's hand.

"I'm up for it. I'll have to tell my crew to linger in Cathedral during the job but they'll enjoy the break. I'll be ready whenever needed."

He let Roc perch on his arm as he walked over to a table with the contract and examined it further, also keeping a keen eye, much like an eagle himself, on the goings on around him.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2013, 05:39:18 pm »
He walked back to Richard with a slight grin on his face.

"We got a deal for the guns, one of his colleagues will be here shortly, we're to take him to the warehouse for him to inspect the guns, good thing they're in fine condition I believe we'll get them sold in no time, also tell the regulars we have another deal going, you can sell them the other guns we've been stock piling for weeks now.

"Alright then, so when's this friend of his getting here?"

"Not sure, actually I think that's him."

Both of them turn to see a rugged man walking toward them.

"So, heard I've got somethings to inspect, where are they?"

"Warehouse on the south docks, we've got some guns you're too look at."

*Whistles* "South docks eh? Some prime real estate right there, alright lead the way bucko."

The three men walked out of the bar towards the docks, it wasn't a long walk but it was the loud and crowded point of the day so getting there was a bit of a chore. They arrived at the docks sometime later, several men in Cathedral Militia uniforms stood outside.

Captain Walker
"So where are the howitzers you promised?"

"On the cargo platforms behind the warehouse, you know where it is."

The men walked behind the warehouse and the audible sound of a train rolled for the central station.

"What was that 'bout?"

"Promised some howitzers to the defense forces, anyways take a look at the guns, you may be surprised."

Offline Imagine

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2013, 05:56:46 pm »
"Well that's just rude."

He muttered, glancing at the one who pushed himself forward to the front. Apparently no one had manners any more these days. Ah well, when these things come to a head, one had to pushy, and so he leaned to the side to shout over the noise gathering in the inn.

"Hey, listen, how many people are you looking for this job anyways?"

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2013, 06:56:47 pm »
--Wild Winds--

Michael entered and, spotting Gareth in the corner, walked over and took a seat beside him, while Roc stood on the table.

"Found a contract?"

Gareth looked up at him from the paper.

"Yes I have. Minimal effort, minimal danger, high pay, sounds good."

"Great. When do we set off?"

"Actually, it's just a simple transportation job and they already have a boat. I'll be departing on the mission with whatever others take part, while you and the crew stick around in Cathedral for the day."

Michael looked at Gareth blankly.

"...Don't worry, it'll be fun. You can take a break, have a few drinks, enjoy the festivities."

"I guess you're right. It would be good to get a break. And the taverns here have got to be better than the ones back home."

"A pile of junk with a glass on top would be on par with the taverns back home."

They laughed haughtily, while Roc was mildly alarmed by the commotion on his table. he gave a tiny squark.

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2013, 07:13:58 pm »
Mill took one contract, checked it for any suspicious clauses, then signed. "I am a trained airgunner, can shoot pretty much anything and specialize in Mercury Mark 3 and Echidna Flak cannons, have no family and my loyalty is to who pays my salary on time as agreed upon."
He dried the ink up with a few waves from his military cap and handed the contract to his short-time captain. "And I am looking for a long-term job, too, if you happen to be looking", he added smiling with an amused, yet serious grin.
"When is the takeoff, captain?"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2013, 07:38:47 pm »
--South Docks warehouse--

Newt carefully inspects the equipment, checking the barrels, swivels and sights of each weapon. They are apparently to his satisfaction. Having finished his work, he returns to Alex. He raises an eyebrow at the man.

"Looks to be right enough. Look..."
He lowers his voice and leans in, speaking in a careful, conspiratorial manner.
"If the militia give you any trouble, you come to us. Plasma's got some connections, and the bosses have more. They mean well, but sometimes they're a bit... enthusiastic about security."

He straightens, claps Alex on the back and makes his way to the inn.

--Wild Winds Trading and Acquisitions, Wild Winds Inn--

Plasma grins, pleased with out well his crew is turning out.
He turns to Imagine
"A few more. With these two, I've got one more opening. Any more and we dilute the profit a bit. My boss would murder me."

He takes the contracts of Mill and Gareth, rolling them up and binding them with a bit of string. He looks back up at Mill.
"I don't think Wild Winds Trading and Acquisitions is looking for more full timers, but there are always plenty of freelance jobs, and I have ... other jobs available usually. Bounties to be collected, the militia sometimes hires civilian ships...if this goes well, I might think about putting together a more permanent little, ah, trading fleet. If you,'re in", he indicates imagine, "that fills out the crew."

He hops over the counter, vaulting with one arm and throws himself onto a bar stool across the room.

"Time for a bit of a break! New friends always get a round on me! Emily! Sweatheart! Bring us some of the Cleric's Bitter would you dear?"

The girl shoots him a dirty look, which he deflects using a bright smile, but the drinks are brought, and paid for.

"To new beginnings!"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2013, 07:44:40 pm »
Once more they stood outside the warehouse.

"Richard if you need me I have to head somewhere, make sure the sales from the morning make it to my desk later."

"Aye captain, so tell me, where are you headed?"

"You know where."

--Fantastic Fabrics--

"Ahh it's good to be in this thing again."

He strode out of Fantastic Fabrics with a satisfied look on his face. His duster and other clothes items were finally fixed, and he had some personal funds to pay it off. He cut a handsome figure, a rougish looking face, a black duster over a deep blue vest, a white dress shirt, and brown pants with his boots. His tussled brown hair underneath a naval cap, the ensemble was a left over from his time serving in the Firnfield Militias defending the region from pirates some years ago. He had one more place to visit before heading back to the ship.

--Davidson Blacksmith and Jeweler--

He once more came walking out, this time a pair of swords at his hip, he was also holding a ring. It was a present from his uncle Preston, Uncle Preston was an avid traveler and often times would pick up fanciful trinkets on his travels, this ring was his present to him after he returned from his voyage aboard the IFS Zephyr. It was a good memento from years back, it reminded him of care free days. Of course that doesn't go to say he doesn't enjoy himself now, he loves looking at wrecked ships, not just for their monetary value but also their historical value, like the great iron mammoths that litter countless battlefields, such feats of engineering they must have taken. Of course the only thing that could compare would be the Juggernaut, possibly the largest vessel to grace the skies. looking at his time piece he decided it would be best to get back to the ship soon.

--Aboard the Skyrunner--

Richard loved looking over the sandhills from this vantage point when they docked, they looked so majestic, their slopes ever changing in this landscape. Looking to to west he could see the sand farms, toiling away to provide food for the city, such a thing goes to say they get paid a good salary but it was dangerous work, what with pirates and creatures roaming around along with raiders from slightly hostile towns. Skooter Looters dashed around the sand below some racing, others delivering parcels from towns and taking passengers that couldn't afford airship travel, which was typically safer. He also remembered he needed to have the figures on the captains desk soon. They were done of course, he was no slouch when it came to paper work unlike the captain but he wanted to stay he and look over the land a bit longer.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2013, 07:53:49 pm »
--Wild Winds--

Michael left to go check on the Griffinheart's gun installations, while Gareth, hearing Plasma, raised his mug.

"I'll toast to this, new beginnings and all that. After all, without new beginnings all we have are... Old beginnings?"

He quickly abandoned the attempted meaningful toast and simply drank up.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2013, 08:28:48 pm »
--Cathedral Airspace--

Cruising smoothly towards the large city, a worn and weathered Goldfish cuts through the skies. Granted the ship has seen better days, but the ship is still a sight to behold with it's fine lines and grace. This Goldfish one of almost perfection, through years of experimention from it's owner and things that have been picked up, this particular ship is top of the line. Her engines are based off of an old design that it's captain got from friends of his during a certain chase, that and it was also modified to withstand the harsh sands and can fly through their storms. The armor is specially plate and stacerred and can withstand slavos of different rounds and munitions, a design after studying another Goldfish with the same setup. Her armament consists of a pre-dated Heavy Flak that has no arming time like it's successor as the main, on the port sits the latest Anvalan Military Mercury which was drafted many months ago, whereas starboard carries a new weapon, one which the captain help create, it looks like a normal double barrel mortar, but with an old prototype, it can laugh both conventualy rounds and sticky mines.

On board the vessel stands four highly unlikely crew for this beauty of a ship, and the man responsible for it is on the engines taking a final check. On the port side engine, what looks like a Yeshan engineer has the engine opened up to double check his creation. What he doesn't see is one of his crewmates and driers coming up behind him.

The man taps the engineer on the shoulder, this startled him as he hits his head on the metal. He gets up and turns to the man while rubbing the back of his head. 

"The Flak was that for, Gods I would have knocked myself out the way I hit my head like that. So Courage, what's is it?"

"Well we are almost at Cathedral and you said to tell you once we are in sight of it's docks."

Putting up a finger towards the Yeshan who now remembers what he said and places his hands up.

"Okay, okay, just tell Tommy to find an open dock and land her in there and tell Charlie to get ready."

Up at the balloon component, a man looks over the side and yells down.

"Really after how many months you still call me Charlie? It's pronounced Charles you know."

He calls back up

"I know, or do you want to be called by your last name again huh Nelson."

"Oh shut it, you know both Courage and I got out of the Defenders. Don't need to call us like that anymore."

*chuckling* "Alright I yield, just tell Tommy."

At the helm, Tommy was listening to the conversation and shakes his head, he calls over."

"I heard ya, I'll find an open spot."

As Tommy manuvers to an emptied dock that he saw in the air, the three men goes up to the helm where Tommy was at and look at the city.

"Cathedral, ain't she a beauty."

"Yeah, wait why are we here again?"

"YeH why are we here? I mean we do have Anvala's Spring Festival, why are we here?"

Still taking in the sights, the Yeshan clearly doesn't hear his friends talking to him until Charles slaps the back of his head.

"Bdr, why are we here in Cathedral again?"

For the second time in the afternoon, BdrLine rubs the back of his head.

"Well you all know my mother, Liu, White Lotus Trading Comp, etc etc."


"And she asked me todo some shopping for goods for here here."

The three groans as they thought flying from Anvala to Cathedral would have been an adventure for them until they now they are just shopping. BdrLine sees this and quickly puts a finger in the air.

"Hold on, just hold..."

"You mean to say we are on a shoppin trip, and for your mother of all people. I mean come on, really Bdr?"

"I said hold, even though it's just shopping, we are at Cathedral. We can enjoy our time here for a while, explore, and I worry about that. So lets just land and have some fun huh?"

Tommy, Charles, and Courage look at one another before nodding in a greement.

"Yrah your right. We did work our asses off running the Saloon and your docks. Speaking of which, you think they be fine without us?"

"Oh John and Allen will be fine handling the influx of people at the docks during the Festival. And the Saloon will be fine with Althea, she does have my rifle and her pistols still you know"

"I'll guess you are right, so once we land we find an inn right?"

"Even though I love Starlight I want to lie down in a real bed tonight so yes."

The four laughs at the comment and soon Tommy lands the Starlight and the others tie her down. As they grab their bags and exit the ship, the four wander the docks to find a suitable place. They stop in front of one where they notice a line inside. Courage looks up at the sign.

"Huh Wild Winds Inn, sounds like a particular Ale we know am I right?"

BdrLine and the others groan at the memory of WWA, granted a few barrels still exist in the backroom of a Saloon, but they are only used to subdue unrulely patrons.

"Don't remind me, come on looks likes there is a bar in here. Plus it says it has afforadable prices."

"Bdr, you can afford anything you know? Why not a hotel."

"This place... has character. Come on let's see if they have room."

 The four enters the building and walks towards what looks like a front desk. While waiting for someone to help them, BdrLine looks at the man at the table where the line was formed. He squints his eyes as he recognises the face.

"Charles, Courage, you see that guy over there?"

The two looks at the general direction BdrLine was referring to and see the mam at the table.

"Yeah why?"

"Doesn't he seem familiar, like we saw him before?"

Taking a closer look, a face of realisation comes on their face.

"I do but I can't get a name in."

The three stares at the man while Tommy rings the bell on the counter.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 08:41:14 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Imagine

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2013, 08:30:48 pm »
"I don't think Wild Winds Trading and Acquisitions is looking for more full timers, but there are always plenty of freelance jobs, and I have ... other jobs available usually. Bounties to be collected, the militia sometimes hires civilian ships...if this goes well, I might think about putting together a more permanent little, ah, trading fleet. If you,'re in", he indicates imagine, "that fills out the crew."

Imagine takes out his old fake coin, flips it in the air, and catches it without batting an eyelash.

"I'm in. Just tell me what needs fixin'."

He says, not taking a look at the flip result. He steps to the side as Plasma hops over the counter, and takes the Bitter shoved in his hands.

"A rowdy bunch," he mutters,
"Well, that's fine too. The rowdy ones usually makes for the better stories anyways."

With that, he takes a swig of the drink.

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2013, 09:10:09 pm »
Wilkinson ordered a surprisingly cheap porter and sat down next to Imagine. it seemed like this guy knew his way around engines and mechanical parts, but first impression could be faulty. After tasting a few sips out of the pint he smiled politely to his new crewmate. "So, we'll be flying together! Any idea of the ship cap'n is hauling us to, or are you as oblivious as I am?", he asked and leaned backwards, making the chair creak a bit. "At least he doesn't seem to be a rookie to the business", he continued, nodding towards Plasma hopping about in the inn.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2013, 09:16:17 pm »
"Well Mill, it's not my business to ask those kinds of questions, generally. As long as it doesn't explode or get loose during the journey I'm content."

Plasma takes a long pull from his drink, and chokes on it as Imagine mutters under his breath.
He surfaces laughing, wiping the beer from the front of his clothes.

"If you think this is rough, you've never been to the Burning Skies! I haven't been there since the battle at Anvala. I wonder if..."

He catches sight of BdrLine and stares. He excuses himself momentarily and walks over to them, a sort of pained smile on his face.
He arrives at about the same time Emily responds to the bell.

"What can I get for you-"

"BdrLine!? I'm sorry, I don't expect you to remember me, I was an Ensign when that nasty business with Comman- with Yiski happened. I believe you commandeered my radio! It's as if Anvala has been haunting me lately. I guess that place never really lets go, does it? What brings you to Cathedral? But first, you all need drinks! On me, of course."

He turns to face Emily.

"More of the Cleric! (You will love it, it's a local brew! Bit of a bite, and wonderful flavor!)"

She grimaces but pours the drinks and then remains. Examining her finger nails, but glancing at BdrLine and the others from time to time.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Skies have no Limit
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2013, 10:00:45 pm »
Alex knew he should probably be heading back to the ship but one more drink couldn't hurt, besides they didn't have alcohol on board his vessel, mainly because it makes it all the more sweeter when you arrive in a port. He passed by the Wild Winds and from the looks of things it was getting pretty rowdy in there.

"Ah to hell with it, drinks it is."

He Walked in to see a drunk Plasma waltzing upon the tables.

"I'll have what he's having."