Author Topic: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?  (Read 76487 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2013, 02:50:00 pm »
There is plenty of reason to worry that will happen, that was the fate of the original Guns of Icarus. We as a community have the power to prevent that from happening. Be nice to new players, teach them how to play and how to work as a team. Commend the crap out of every one. Most importantly don't be a jerk.

Offline Imagine

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2013, 02:51:26 pm »
Roy and I where talking about something like this earlier.  Been playing for a while and I think icarus is getting boring gat/flak
Icarus needs a ton of new content to keep ppl wait for adventure mode
The new ship and weapon type should be a pretty nice breath of fresh air.

Offline Opal

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2013, 05:18:27 pm »
Hello, I'm one of the new arrivals from the recent May surge, and I wanted to chime in to let you know that not everyone from it is going to forget about it so quickly.

Other folks in this thread have already done a good job explaining the way player-base surges tend to seem to work in GoI (As well as most games, esp. competitive team based games.)  Not everyone has interest in sticking with a game, no matter how creative fun or unique, over the long term, especially with so many other titles to pull on their interest out there (Some of them, more easy to learn and succeed in.)

However, if with every ebb and flow of players, some little percentage of the inflow finds they genuinely love the game, and care about it's fate as more than a passing fancy (Such as with myself, and judging by your posts, I would say you too Mister diVario!  And many more in this thread and on this forum.) then I wouldn't be too worried about the overall fate of the game.  In this way, it builds a dedicated player base of people who enjoy, and in a lot of cases want to improve at the game--and this is a good and positive core player base to have, even if it isn't as large as those of more hulking games...  But then, have you seen the horrors in some of those? lol

As far as I've seen in my short time aboard, I've noticed a lot of the older players are genuinely rather friendly and helpful.  Hell, some of those early captains I got made me all the more enthused for the game--they were nice, talkative, and funny, and after the matches were said and done I actually thought 'months or years down the road, when I'm in that position, I'd like to be to some new players like they were to me.'  Long as the community has these sorts, no matter how slowly it grows, I think it'll be stable.  HamsterIV put it rather succinctly.

They can't constantly pump out new ships and weapons--I mean c'mon, they're indie and they already made this crazy game!--but I think in the end this will be all the better.  I'm absolutely looking forward to both the announced and unannounced stuff planned for this game in the future. <3

Offline Charon

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2013, 05:28:52 pm »
Wouldn't worry.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2013, 06:12:00 pm »
Roy and I where talking about something like this earlier.  Been playing for a while and I think icarus is getting boring gat/flak
Icarus needs a ton of new content to keep ppl wait for adventure mode

Think we should have a Fight the Meta tourney where teams are not allowed to use traditional meta weaponry. Problem is we can't rely on flamers because Chemspray is too Op. Carronades are dull and don't aim well enough. Mines will probably bring some new play elements in but honestly I doubt they'll shake things up drastically. Until flames return to their previous form where they knock guns out instantly, the meta won't change.

In the end I don't think adding guns will ultimately work. Folks will slip into optimal loadouts anyways. So I go back to an idea I still support. Changing the ammo system. Making the ammo change the effects of the guns.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2013, 06:47:23 pm »
the problem with a fight the meta tourney, is that we then create new meta.... so then we wouldn't be able to play that meta, forcing us to create even more new meta.... It's a vicious cycle!

Offline Surette

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2013, 08:31:48 pm »
Think we should have a Fight the Meta tourney where teams are not allowed to use traditional meta weaponry. Problem is we can't rely on flamers because Chemspray is too Op. Carronades are dull and don't aim well enough. Mines will probably bring some new play elements in but honestly I doubt they'll shake things up drastically. Until flames return to their previous form where they knock guns out instantly, the meta won't change.

In the end I don't think adding guns will ultimately work. Folks will slip into optimal loadouts anyways. So I go back to an idea I still support. Changing the ammo system. Making the ammo change the effects of the guns.
re: chem spray being OP, most people I know switched over to extinguisher. and re: making the ammo change the effects of the guns, is this not what they do already?

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2013, 03:29:58 am »
A crew with chem can keep components coated and make flames useless. It is op compared to what it used to be. Which was just a 40% ignite reduction. I use extinguisher mostly because people are using flares more. But chem spray is used by a lot.

The ammo change I'm talking would mean completely changing it so ammo changes the type of shot from the gun. Or change the secondary dmg effect. Imagine shatter with mortars at close range. Or heavy flak with piercing. Then gunner switches to explosive ammo to crack the hull. Gunner as a class would be revived. Balancing it would be another thing but doable. 

Offline Surette

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2013, 10:49:57 am »
A crew with chem can keep components coated and make flames useless. It is op compared to what it used to be. Which was just a 40% ignite reduction. I use extinguisher mostly because people are using flares more. But chem spray is used by a lot.

The ammo change I'm talking would mean completely changing it so ammo changes the type of shot from the gun. Or change the secondary dmg effect. Imagine shatter with mortars at close range. Or heavy flak with piercing. Then gunner switches to explosive ammo to crack the hull. Gunner as a class would be revived. Balancing it would be another thing but doable.
Ah, gotcha. That'd definitely mix things up quite a bit and make it so more guns are useable in more situations, but as you said it'd be a big undertaking to make sure everything was balanced given all the possible combinations.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2013, 10:54:23 am »
Not to derail too much, but that's just a good way to make people pick the most damaging weapon and never change.

Offline RomanKar

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2013, 03:44:39 pm »
Better than that, I think the way to bring back the gunner class is to give them a 20% or so reduction in reload times.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2013, 03:48:53 pm »
We all know (well most) about the thread dealing with gunner suggestions:,410.0.html

Lets get this thread back on track.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2013, 03:51:58 pm »
The track of "Make GOIO an accepting community where new people are welcome and we will never have to fear empty servers?"

Offline MasX

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2013, 04:15:04 pm »
Roy and I where talking about something like this earlier.  Been playing for a while and I think icarus is getting boring gat/flak
Icarus needs a ton of new content to keep ppl wait for adventure mode

Think we should have a Fight the Meta tourney where teams are not allowed to use traditional meta weaponry. Problem is we can't rely on flamers because Chemspray is too Op. Carronades are dull and don't aim well enough. Mines will probably bring some new play elements in but honestly I doubt they'll shake things up drastically. Until flames return to their previous form where they knock guns out instantly, the meta won't change.

In the end I don't think adding guns will ultimately work. Folks will slip into optimal loadouts anyways. So I go back to an idea I still support. Changing the ammo system. Making the ammo change the effects of the guns.

sounds good or we can just have random fight the meta matches

Offline dragonmere

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Re: How long will GoI last? What happend to May players?
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2013, 04:32:15 pm »
The other option is to embrace the meta. I don't fly anything but gat/flak pyra. For me, the focus isn't on finding some weird non-meta set of weapons that CAN sorta work. It's about training up new players to be able to hold flak and kill with a clip and a half. Getting that first day gunner on the gat to hit NOTHING but hull, and never fire a stray shot. Making sure the swabbie engineer doesn't worry about engines during the fray, and always babysits hull with a spanner.

Sure, I guess I could intentionally take a ship or loadout that has a much less chance of getting a kill, but I'm not about to. Sorry. I run I high risk and high yield ship; I pilot us right into the middle of the slop and totally depend on our crew to get us out. If they can't do it, we die. But more often than not, I get the rag-tag bunch of new players rallied together, and we slaughter the competition. My entire crew comes out of the mess able to hold almost any team together with what they learned. Maybe meta isn't fun for you, but I will always fly it. ;)