I had seen the original game on steam sales over the years. Some said it was a must buy for the price but others kept saying it was a simplistic shooter and not that great. The concept had me curious so I kept an eye on it. Then I saw the Online beta added to Steam and heard of the original Kickstarter. Watched the vid. Interest perked a little more but I had a large library of Steam games unplayed and Kickstarter backing wasn't my thing. Decided I'd wait till it went on sale. Kept it in the wishlist.
Then December came and there it was 50% off. Hesitated but just looked at it again and decided, what the heck. Even bought a 4 pack cause a friend of mine is more into Steampunk stuff/etc. Now I still have a long list of Steam games to play and Guns playtime is past 500hrs. Which is double my 2nd most played game, Left 4 Dead. I haven't even had any desire to go back to BF3 which was getting close to 200hrs I think.
Oh I did finally buy the original GOI. Not for sale price either. Decided I'd do it at least to support Muse. Can't say I hate it, but can't say I like it a ton either. I like the art and the game atmosphere but the game itself reminded me some old Jaguar CD games. Not bad but like dawn of polygon gaming era level. Glad Muse gave it another go with GOIO.