I've already talked about this with both Jace and Squash... Bouncing members between teams to maximise a team's chances is unacceptable either way, but I admit that I have also screwed up. The quoted rule is last season's setup... Which relied a lot on players not abusing the trust given to them. For this season, a new rule was planned and written up, but I failed to put it in this rules thread... Like everything else I do on this forum, I missed the details.
I'll update it later this week... But as a sidenote: The Ducks were scheduled to play three matches with three teams yesterday... Which means that you should have been prepared to field three teams. So I'm afraid I have to call bullshit on Brood's lack of members, as I only told Squash and Smollett of the changes a couple of hours before the matches.
If the Ducks are unable to field three unique crews, they should not have three unique teams. It's really that simple.