Author Topic: Zill's Merry Men  (Read 498048 times)

Offline Yiski

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Zill's Merry Men
« on: May 25, 2013, 11:00:07 pm »
The Merry Men

Welcome adventurers, mercenaries, jesters, smugglers, brigands, and misfits! We harbor folk from all walks of life in Zill’s Merry Men. Your reasons for falling in with such a disreputable band are your own, but we’ll put you on a boat and put your skills to use. Though our merry company may be wanted across the land for "piracy" and various other "crimes", we never leave a friend behind and we always fight to the last.

Our creed: To Clear Skies, and Fair Winds.

We are led by the fearless RearAdmiralZill who has led his band of Merry Men into countless battles.

Those willing to join our cause may rest easy: the Merry Men are not a demanding bunch. We only ask that you put your best foot forward. However, when the need is great and our enemies are near, we rise from the mists of the Fjordlands, the canyons of Yesha, or the walls of Anvala to defend our livelihood and the places we hold dear.
When we're not striking down our enemies, we relax at the Burning Skies Saloon where the fabled gunner and barkeep Yiski serves cold mugs of Hellfire and spins tales of Merriment.

So, who is ready to fly?

Who We Are: We are the Merry Men! We are a tight knit group of people that enjoy playing Guns of Icarus and other games together. We like to maintain group of active players here to uphold the very things that brought MM to life. Be it competitive PvP, or arduous PvE, we're ready for a fight.

What We're Looking For: Much like the legendary band of outlaws we take our name from, we accept members of all skill levels and origins. Whether you’re a new player looking to learn the game or an old hand looking to test your skills there's a place for you in the Merry Men.

Benefits of Joining:
  • Fellowship and Merriment! We pride ourselves on the connections we make with members. We're one of the oldest GOIO clans around, and we don't plan to leave any time soon. The ale and the company are much too good.
  • Learn from the best! We have great pilots, gunners and engineers who are all willing to share their knowledge.
  • Plushies! Yiski makes them in his infamous plushie factory.*
  • Discord! Come join our merry band on our discord server for fun and mayhem! (When accepted into the clan, PM us for the discord information or find the link in-game under clan info). We also accept honored guests who wish to sip on the experience that is MM.
*Note: No actual plushies are made at the Yiski Co. Plushie Factory.

How to Join:Find us in-game! We're always in need of steady hands, since we're usually inebriated. Also: Leave a post in this thread with the information below:

In Game Name:
Steam Name (can be given later through PM):
Preferred Class:
What would the name of your favorite drink be in Guns, and why? (Creativity gets you a shot at winning one of Yiski's Plushies!)*

Look for RearAdmiralZill in game and hop on their ship for a test flight to make sure you’re sufficiently merry and a good fit for our group. We realize this might make the process take a little time, but the company is worth it!

*Note: Be seriously, no actual plushies are made at the Yiski Co. Plushie Factory.

-To Clear Skies!-
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 09:12:28 am by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 11:01:20 pm »
A tale from one HamsterIV:

I had a dream, more of a nightmare, where I was late for an important commitment. I wanted to take a shortcut that looked suspiciously like the Canyon map. As I approached the canyon entrance I get this premonition of danger, as if something terrifying and evil was lurking around the next bend. In spite of my tardiness I linger for a moment. I know Zill waits for me in the skies ahead. I know his gunners don't miss, I know his engineers will allow him to shrug off damage that would kill a lesser crew, and worst of all I know his tactical placement will be perfect.

Eventually my fear of being late overwhelms my fear of Zill and his Merry Men. I push forward cautiously, my eyes searching for every ambush point, fixating every hint of the sharks I know lurk in this canyon. In spite of my diligence the first warning I get is the crack of cannonade smacking my balloon. Zill is on me, his guns tearing my ship to pieces. I try an wheel around to put up some sort of defense but Zill just dances to my blind side. I hit chute vent and throw my engines into full reverse, trying desperately to pass under Zill's guns and give my beleaguered engineers a break. My maneuver is for nothing, Zill is still on my blind spot, still shooting, and laughing at my feeble attempt to break contact. I feel like a bull in the final minutes of a bull fight. I lash out blindly trying to at least scratch my tormentors but every move I make is met by a masterfully executed counter. I feel my life blood leaking away but still thrash about violently hoping upon hope that one of these movements will catch Zill off guard.

I tell my self Zill is only human, he has to have a weakness, he has to mess up some time. This is a lie of course, Zill is a remorseless killing machine. Like a shark he is the apex predator of the medium in which he swims. He can smell weakness a mile away and has studied his prey to the point he knows how they will react before they do.

Death eventually embraces me and I am hovering over my shattered ship, Zill idly swims through the debris cloud, a casual flick of his tail swats aside a piece of wreckage. I look closer at this "wreckage" and realize it is one of my crew. His cold dead eyes stare into me as if he is asking "why did you lead us here?" and to that I have no answer.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 06:31:39 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 01:01:05 am »
Once I get back from my drug induced amnesia and slight hallucinations, I like to defend this proud land

In Game Name: Honeybadger
Steam Name (can be given later through PM): Mr. Honeybadger
Preferred Class: Pilot/Engie (Repair or Aux)
If you were a cow off to slaughter, and the farmers decided to keep 10 cows back, what would you do to be in that 10 (Shink did this)?

I would be the one cow that said enough and hijacked the slaughterhouse's company car and blast "fuck the police" while rollin down the street moo'in and shit, but then I would get in a fender bender and I don't have any insurance because I'm a cow, so I walk up to the other car to get his info a skeleton popped out. Then I would wake up in the morning #TreeFiddy and I would be walkin down the street with mah other cow OG gangsta shit, fertilizin' lawns and shit, then I would buy fake udders so the slaughter house would have no choice but to take me back. Then I woke up at the ranch in a fresh Bugatti.


Offline Veffidia

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 04:35:32 pm »
Just dropping in to say hello~  I'm glad to be a part of the team!

In-game name & class listed on the left, & for other members, I'm listed as Moonlit in the Steam Community group.

I'm looking forward to getting a chance to fly with you all, & I'll do my best to keep us afloat!

Offline Sonoskay

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 12:53:33 am »
Sounds Like an interesting Prospect. Anytime you need Someone to assist, Ill be glad to help. WHen the bell rings Ill do what i can to be there! Zill seems like a good man to fallow

In Game Name: Sonoskay
Steam Name (can be given later through PM):Sonoskay
Preferred Class: Pilot. no Problems  with the other 2 classes either

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 01:01:49 am »
Sounds Like an interesting Prospect. Anytime you need Someone to assist, Ill be glad to help. WHen the bell rings Ill do what i can to be there! Zill seems like a good man to fallow

In Game Name: Sonoskay
Steam Name (can be given later through PM):Sonoskay
Preferred Class: Pilot. no Problems  with the other 2 classes either

hmmmm there is a lack of an answer to my well thought out question :(

Offline Sonoskay

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 01:04:21 am »
I must have Missed that. I apologize.

Am i self aware cow? Do i know he is going to do this?  If so Id SImply kill the farmer. Screw that guy for playing god. This dude is getting wasted. If i am self aware Surely other cows are too I'd ralley the most intelegent cows to revult so I dont loose My bestie who is a tad slow in the head and a little too trusting But Being he is a loyal and trustworthy cow I cant simply let him or any cow to get slaughterd.   AFter all Cows are people too
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 01:09:54 am by Sonoskay »

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 01:05:40 am »
lol it's not a problem really... I put that there to see what kind of answers I could get :P... and yes you know you are headed to slaughter (if you want to answer it)

Offline Sonoskay

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 01:11:32 am »
Ill HUmor you XD SOunded like fun anyway. I modified my old post... Dont know why i didnt post  it this post that i am making now....

Offline Imagine

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 03:58:55 am »
Hmmm, well, after some debate with myself, I figure it might be fun to be on an actual team soooo... here 'tis:

In Game Name: Imagine

Steam Name (can be given later through PM): taycamoal

Preferred Class: Any of them, whatever you need at any given time.

If you were a cow off to slaughter, and the farmers decided to keep 10 cows back, what would you do to be in that 10 (Shink did this)?
Nothing. Cow meat is delicious and if I were to be slaughtered I would go happy knowing that I would make some steak and burger and whatever else eaters happy by providing my quality meats. I'd be like that cow from the Restaurant t the End of the Universe who comes and asks which part of me you'd like to have a dish from that night.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 07:46:33 am »
I must have Missed that. I apologize.

Am i self aware cow? Do i know he is going to do this?  If so Id SImply kill the farmer. Screw that guy for playing god. This dude is getting wasted. If i am self aware Surely other cows are too I'd ralley the most intelegent cows to revult so I dont loose My bestie who is a tad slow in the head and a little too trusting But Being he is a loyal and trustworthy cow I cant simply let him or any cow to get slaughterd.   AFter all Cows are people too

Very nicely done :P I look forward to playing with you soon...

Hmmm, well, after some debate with myself, I figure it might be fun to be on an actual team soooo... here 'tis:

In Game Name: Imagine

Steam Name (can be given later through PM): taycamoal

Preferred Class: Any of them, whatever you need at any given time.

If you were a cow off to slaughter, and the farmers decided to keep 10 cows back, what would you do to be in that 10 (Shink did this)?
Nothing. Cow meat is delicious and if I were to be slaughtered I would go happy knowing that I would make some steak and burger and whatever else eaters happy by providing my quality meats. I'd be like that cow from the Restaurant t the End of the Universe who comes and asks which part of me you'd like to have a dish from that night.

Imagine, thanks for your consideration... :) I'll be adding you ingame, and we would like to play a few rounds... I look forward to playing with you soon :))

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2013, 11:14:17 am »
The question was the fulcrum

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2013, 05:52:59 pm »
In-Game Name: Squash
Steam Name: Squash
Preferred Class: Pilot


Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2013, 06:36:56 pm »
In-Game Name: Squash
Steam Name: Squash
Preferred Class: Pilot


Sunderland you forgot to answer my question...

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Zill's Merry Men
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2013, 06:37:22 pm »
In-Game Name: Squash
Steam Name: Squash
Preferred Class: Pilot


Sunderland you forgot to answer my question...

If I was a cow, then quack quack quack quack.

Hopefully you'll accept Squash's application. I know that he's always dreamed of joining a competitive clan and having success.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 06:38:59 pm by N-Sunderland »