Author Topic: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm  (Read 31640 times)

Offline roder

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No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:50:42 pm »
I keep on encountering these type of people, the ones that not only suggest, but demand your change your loadout

-2 gunners not allowed, must be 2 engy 1 gunner, 3 engy even better!
-No weapons allowed other than flak/gunner, must switch weapon if these arent on your ship
-No goldfish or squid allowed, ships recommended to change to are: Pyra or Galleon
-No chemical spray allowed, pls switch your loadout to: Wrench, Spanner/Buffer, Extinguisher

And the funny part is, theyre not even on your team! Often times theyre on the other team or even enemy team telling you how to run your ship or how to play the game how they want you to play it.  Please, don't try to play the game for others or if you're a captain, run your own ship and not others.  The worst part is I have a sneaking suspicion that these people make up the majority of the game population ,at least all of the higher levels I've encountered are like this

Offline roder

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 02:54:16 pm »
This has been a public service announcement.

If you'd like to argue why people should be listening to you instead of playing their own loadouts or own ship, go ahead. But you're better of playing with your own team and own pre-made partnered team, because there are actually people in this game that want to have fun and play the game how they want to.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 03:00:30 pm »
I want to say I remember you from last night, but I'm terribad with names. There is a point where a captain knows what he wants his ship to do, and asks people to kit accordingly. Of course, you saying "I want this please" will get a better response over "Well I'm taking this instead cause you're stupid."

As a captain by trade, I expect orders followed, but not because I hate you.

Now offering suggestions to other boats in a lobby is one thing. Ordering them around is silly... To address your concerns:

-2 gunners is widely accepted as a bad way to go, just because one engineer can't keep an entire boat up effectively. 3 engies, to me, is overkill. That's highly debatable to many people though.
-Suggesting guns is fine. Demanding is...curious and won't get any response from me besides leaving that lobby or telling them to find a new boat.
-All boats are useful, and anyone telling you differently is just wrong.
-Chem and extinguish have their place, and really is up to the engineer as to what they want to use. One of each is very useful when running 2 engies.

You aren't encountering the majority of the community, at least from my long experience here.

Offline Jiggle Billy

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 03:07:40 pm »
This might not be considered gentlemanly, but I promptly tell those folks to bugger off unless I feel like playing ramming pyramidion.

Play how you like. Screw the randos on the Internet.

Offline Kestril

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 03:11:31 pm »
I find that once I get a crew that stays with me, they are more open to trying out whatever. Before you set up the squid with the moonshine and bumpers, win a match with your crew first, then they'll be more receptive to trying something crazy, I find.

Offline ATeddyBear

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 03:32:31 pm »
- The only ship I would want two gunners on, maybe, is a Galleon. I'm with Zill on having at least one gunner though.
- I can understand suggesting different loadouts/guns, but there are better setups then Gat/Flak. Demanding is just being rude. I find explaining my load out generally helps people grasp why I am not using meta.
- No Goldfish or Squids? If they want to fly two of the slowest turning ships in the game go ahead. I will be in my Squid and get plenty of kills off of them plus tar barrel them for insult to injury. Goldfish's are brutal in proper hands (/me Looks at Zill). As said earlier. Every ship can be good.
- I always take chem spray when I'm a engineer. The extra fire protection can be useful in a pinch, but that's my personal preference.

Offline roder

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 03:40:43 pm »
Heh thanks for the replies, I guess I have just encountered the wrong people. I am all for friendly suggestions, but there are people that won't ready up until you've switch your ship, your class/loadout to their liking, THEN we can start the game. That just really irks me, a full lobby of players waiting and 1 allied captain and both enemy captains just shitting on some other guy's ship Lol yeah real fun.

Offline ATeddyBear

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 03:49:45 pm »
I highly suggest looking into joining a clan (Look down in The Docks forum). It will allow you group up and play with some very good pilots and crew who generally won't be yelling/demanding you to do X.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 03:58:39 pm »
-Enter shameless group plug here-

I also have a group of guys who play regularly, who just play together and generally enjoy each other's company. I don't just recruit people, but invite those who I feel won't butt heads with everyone and so far has survived. You're welcome in my matches for a few rounds and if you enjoy yourself, there yea go.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 04:39:47 pm »
More experienced players advise you to take certain load outs so you and your crew don't end up regretting the decisions you made in the lobby. Most of us are tired of new players rage quitting when their nonstandard builds turn out to be completely ineffective.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2013, 04:56:01 pm »
Perhaps this gentlemen ran into me...

See I tend to run my ship with crew having very specific roles in a predefined strategy.

Often a player will leave my well organised crew and it's much easier to ask the new player joining to step into the role of the player that left than taking the 5 minutes to shuffle an entire crew so that the joining player can play how they like to. 

Of course if they ask, accommodations can be made but every member of the ships load out depends on what the rest of the crew are taking to ensure that all areas of the ship are accounted for and to give the team the best chance at victory.  This is why I'll often plead with someone to take a certain build, to save time from having to change everything.

I guess what I'm saying is, that everyone is here to have fun, but I have fun by winning, and my suggestions are almost always to direct a team towards that goal.

Offline dragonmere

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2013, 05:24:59 pm »
Perhaps this gentlemen ran into me...

I guess what I'm saying is, that everyone is here to have fun, but I have fun by winning, and my suggestions are almost always to direct a team towards that goal.

This gentleman definitely ran into me. Smollett, I entirely agree.

I always try to explain WHY i suggest taking certain ships/weapons/loadouts. I want to teach the new players the way to win. I've often an into players who insist on taking two junkers with all flak cannons, or all flame pyras, and telling me I'm a piece of crap for trying to advise them towards a better balance. More often though, I've had new players ask questions at length about what guns I'm bringing, how I'm using them, and general strategy.

With all the new players getting their first days/weeks experience solely with new players in the beginner rooms, there is often a hard transition into rooms where captains have a better grasp on items/ships/weapons/optimal loadouts.

This leads us to a problem. When I'm facing a level 1 captain with a carronade on a spire, there are three things that can happen:
1) I bring my A-game, and wipe the floor with them. Every game. Until everyone on the other team quits without a clue as to why they had no kills. Not very fun for anyone
2) I intentionally play like CRAP, the new player may win. First of all, I'm not gonna play like crap, end of story. Also if the roles were reversed I doubt I'd have fun knowing I got a pity win.
3) I teach the new players everything I know about weapon interactions, optimal loadouts, ship crewing strategies, and teamwork techniques. They get better, get a few hard-fought kills, and end the day being quite a bit better against other low-level players.

I'm going with number three, and I will not change my mind on that. Sorry. I want to do everything in my power to help new players get up to the highest level of play as quickly as possible. If I see an enemy with an all flame pyramidion, I'm going to make SURE I don't start the match until they understand why it's not a good idea. If they still want to go with it, then it's their choice, and most likely they will quit before the end of the match anyway.

Think of this game like a game of chess. Each piece has it's own strategy, one that is best followed strictly. Sure you can sacrifice your queen to save a pawn, quite easily might I add. It's a completely valid move, and telling anyone they "CAN'T" do that is wrong, because they totally can. But it's not the way the game is actually meant to be played. It's when a player has a full understand of what each of his pieces can and should do, likewise what his opponent is planning, that the game begins to enter a strategic level. The same can be said of every piece of equipment, weaponry, and ship in this game. While every combination is technically acceptable, there are just things that are wrong and will never work out well for you. Likewise, there are several general strategies involving crew, ships, and guns that tend to work out very well most of the time. It's how you utilize the combination that is the true game.

I try my best to be polite, offer advice instead of orders, and suggestions instead of demands. If this isn't the way it comes off always, then I apologize. You have to understand, as frustrating as it is for you to have someone barking orders at you, imagine trying to play for over an hour, and not being able to find an enemy team that will finish a match without rage quitting. It's very aggravating, and sometimes the sixth gunner on my ship who refuses to change class does end up getting the pent up stress of the last five.

Sorry if my clan or I stressed you out, brother. Hope to see you in the skies soon.

Offline Chango

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2013, 07:04:49 pm »
As soon as I read this I thought of you guys. The "other team" gave it away.

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2013, 07:12:14 pm »
Some folks you've met, Roderve. I've never had that problem, although I never play pilot. :D
Once I met a captain who asked whether I preferred sniper or gatling, which was very nice.
I would be last to sneak-peek other people's loadouts and comment on them, that is just plain rude IMO. Only when we have a group that has been pre-negotiated would I see the checking of loadouts as an acceptable procedure. Being rude helps no one. It is captain who decides the ship, tells us how he is going to run it and what is the strategy overall.

You DO NOT slap your trout around thinking you know better than the other guy, sheesh.

Offline Imagine

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Re: No tolerance for Deviation from Strategic norm
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2013, 08:30:22 pm »
Perhaps this gentlemen ran into me...

I guess what I'm saying is, that everyone is here to have fun, but I have fun by winning, and my suggestions are almost always to direct a team towards that goal.

Think of this game like a game of chess. Each piece has it's own strategy, one that is best followed strictly. Sure you can sacrifice your queen to save a pawn, quite easily might I add. It's a completely valid move, and telling anyone they "CAN'T" do that is wrong, because they totally can. But it's not the way the game is actually meant to be played. It's when a player has a full understand of what each of his pieces can and should do, likewise what his opponent is planning, that the game begins to enter a strategic level. The same can be said of every piece of equipment, weaponry, and ship in this game. While every combination is technically acceptable, there are just things that are wrong and will never work out well for you. Likewise, there are several general strategies involving crew, ships, and guns that tend to work out very well most of the time. It's how you utilize the combination that is the true game.

I try my best to be polite, offer advice instead of orders, and suggestions instead of demands. If this isn't the way it comes off always, then I apologize. You have to understand, as frustrating as it is for you to have someone barking orders at you, imagine trying to play for over an hour, and not being able to find an enemy team that will finish a match without rage quitting. It's very aggravating, and sometimes the sixth gunner on my ship who refuses to change class does end up getting the pent up stress of the last five.
It's one thing when someone makes suggestions, and another thing when someone rages about it. I've been in a few games when someone on a team goes totally bananas about some of the stuff that's been discussed so far in this thread, and leaves because someone isn't playing "the right way". Thankfully that's been relatively few and far between, but it does happen.

Keep in mind that suggestion that someone makes can also come off as pretty condescending from some folks, but really the point is experimentation with different stuff in the game also shouldn't be discouraged.

Personally, when I pilot, I don't really care who comes along as long as they try, and I find that folks will naturally adjust the way they play to the stuff you do in game. Oh, I will point out though that sometimes folks come with a weird set of tools because of the achievement system. Yeah, sorry, I'd love to bring a mallet and spanner and extinguisher, but I've gotta buff like a trillion guns to meet my next feasible goal >.>