A New Look For A New Audience

Wow. Guns of Icarus has come a long way just by looking at the website redesigns over the years. I remember implementing the longest running version (right) but never intended it to stick around for quite this long. Good thing this new design has finally launched. A new look for a new time, and a new audience!

I’m not even sure if the website would have been updated if our web server hadn’t corrupted the previous site. Apologies for those of you who had to deal with 404 errors and missing images for some time now. Most of the content from the old site has been resurrected and given a face lift. I think Google should now be more friendly to the site in terms of search results too now that it’s mobile friendly.

In a slight retrospective, the game has grown a ton over the years after its launch in late 2012. I enjoy people in the newest PS4 trailers comparing us to other titles—some saying we ripped others off, and then being reminded that Guns came out 5 years ago or so.

I welcome the new players from PS4 and beyond, as well as the old players who are checking out the site again. In the meantime, it’s back to game design.
