look at one of the Co-Op maps you’ll be flying over and the airplanes trying to kill you.
It’s been a busy week and the entire Muse team has been hard at work building, testing, and creating massive new features for skirmish and co-op testing. We wanted to give you the lowdown for our week and give you some things to talk about for the Dev Fireside chat starting at 3 pm EST at Twitch.tv/gunsoficarus
Each of the team member’s week after the jump.
CH has been working on more AI airship actions, testing, and debugging.
Howard is completely submerged in PAX planning.
George has been following up on the airplane and airships assets making sure they load correctly.
Shelly just finished the Yeshan male level 3 costumes and is 80% done with the Yeshan female level 3.
Emily is working on decoration for the UI menus.
Tim has been negotiating ship customization and making assets for Co-Op.
Nathan is fixing some bugs with the new HUD indicators, working on the new tutorials, looking for rooms for PAX and planning his costume.
Alex is improving our terrain rendering for Co-Op. He is also testing and turning various aspects of the Co-Op director.
Eric is mailing even more Kickstarter rewards, working on Co-Op features for Pax, and writing some lore.
A bit of clan work, matchmaking work , ship customization, plus some system debugging has kept Jerry busy all week long.
Derek is finishing up run stop animations for male and female models.
Tom is putting the AI through an Airplane obstacle course and working on their avoidance.
Matthew is putting the finishing touches on what we’d like to do for matchmaking testing and will be bringing everyone in with a time very soon.