Hello Hello everyone!
It’s been a while with Thanksgiving throwing us off, but we’re back and ready to show off everything we’ve been working on!
As always join us live at twitch to give us feedback, hear all the office nitty-gritty, and spend time with us. We’ll be on at 3 pm eastern on twitch. Howard is currently in Vegas so he won’t be on stream, but the rest of regular team will be there.
Everyone’s week after the jump.
– Working on new guns… Beanbag is one of them. Think it may be called the Minotaur, eventually.
– PS4 keybindings for Playstation Experience
– Tuning balance for PS Experience
– Detailed Faction progression spec to include more ‘active’ actions rather than just accumulating points. Think more along the lines of spending earned points strategically. We’ll see how far we get.
Working on a bunch of little things for co-op mode: fixing a few issues with the new spotting visuals, some shader tweaks, tracking down various director issues, and a rope physics simulation for use in dragging cargo barges around (and if eventually we can use it to improve the harpoon)
Just got back from Taipei right now. Vegas tomorrow.
Co-Op matchmaking integration.
Going to Taipei Game Developer Forum for two days, then fixing some bugs of workshop tool
-Fixing fly by sound bugs
-Working on system to store AnimationEvents that can be modified either through Unity or Maya.
Pilot skill effects, interviews, setting up some stuff in workshop, and raving about the new spotting system.
Taipei Game Developers Forum; improving coop airships’ retreat condition and circling behavior.
– Taipei Game Developers Forum
– Working on Hamsterdam prototype, implementing chain meter.
New weapon testing, CA training, and player support.