New Match System Put to the Test

A first look at the game changing UI.

Thank you so much to all the players who took part in our testing.  We had 81 players who put having fun on hold to make sure we could test the new match system.

As they can all attest, this was hardcore testing with 351 separate queues recorded. That’s 216 pilots and 398 gunners and engineers.

On a positive note the matchmaker took an average of 17 seconds to put a player into lobby even when there was only a max of 30 players in queue at one time.

Follow the jump to see what was tested and what’s changing!

Tested Format

Players would start by joining into the queue with their selected class. After being placed together in a random match lobby after trying to follow as many restrictions as possible (map size,  map type, and server location.)  Once in the lobby the players would be given a timer to organize their crew that each captain could add time to.  If a player joined in late, the timer would reset to 60 seconds giving the crew more time to reorganize. The timer would stop resetting on joins if all captains readied up.

After the match each team would be placed into a  crew form where they could break up or go through the queue again together.

Custom games would not be listed and players would have to use global or their friends list to fill the match.

What we learned and what’s changing.

This was of course a test of the system and not a final formatting

The feedback we received helped us refine what we’re trying to do and also match sure all our players are able to play exactly how they’d like to play.

Upcoming changes:

Once a majority of captains ready the timer goes down to 30 seconds; once all captains ready it goes down to 5 seconds. During that time, no more time extensions for new players joining.

Custom matches will now have a button to “allow players from matchmaking.” There would be a priority on the current pregame matches so that older ones would be filled quicker (to prevent half filled lobbies.)

We will be adding info in queuing screen regarding player’s choice of regions, like how many players are in queue in your region.

Allow players the option to only sign up in the specified regions.

A complete rework of end match flow including the option for rematch

The ability to avoid matches you’ve been matchmade into and have left.

Add back in the swap slot tool for people on the same team.


We will continue testing the system to make it the best possible before we place it in the game.  If you’d like to help be a tester and believe you have good feedback to offer please sign up here.