Author Topic: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse  (Read 26445 times)

Offline Narayan

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My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« on: January 26, 2017, 07:52:21 pm »
Dear Muse,

So I talked about some of the stuff that's really annoying me, and I think some of my concerns do represent a border silent majority in the community, however this what i believe are the causes and the solutions they only represents my opinions. Thats being said I want to tell the Dev's how I became a high level pilot in this game, in the hopes that it wall make them understand whats right with the game, and hopefully make them understand what I see that is wrong with it that they arent fixing.

So when i came back to guns in 2014 and after floundering as a gunner for a while, I discovered the meta pyra, and after a few bad lobbies decided i couldn't be any worse of a pilot than the incompetent people around me. It turns out I was wrong, after a little initial success I developed a suck that lasted all the way into my late teens of captain level, but eventually I did get good. The matches I played back then were unique, because with around 500-600 players on I would play about 50 percent of my matches with noobs who were clueless like me, and the other half with vets who would give me tips about loadouts and piloting, while they were beating the pants off of me.

It turns out that mix was just right, I would lose matches to the vets, but the lessons I learned I could take into the more care free and stress free lower level lobbies to play with people at my skill level. Those lessons applied there allowed me to start winning and experimenting and I continued to get better and better. As I did I started to make friends who wanted to crew on my ship, people that were my level, but we were all going up together. Thats where I learned how important crew was, and the people I continued to play with were becoming key to my wins, because they could keep up with damage, and were well drilled with gat mortar and didnt fire at the wrong time. Once in my 20s I joined a clan and that carried me all the way to lvl 45 in a very vibrant game full of people, with about 20 or so active large clans at the time.

I couldnt become the same kind of pilot i am today if I was just starting out. I couldnt because the game has changed, It has a major problem and thats what I want to talk to you guys about. We see this problem in every aspect of the games core systems, the matchmaker, lobbies, trolls, and we fail to address it. Im going to give you my opinions on how to change the downward spiral, and how to treat not only the disease but the symptoms. I hope that you guys will read this and take it seriously, because I take this game seriously enough to write a super long post.

So what is the disease?

Put plain and simply, population. Players are the lubrication that keeps this game running smoothly without it you start to see friction like we do today. I know a lot of the complaining about vote kick wanst so urgent a few years ago, and I can honestly say the community was more friendly and less toxic. The reason in my mind for all the change is the loss of players, and the effect is huge on the game, once the number drops below 200 we start to see stress on the games systems, once it goes below 100 players online the games systems start to break down. Population is unfortunately is one of those things that feeds on it self, sometimes you can get lower pop just because you have lower pop, and I have observed during periods of high population some players will return to check the game out. Whatever the cause is and Im not going to go into here, the most simple and straiforward solution for fixing this game is just to increase the population. Here is what populations effects in my mind:


Low population means trouble finding matches that's plain and simple

2. Lobby Balance

Low population unfortunately leads to new players interacting with vets in their lobbys, and the new players get unevenly distributed.  What happens is you get a lot of 2 v 1 games, that is 2 vets on one side and 1 vet on the other with a noob ally. These matches suck, and a lot of time no matter what the other team does to balance things out you really can never win these, and they are just very frustrating to play.

3. Trolls

This kinda goes back to hard to find games, when there are only 3-5 lobbies as is the case now that the populations is dipping back down, reforming or leaving the lobby isnt really an option. The troll will be forced back to the match list and chances are he will end up back in your game. Trolls also can be created inadvertently from interaction with vets, who they see as talking down to them, this again goes back to vets and noobs mixing.

4. Ability of players to learn the game

As I said before my leveling up I never really needed a CA, because there were always people for me to play with in an environment that was at my skill level where I could actually learn. This is extremely important. Anecdotally one of the things I hear about this game from new players who didnt like it is they seemed to enjoy the newbie lobbies the most. They like the chaos in the disorganization of it compared to a meta pyra killing them in under 5 seconds. I think this sort of falls under the category of let kids be kids, but its important to remember we need a shallow end of the pool for people to get into, and we cant provide that with a population lower than about 500-600 people.

5. Toxicity

A lot of this games flavor and lack of repetition comes from playing with and playing against different people with different play styles. Once you start removing population you start removing variety from the game. The truth is not all of us get along, unfortunate as that is, and players I might avoid in a larger population im forced to play with in a lower population. Also trashing the same players over and over again, and getting trashed in return gets old.  You guys made a hell of a team game, its so good that one player thats an engineer on another ship not pulling his weight can cause me to lose the match. When everyone stepping up and doing their part is so important, when giving something your all and still losing just because you got the new guy on your team and they didnt, it can be a frustrating experience, and thats not even with a troll. What gets even older is losing a match because you had some troll on your ship who wouldnt take your loadout, or a low level ally who went merc mine launcher, and swore he knew what he was doing because hes a smurf. Lets just call it friction, and say the experience of losing despite your best efforts, in what isnt a fair match causes some issues with players, and that friction builds up the lower the pop gets.

So whats the Cure?

So now that Ive said that, finding the answer in the end is up to you. I can give you my suggestion for fixing it and thats free to play. We need a massive influx of players, thousands of players if we can, and the only way I can think of to get that many bodies is to make the game, and by the game i mean base guns of icarus skirmish mode, free. I know there are some reservations

1. The money

From a fiscal point of view I can see how you might no think this is a good idea, however if we eliminate costumes for all but certain community achievements that encourage good play (ie underdog, teaching, tutorials, ect) then we could make it to where all paints and dyes have to be bought. Ive seen you sell the game pretty close to 1 dollar, Im sure that you can wring a dollar out of a lot of people thru the costume shop. Also all of these new players, who would have never bought guns of icarus for even 1 dollar, are now all of the sudden candidates to buy alliance. Once they've been exposed to skirmish they will be much more likely to buy alliance than if they had never played at all, so you are in effect increasing your sales pool for the alliance, with a group of people you would have never had access too.

2. The Trolls

This is one the vets are scared of, but not me. We already have a huge troll problem in this game, and the average guns of icarus troll already has the advantage of free to play in the sense that a smurf account is free to create. All you have to do is create a free steam account log into it and family share, bam youre a new player. If we could put systems in place like vote kick in the lobbies that would alleviate some of this, and it would be much easier to find a lobby if we were back up to 1k players, so if you did want to reform you could. The truth is not all of these players would be bad trolls, and fairly soon we would all be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. The good ones would be added to our friends lists invited into our clans, and our lobbies. The bad ones would go on our block lists, be vote kicked from our lobbies, and probably quit playing the game.

Again its your game and its really up to you to figure out how to get more people, however this in my mind is the reason for the continuing decline of the game, and the spirits of those who play it. Take my advice or dont, but I hope you do. In the mean time we can try to address the symptoms of a low population.

Symptoms and the treatment

Vote kick and trolls

We need vote kick, we neeeeeed it. The troll situation is horrible. One guy can come in and ruin a lobby and a match, and many of us just wont play it, and it kills the lobby, or puts the noobs in a bad stack with a troll. Unfortunately with game population so low you cant just reform every time you get a troll, you might not fill your new lobby, and even worse the troll might just follow you in there. The report feature in my mind at least when it comes to trolls is just a placebo, something to make me feel better that doesnt actually do anything and I have given up on it.

One important thing to remember about lobbies is they dont last foverver, they do die, and a lot of things can kill them. Anything that causes people to log off is a bad thing for a lobby.  Losing too many matches in a row, extremely long lobby times, and even reforming can kill a lobby. People might just look at the clock and say hey im gonna stop here or go do something else, and a troll can be the catalyst for that. So with that said here is how a vote kick system in the game would look like to me.

-Vote kick ability is given to lvl 45s only

Initially I think this is the best option, I know a lot of people are worried about abuse especially at muse, and I know a lot of the concern for that abuse is from high level players, but I dont think thats going to be the case and here is why

A. Lvl 45's are basically CA's like it our not. Every level 45 has spent a lot of time teaching new players, be it dont take spyglass as a pilot, use a gat mortar instead of 2 mortars, shoot at hull and not balloon with the gat. All level 45's are teachers in some respect. We are all also part of the community, and generally have friends and social connections that keep us in the game, and that would tend to dissuade most lvl 45's from abusing their power.

B. Lvl 45's can be held to account. If someone random join the game and abuses vote kick and gets banned, he could care less, he has nothing invested in the account and he can just go smurf or something else. A lvl45 on the other hand has costumes and achievements to loose, and as a result will be very likely not to abuse vote kick, as their account is very important to them.

C. I dont see a situation where vets will gang up on noobs to kick them off ships, mostly because ive never been in a lobby where every vet hated a noob, and wouldnt try to help them. A lot of us will go thru phases where we dont want to be around new players, however someone in that lobby will report you for acting like a jerk if you abuse vote kick.

So how would the mechanics work?

Basically a vote kick could be initiated by a level 45 and it would be a team only vote, the passing threshold would be at 50 percent. This would mean that if i had 3 guys on my ship and wanted to clear a spot for my buddy who is in spectate someone on the other ship would have to vote yes. Which would I hope make it less likely to succeed. However 50 percent is also low enough that a kick could succeed with afk players in the lobby, which often happens. I believe strongly vote kick should be a team only vote, as it is an issue that effects only that team. After the kick is successful the player would hopefully get a 5 min ban from the lobby.

I think this implementation of vote kick would be enough to seriously allow consideration of free to play, the mechanics would also be a reward for lvl 45 players, and would still be in the hands of people who could be held accountable, thru a ban if necessary. Also it would significantly cut down on the amount of reports you have to read, if you even do read them because players would have some ability to self police.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 08:18:09 pm by Narayan »

Offline Narayan

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 07:54:17 pm »
CA's and new player training

This is an area where i think muse has fallen really short, and if for no other reason than appearance. The CA corps when I found out about it appeared to me to be a social club, that was there for its own exclusivity. The methods of selection CA's in my mind, and I was rejected, seemed to hinge more on personality and connections, than actual knowledge of the game or willing to work with new players. Now a while later I see that all of these people who loved and were so important in the game dont even play anymore, and yet they are still retained for life, as if its some sort of court appointment.

The CA's like a good clan need to be pruned and recruited. Inactive CA's need to be pruned, and new CA's should be selected, and by that I mean actively recruited, instead of fill out an application and well call you. Mods and current CA's, you know who the people are that work well with new players and dont ask for a snapchat invite(jedi joke). Go out there, talk to these people get them interested, recruit them like you want them to join your clan, because that will make them excited to help out. The CA's and mods should be a living organization just like the game, they should be active players who are part of the community, and if they arent they should be removed, with the understanding they can always come back when they start playing again.

However as it stands we dont have enough active CA's in my mind and if the game population ever took off we couldn't get enough, and thats why we need to automate more parts of training. My first suggestion would be to change the way we unlock and design ships. Right now you have a novice lock on until you reach a certain level, and thats ok but other games have already established unlocks related to weapons like call of duty, and  we could use a system like this to grant players ships and weapons based on level.

1  Ship:Pyramidion Weapons:Gatling, banshee

The logic here is that no player can screw this up, even double gat or double banshee would still kill someone.

4  Weapons: Mercury, Artemis

8  Ship:Junker  Weapons: Mortar, light flak

10 Weapons:Flamer, Light Caro

12 Ship:Goldfish Weapons: Heavy Caro, Hwatcha

14 Ship:Galleon Weapons:Hades, Mine Launcher

16 Ship:Mobula Weapons:Flare

18 Ship:Spire Weapons:Harpoon, Lumberjack

20 Ship:Squid Weapons:All others

These ships would be unlocked by reaching the stated level number in any class, even if its gunner or engineer, with the understanding that having reached that level you have a basic grasp on the concepts needed to use them, ie when and what to use. Also we should create more of a wizard in the UI so that if someone selects a weapon, when they go to fill the next slot they get a recommended highlight on the weapons that go with it. IE gat slot 1 on a pyra is your choice, when you click on slot 2 it will say recommended next to mortar and banshee for instance. Implementing this system will hopefully allow us to not see some of the crazy loadouts we see when we have a noob ally.

The other great effect is it removes friction from vets an noobs. Noobs wont be able to fly merc squid their first match and annoying their co captian. Also the vet players wont be placed in the awkward position of having to ask a noob to change their ship. Which is something ive seen go both well and horrible. Some new players just dont like being told what to do regardless of what your level is, they just wanna have and ive heard this often "fun". Unfortunately they dont realize its not a fun things for us vets to have a worthless ally.

Without costume unlocks tied to level this will give new players a carrot to chase, and by the time someone reaches level 20 they wont need the carrot anymore they will stay for the game. They will have made friends probably joined a clan and have a lot of reasons to stick around.

Lobby balance

So this ones easy, you arent going to fix it and give up. I know it sounds horrible, but people will do anything to play with their friends, swap slot from spectate, join off friends you name it. So what you should do here is just remove all the restrictions you put in place cause people just getting around them, and it really only serves as an inconvenience, so actually youd make everyone's life nicer if you just took that out.

What you can do is make the underdog tag more prominent in the lobby again so people know what side the underdog team is, and keep the underdog achievements because people actually do like to grind those and thats the biggest motivator to be stacked against in my mind.

Disable mid match joins

The major issue with the easy match list is that when I click ready and start a game I have a plan based on the crew I'm starting with. If I have 2 ai then my ship is planned around that, I'll probably take a Goldie or double gat pyra. The same goes if I have a full crew, if I look at my full crew before the match starts I'm going to take into account player level and experience when I make a decision about who will be gunner or who will be main engineer. I will assign a loadout including the appropriate ammo to each person make sure my ship is properly equipped and so is my crew then click ready and start the match.

In the good old days when I had 2 ai on my crew the only way I would get a mid match join is if someone on my friends lists wanted to join, or someone had a friend in the lobby and wanted to join. That meant I was usually going to get a mid to high level player, who at the very least would join as an engineer with standard kit, and probably look at my guns and bring the right ammo type. At best they will send me a pm saying something to the effect of I'm going to join standard kit would you rather I bring buff?

So this causes problems for 2 reasons, first I've been getting a lot of 2nd gunners mid match, or I'll get low level engies joining with chem extinguisher and mallet or something crazy. The 2nd is I might have accepted playing against an opponent who is high level with the expectation of having ai who's abilities in familiar with and then mid match I get one or two low level players that if they joined before the match had stated would have made me re evaluate the ship I was taking at the very least or abandon the match or ask for a ship swap at the most. This has been a quite frustrating experience as of late.

I know this is a fairly long post, and if youve stuck it all the way thru bravo. Muse I hope you really consider these suggestions with an open mind as they are the only thing I can see that can fix a lot of the issues we are having. I challenge all of you at muse to come play some matches with me. See what its like to feel the stress of trying to teach a new player at the same time you are going against a vet stack, come play a 2 v 1 and see how it feels. Come on a smurf account so that you can get trolled. Try starting the match with open slots and see what randoms join your ship, and how that effects your game and the plan you hard going in. You can send me a PM with your steam details and I will add you, and we can set up some matches. I sincerely hope you guys can turn this around and remember the most important point ive made here which is we need more people, more than anything else thats the only thing that will fix this game.


« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 08:22:58 pm by Narayan »

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 08:24:08 pm »
I stopped reading cause it was really long.


I posted my alliance rant before this one (same time maybe) kinda funny how close the two posts were TBH. I just read this after my post.


If not, then awell. Ill continue to play with the same people until we all get hit by a bus or move to a dif game.

edit: i paid 5 dollars for this game.

Offline Unarmed Civilian

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 09:48:04 pm »
This is really long, so I'll try to summarize it. Yell at me if I summarized it bad and I'll edit it later.

  • Before you could learn new tactics from playing (and losing) against veteran players, and practice them against equals. Now: more separation between newbie and vet. Harder to learn and progress.
  • Low population is big problem. Results in slower matchmaking, more unfair matchups (e.g. 2 vets vs 1 and newbie), trolls being harder to avoid, steeper learning curve, and toxicity from difficulty finding matches with people you don't want to play with or against again.
Cure: maybe f2p, need more players
  • Money if f2p: eliminate cosmetic rewards except costumes for certain community achievements encouraging good play. Dyes and paints only obtained through purchase
  • Trolls: People can already create as many free accounts as they want via steam family sharing. Consider vote kick for really bad trolls.
Vote kick:
  • A single guy can ruin an entire lobby on his own. Game population is too low to just find another match easily. Report does nothing effective.  Trolls can kill lobbies due to people being frustrated. The leaving people often then just stop playing for the night.
  • Give level 45s ability to initiate votekick. Vote is team-side only, 50% majority. Level 45s often do a lot of teaching and sometimes take the place of CAs. Level 45s also have something to lose if they abuse it and get banned. Gives 5 minute lobby ban or something similar.
  • CA seems to be more of a club, with getting in more about personality and connections. Most of them don't even play anymore. Should be pruned and recruited like a clan. Inactive CAs get booted, new CAs actively recruited.
Unlock system:
  • Not enough CAs active for training, low game pop or not. Automate it more. Change unlock system for ships and guns. Make it so leveling up gives access to more ships weapons. Simplest and more generalist weapons/ships first, complex and specialist weapons/ships last.
Lobby Balance:
  • Remove the lobby balance features. They don't work in practice and just inconveniences people. People will want to play with friends first and foremost and will use any workaround they can.
  • However make underdog tag more prominent.
Disable mid match joins:
  • Having AI in lobby heavily influences ship choice due to what ships AI work well on. Having actual crew heavily influences ship choice based on crew's experience, with loadouts carefully chosen.
  • Mid-match joins throws that preparation out the window. People join as gunner #2. People join with chem-extinguisher-mallet. Preparing when expecting to work with poor yet predictable AI then getting unpredictable randoms thrown in after the match already started is frustrating.

Offline Unarmed Civilian

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 10:05:33 pm »
Overall I agree. Low player population is causing a lot of problems, and those problems are getting worse as it gets lower. Considering how they sold the game itself for chips many times already, F2P with the proposed system might not be terrible.

Raise the price of black dye and paint though. Add lime green paint at the same price if you're evil.

The unlock system proposed is straight up better than the one new pilots currently have. It allows them to still experiment with gun loadouts while remaining restricted from advanced, situational , and "exotic" loadouts like harpoon Mob, harpoon Squid, why do all the newbies have harpoons why. It gives them more of a feeling of what piloting in guns of icarus is about, and lets them try suggested loadouts by more experienced players sooner without the temptation of the inevitable Galleon of Fail.

The CA system mentioned seems more logical.

I agree with removing lobby balance restrictions. They never stopped me, only annoyed me.

Removing mid-match joins seems like a good idea to me. Make it so you can only join mid-match by invite from the pilot/captain. People who want in can PM the captain and may get an invite in response. Certainly better than a level 1 jumping into the middle of a vet's ship and single-handedly losing the match simply by not being experienced enough to know what to do learn everything he needs to do instantly. You can't expect the pilot to teach someone who joined both unexpectedly and uninvited.

The votekick system proposed here seems good. It encourages not abusing it (for fear of a ban on a valuable account) and gives the ability to initiate it to the people who would both need it and want to use it most. At the same time it prevents the 45 from just shutting people out because it still needs a majority vote, and anyone who's experienced votekicks in other games knows how hard it can be to get it at times, even for good reasons.

Please add votekick. TF2 didn't have it for a week and things went to hell in a handbasket. Is a small amount of votekick abuse worth having many frustrated players just get up and leave due to inability to deal with trolls and uncooperative players? A lot of people left TF2 temporarily while votekick wasn't around, and came back when it was reintroduced.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 11:01:07 pm »
Level 45s only get vote kick ability.

I dunno, that might need to be looked at a little more and refined but, as a lvl 45...

The rest of all of that, pretty much what has been said many times over the years around here. But never really did get as much fan fare. If more new folks come on and say this is a problem, I'm glad to see that. I've lost count of how many times I encouraged new players to do just that. They want it, but they don't want to take 5 minutes and let Muse know it's a problem.

So from the old guard silent majority to you...

I've shared a few things personally with Howard and Muse over time, they know where I stand. Overall I say it with love though. I pretty much lost hope the Squid would ever return to the form it was when I first picked it up in 1.1, but now we're back to 75% of it's awesomeness. That's huge after how painful it was for maybe 2yrs or so. Muse really does try to make something the community will enjoy.

Trouble is, there is just a lot of different interests among the community and for a small studio to be able to handle that, yeah it gets rough.

Really gotta remember with all of this, that Muse isn't EA. It's not the faceless, soulless arch nemesis of all things good in the world. Muse listens and tries to be nice. Sometimes they do good, sometimes you just shake your head and wonder. Hence why I think this anti kick stance has stayed for so long. Ya know, I love em for being decent folk that want to try to be nice like that.

But the internet is not a kind place. There are some players on here who have had to undergo some of the worst sexual harassment you'd ever seen. Most female players. Heck I run into this elsewhere, MMOs especially. They often times won't even speak over voice because people just get so disgusting around them. I've always tried mine the ever loving #%#@ out of players who harass them because there just isn't any kick ability and also because the report functions or CAs just don't work. Some of the best lobbies have been where ships on both sides banded together and just mined a troll ship till they rage quit and left.

If a kick vote feature would have stopped at least one of the players I know on here, from being harassed, it's worth it.

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 02:29:53 am »
Narayan, If you find 7 experienced players that have free time on the weekends you can play in community events like the SCS. All of the problems you raised in this thread will be solved. Think about it.

Offline Unarmed Civilian

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2017, 10:45:08 am »
Narayan, If you find 7 experienced players that have free time on the weekends you can play in community events like the SCS. All of the problems you raised in this thread will be solved. Think about it.

But SCS is only once a week, on a specific day of the week. And other players might not necessarily want to play in SCS. Personally, free time on the weekends or not, I don't like spending what feels like 2-3 hours marathoning a game in a high-stress competitive environment when I can only stand the base game for 1.5 hours at a time. I just want to play a few good matches when I feel like playing this game.

This is not a solution for everyone. I'm not even sure if it's a solution for anyone.

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 12:01:44 pm »
Narayan, If you find 7 experienced players that have free time on the weekends you can play in community events like the SCS. All of the problems you raised in this thread will be solved. Think about it.

But SCS is only once a week, on a specific day of the week. And other players might not necessarily want to play in SCS. Personally, free time on the weekends or not, I don't like spending what feels like 2-3 hours marathoning a game in a high-stress competitive environment when I can only stand the base game for 1.5 hours at a time. I just want to play a few good matches when I feel like playing this game.

This is not a solution for everyone. I'm not even sure if it's a solution for anyone.

Organize scrims with other teams instead. There are no hard rules, you can do it as long as you like so long as both teams are willing to finish it out as late/early as agreed.

To add to that, teams tend to have less pressure on them in scrims and end up experimenting with builds more. So there's your low pressure enviroment.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 12:13:27 pm by MightyKeb »

Offline Narayan

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 12:14:31 pm »
Scrims and scs aren't going to help new pilots learn to fly, they aren't going to save the game from its declining pop, and they aren't an option for me all the time. I think you guys are missing the broader picture, this is about saving the game for everyone, not just getting a few good hours of gameplay a week for the high level few who are in clans and well connected.

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2017, 01:41:26 pm »
The "How I got started" thing is similar to my own experience. In order to raise the next generation of pilots there needs to be a large enough population of noobs for the moderately good to train on in order to become excellent. I was lucky in that my learning days were back when the game had a much larger low skilled population.

I have stated in the past that Guns of Icarus can never have as large a following as other mainstream games:,4367.msg73497.html#msg73497
So even with the changes you propose the I doubt the game will ever achieve large sustainable numbers.

The occasional big sale weekends Muse has been holding seems to be doing their job. Periodic large influxes of players will allow a new players to have the same learning experiences we had for a few weeks before the game reverts back to a dozen lobbies populated by vets.

I am hoping Alliance will offer a smoother transition in to learning the GOI game mechanics so new players can pick up the basics before it is time to swim with the sharks. However with the new Alliance only mechanics I worry Alliance trained players are going to be too dependent on special class abilities and Alliance only ships to be useful in PvP.

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2017, 02:02:15 pm »
Scrims and scs aren't going to help new pilots learn to fly, they aren't going to save the game from its declining pop, and they aren't an option for me all the time. I think you guys are missing the broader picture, this is about saving the game for everyone, not just getting a few good hours of gameplay a week for the high level few who are in clans and well connected.

Calling players trolls and kicking them off your ship because they didn't accept your loadout won't help the game. Complaining about unbalanced matches and blaming it on your noob ally won't help either. To be honest I don't think you really care about saving the game or helping new players. It sounds to me like you just want to play the game with experienced players because it is more fun for you.

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2017, 02:46:34 pm »
It sounds like you didn't read the full post. What I've said all along is the key to fixing the majority of the problems is more people.

I would say that kicking an engineer who won't take a loadout from my ship who has buff extinguisher mallet and a Phoenix claw would help at the very least my game yes. It would also hopefully make their person who got kicked realize that they will need to adjust fire and become a team player. None of these reforms are meant to be tyrannical and they were recommended specifically to have checks. If a vote kick was successful it would be so not only because I wanted it but because a majority felt it would impact their game.

Giving a new player a responsible loadout to choose will help them to have more fun, most harpoon spire crews usually don't last more than 2 games. It will also help you the vet because they might be able to apply some pressure instead of just being ignored while you are 2v1'd.

The point that's been made on the forums, and that I wholeheartedly agree with is that vets are willing to play with new players who want to play as part of a team, want to learn, and do communicate. When we run into problems is when players are unwilling to do anything but gun, unwilling to take a loadout if theirs is completely nonsensical, or insist on piloting in a lobby that is to far above their level with inappropriate ship loadouts. These are issues caused in part by low population, and in part because there will always be trolls. Again what I've said is population is the answer, and the tools I've proposed are meant to ensure quality of gameplay for all players, except trolls.
Do you often play pub matches spud nick? Do you often have brand new players on your crew who won't take loadout, or do you prefer to play with friends? Has anyone ever joined your ship mid match that you did not invite or know?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 03:10:24 pm by Narayan »

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2017, 04:06:57 pm »
I'm the only one who has addressed the second post's proposals here and that makes me sad.

Offline NyarIathotep

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Re: My (Long)Open Letter to Muse
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2017, 06:17:12 pm »
Talking about helping new people to fly:

Hi! I am inactive since about a year. I am a vet player and even played a bit competitive stuff, but I'm not involved in the community so much since I am a shoddy socializer, mostly quiet in voice chat unless I know the people really well and nobody can pronounce or remember my name  :D

Aaanyhow, I DID play some times during this year. If there was a sale I went active for a day or three to train novices and help them get into the game. I have trainer status , so I can join novice matches. Basically a bit like CA, but without fancy name color, title, special badges, regulative powers, dev contact or people noticing that you even exist  :D Which suits my needs, I am that worker bee type. Novices who have a great time and come back are all the reward I need.
Like many people here I think a larger player base is the only way to keep the game alive. Or revive it. I loved playing the game and I really want to see it flourish and hope that this also makes it interesting for me again.

I rarely saw CAs there in the novice matches, they were always more busy playing with their friends. In fact, I saw some of them AVOIDING flying with new players. One ex-CA even insulted them for being "worthless" and deserving to be stomped. They did nothing aside of being too slow learners for his taste.  I too have the impression some of them see CA as a club rather than something else. The only CA I encountered more than once in novice matches was Steffen. There was one other I saw once, but I don't remember the name. (Of course there are also other friendly CAs who actively support novices in regular lobbies, but I rarely saw that too.)

Novices quickly get frustrated after firing at each other for an hour without even so much as scratching each others perma health. Or after being stomped without even understanding why. The new tutorial is better, but still it is difficult to get into the game. That would be no problem if many people would be derping around too. But as it is, it is very difficult to join the active group of players, since it mainly consists of vets or experienced players on regular days, who are not very patient with new people.
The elitist attitude some people have does not help. Elitist behavior might be OK and even motivate people if a small group of pros does it. But if nearly everybody but you is a pro and looks down on you, it just sucks. Some of the novices ARE extremely terrible people, but not many. Mostly I enjoy novice matches immensely and it is the only thing that comes close to the "old feel".

Oh, and I have to say I am deeply unhappy with the new design and the Alliance stuff I have seen so far. It did not help to rekindle my interest in the game. I preordered it from humble bundle ages ago, full of hopes. The graphics I have seen so far are more anime than steampunk and seem lower quality at least to my untrained eye.

My take on what to do:

- I would like some new content, true. But that content should not be new ugly artwork or the de-steampunked new UI. (Sorry, to whoever made it. I am sure you worked hard on it. But it does not reach the quality of the old artwork. It looks blurry / confusing and the style is entirely different).

- I would want some active support of novice players. This is basically why I stepped forward after all the silent novice teaching. I think that is the only way to revive the game. And that mainly requires us veteran people (who else is left?) to be extremely patient, welcoming and proactively supportive towards new players. It is a group effort, folks. And maybe, if you see or know some people who think being salty is cool, do not reinforce their misconception  :) Balance matches! Always! Even if that means one ship of your friends has to play as your opponent.

- Reward community building work even more. Like I said, I am a worker bee, I do not need rewards, I have my own motivation. Non-weird people do need them, though. Once a friend pointed out my work to a dev and said I should get a fun title for all my work (some people afaik did get titles for joke reasons etc.). The reaction was... disinterested, to say the least. Like I said, I do not mind. But it might discourage others if they work more on the community growing front line than most CAs and their work would get dismissed like that. It is no easy work indeed.

- Delay the whole game of thrones "climb the social ladder in guns of icarus" stuff until there are enough people again to HAVE an actual ladder worth climbing. No elitism until there are enough peons again   ;)

- Do not use popular hyperactive let's-play youtubers as advertisement again. They give people wrong impressions about the game and the wrong people bought it with the wrong expectations. Those people do not stay. That helps nobody in the long run.

That's all. I hope to see you all in the skies again one day!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 06:24:15 pm by NyarIathotep »