Author Topic: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second  (Read 44263 times)

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2015, 01:07:23 pm »
Hey, I have nothing against doing DIY steampunk pilot/engineer goggles, just don't act elite because of it.

There was this BADASS steampunk vest with like a bandoleer for vials and a ton of pouches for more vials and I wanted it but it was like $150

I could've been like a Steampunk Alchemist or Doctor

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2015, 01:11:40 pm »
The guns, ammo, and scenery are dieselpunk themed in that they appear post WW1. Examples of guns include the Mercury field gun which resembles the German flak 88, flak was developed in the inter-war years and stands for flugabwehrkanone (air defense cannon), and reliable flamethrowers and rockets weren't developed until WW2.

For ammo, lochnagar refers to a 25 ton mine placed under a German trench in the first war. The resulting crater was 140m across and 67m deep.
Incendiary ammo was used in WW1 and proved highly effective against airships. Greased ammo was used in early submachine guns and designed for use on airship crews.
Kerosene and alcohol were used to power torpedoes. US servicemen aboard PT boats in the Pacific filtered the toxic alcohol mix into a drink resembling strong moonshine.

The battleships are post WW1 after the Dreadknot revolutionized battleship design. In WW2 the German Turpitz, the heaviest European battleship ever, was Churchill's biggest fear that tied up vast allied resources and lead to the greatest convoy disaster in history of arctic convoy PQ17. In 1942 Turpitz was relocated to it's base in the northern fjords of Norway. After damage from a British midget submarine raid the Turpitz was finally sunk by a 1944 air raid with special 12,000 pound "Tallboy" bombs. You can see the final resting place of the Turpitz in Northern Fjords  ;)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 01:24:07 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2015, 01:14:42 pm »
Hey, I have nothing against doing DIY steampunk pilot/engineer goggles, just don't act elite because of it.

There was this BADASS steampunk vest with like a bandoleer for vials and a ton of pouches for more vials and I wanted it but it was like $150

I could've been like a Steampunk Alchemist or Doctor

DIY is fine, the problem is the craftsman who buy in bulk, swimming goggles that are stocked in pound land , spray paint them in a minute, then sell them at ridiculously high prices, falsely advertising the goggles as metal/leather when they're just mass produced crap.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2015, 01:18:58 pm »
Hey, I have nothing against doing DIY steampunk pilot/engineer goggles, just don't act elite because of it.

There was this BADASS steampunk vest with like a bandoleer for vials and a ton of pouches for more vials and I wanted it but it was like $150

I could've been like a Steampunk Alchemist or Doctor

DIY is fine, the problem is the craftsman who buy in bulk, swimming goggles that are stocked in pound land , spray paint them in a minute, then sell them at ridiculously high prices, falsely advertising the goggles as metal/leather when they're just mass produced crap.

THAT'S a problem.

But, Buyer Beware.

Offline Kamoba

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    • Robin and Magpie Leather
Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2015, 01:26:14 pm »
The guns, ammo, and scenery are dieselpunk themed in that they appear post WW1. Examples of guns include the Mercury field gun which resembles the German flak 88, flak was developed in the inter-war years and stands for flugabwehrkanone (air defense cannon), and reliable flamethrowers and rockets weren't developed until WW2.

For ammo, lochnagar refers to a 25 ton mine placed under a German trench in the first war. The resulting crater was 140m across and 67m deep.
Incendiary ammo was used in WW1 and proved highly effective against airships. Greased ammo was used in early submachine guns and designed for use on airship crews.

Kerosene and alcohol were used to power torpedoes. US servicemen aboard PT boats in the Pacific filtered the toxic alcohol mix into a drink resembling strong moonshine.
The battleships are post WW1 after the Dreadknot revolutionized battleship design. In WW2 the German Turpitz, the heaviest European battleship ever, was Churchill's biggest fear that tied up vast allied resources and lead to the greatest convoy disaster in history of arctic convoy PQ17. In 1942 Turpitz was relocated to it's final base in the northern fjords of Norway. After damage from a British midget submarine raid the Turpitz was finally sunk by a 1944 air raid with the special 12,000 pound "Tallboy" bomb. You can see the Turpitz final resting place in Northern Fjords

Nice research Pies. Have you looked at GoIo links to Steampunk yet? Eyes peeled for HP Lovecraft references, even cthulu mythos references. :)

Hey, I have nothing against doing DIY steampunk pilot/engineer goggles, just don't act elite because of it.

There was this BADASS steampunk vest with like a bandoleer for vials and a ton of pouches for more vials and I wanted it but it was like $150

I could've been like a Steampunk Alchemist or Doctor

DIY is fine, the problem is the craftsman who buy in bulk, swimming goggles that are stocked in pound land , spray paint them in a minute, then sell them at ridiculously high prices, falsely advertising the goggles as metal/leather when they're just mass produced crap.

THAT'S a problem.

But, Buyer Beware.

The problem is not Buyer Beware, but the damage to the surrounding business around them in the same communities.

I can make a pair of.genuine leather goggles, materials can cost £10-£20 (depending on how many mini props.and details are to be added, not including expenses for dye pigment) and they may take 4-5 hours to make, design included. Leathersmiths are encouraged to charge £10 an hour by guilds and business advisors, less than what the average artist will charge, by a large margin, and because of the consumerism and commercial BS being pushed out, craftsman, leather or otherwise are often left out of business because "Oh I can get the same thing cheaper!"

Maybe I'm just feeling a little extra tetchy about this subject than I should be today...

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: 1.4.2 hotfix release notes second
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2015, 02:47:55 pm »
No, you have a personal connection,

It's understandable.