Author Topic: Laptop Recommendations  (Read 17979 times)

Offline greendra

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Laptop Recommendations
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:46:12 pm »
First of, I am sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I have no idea where else to put it!

I am looking for a Laptop to run Guns of Icarus. It will not need to run anything else, as its sole purpose will be for Guns of Icarus, and also maybe a bit of video editing, but that can be done on my main PC. I have been looking at Laptops that have the requirements, but I still think the game will be extremely laggy. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Here is the one I am looking at now, but I am not sure if it will cope:

( I am willing to lower the graphics, and turn everything down to the lowest )

Thanks, and sorry if it is in the wrong thread,


Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2015, 01:58:11 pm »
Not sure about the graphics card, it says it's "shared" Intel HD graphics. CPU and RAM should be sufficient if you close other programs. My laptop has similar specs but with 1gb Nvidia graphics and Windows 7 (got it late 2010). Not sure how resource intensive Windows 8 is but it should be ok.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 02:03:00 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline greendra

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2015, 02:03:29 pm »
My laptop has similar specs but with 1gb Nvidia graphics and Windows 7 (got it early 2011). Not sure how resource intensive Windows 8 is but it should be ok.
Do you know what you laptop is called? :) Also thanks for the help!

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2015, 02:16:17 pm »
It's an ASUS Notebook G60Vx Series, which I think is the manufacture refurbish of the G60V (probably a recall). I got it for around $650 in Dec 2010. It's not much of a laptop because it's big, heavy, and battery lasts 30 mins max. The 2.13 GHz CPU isn't enough for modern gaming, but it runs stuff like Skyrim great on low settings.

I think your question is what are the graphics requirement for the game. Most cheaper laptops have integrated graphics as opposed to a dedicated graphics card. Integrated graphics have gotten better but I don't know if it's enough to run smoothly. Or maybe the game doesn't need much graphics and is instead CPU and RAM intensive.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 02:33:23 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Queso

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2015, 03:05:58 pm »
It also seriously depends on your definition of what "playable" is. For some, that means running the game at 800x600 at 20 Frames per second. For some it means running the game at 4k at 144 FPS.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2015, 03:15:58 pm »
Let's say preferably 1280x @ 20 fps. You'll probably have to invest more.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 03:20:16 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Elphatel

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2015, 04:00:53 pm »
The game runs with 20 fps on my i5 and Intel HD 3500 on lowest settings at 720p.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2015, 04:06:20 pm »
It also seriously depends on your definition of what "playable" is. For some, that means running the game at 800x600 at 20 Frames per second. For some it means running the game at 4k at 144 FPS.

Wat. Who are those people?!

(btw. that mentality explains the minimum requirements of GOIO)

I mean, come on, even consoles have more-or-less stable 30 fps. On PC the 'minimum' is 60 fps.

Actually, I've changed my mind, this requires a lot of snarkiness. So here it comes:
>20 fps
>lol x2

Wizard, "gaming" laptops are like guinea pigs. They're neither pigs, nor from guinea. If you have a choice, don't buy a laptop for playing. Also GOIO has some problems with integrated graphics which will cause you a lot of pain and very very very few fps.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 04:08:06 pm by Mr.Disaster »

Offline Ayetach

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2015, 01:54:47 am »

Offline greendra

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2015, 03:24:59 am »

Wizard, "gaming" laptops are like guinea pigs. They're neither pigs, nor from guinea. If you have a choice, don't buy a laptop for playing. Also GOIO has some problems with integrated graphics which will cause you a lot of pain and very very very few fps.

I do agree with you that laptops aren't the best thing for gaming. My problem is that i need to be able to move it up and down stairs. I will look into some of the PCs and see if i  can manage to solve my problem some other way.

Also than you ramjam for moving my thread to the appropriate position.

Offline greendra

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2015, 03:29:24 am »
It also seriously depends on your definition of what "playable" is. For some, that means running the game at 800x600 at 20 Frames per second. For some it means running the game at 4k at 144 FPS.

I would say that 30 or 40 FPS would be my definition. This will allow it to be 20FPS whilst recording gameplay.

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2015, 06:55:30 am »
I run on a laptop for the simple reason of having twins took up any room my flat shall see and my laptop I can hide and tuck away tidily.
I hit 12 FPS on a bad day regular fps is 20 - 30.

And personally I think humans have become fixated on the numbers over everything else... I have no issues at gaming at these numbers, even when playing in competitive tournaments. So I am one of "Those people".

Offline Newbluud

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2015, 08:09:54 am »
I run on a laptop for the simple reason of having twins took up any room my flat shall see and my laptop I can hide and tuck away tidily.
I hit 12 FPS on a bad day regular fps is 20 - 30.

And personally I think humans have become fixated on the numbers over everything else... I have no issues at gaming at these numbers, even when playing in competitive tournaments. So I am one of "Those people".


So so so sick of PC snobs with the mentality that <60fps = unplayable. It might be uglier but you really are at no mechanical disadvantage until you dip below 20. People treat frames like stats in WoW or something.

I'm in the same boat as well, regular 20 - 30 fps and severe drops when first loading into a game. 4v4s may require me to burn my laptop on heavier power settings (which I can't keep up because it overheats), otherwise I will drop to 10 or so, which is in the realms of unplayable for precision. Even so, it's smooth in that choppy frames do not effect my control or perception. GoI is one of those games where twitch reflexes are not absolutely paramount to the core gameplay, at least until they introduce boarding :^)

Would I prefer to get more frames on a better machine? Of course, but I wouldn't discourage someone getting a game they want, even if they have to compromise on framerate and can't top consoles with their PC. Often people have lives that they need to support or, like me, had to sell their expensive rig to afford rent (#studentlyfe).

As for OP; I play on a Lenovo G580, i5 etc etc. It has the power but the bundled Windows 8.1 is a complete nightmare and the machine itself has a very short lifespan before it begins dying. Mine is on its way out. Functional with GoI but would not recommend 3/8.

Offline Allien'

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2015, 08:50:00 am »
High fps does not matter at all in Guns of icarus. High FPS is needed for First person shooters, for example CS.GO, where your fps will have an enormous impact on your game sensitivity as well as giving your opponent the advantage over you. Guns of Icarus is different, every gun has a rotation speed, so your reaction time is not really affected.
I normally play around 30 FPS and everything on low but a high resolution (1366x768). You should play with everything on low if you play as a crew imo. It helps a lot during engagements like when fighting flamers, seeing trough flared clouds and specially having a better time identifying components, if you want to be accurate with a merc or artemis. This being my competitive side speaking, since I've lost the casual side a long time ago :P

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Laptop Recommendations
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2015, 09:53:14 am »
first off wrong question.

the first question about getting a new machine is what is the highest you will spend?

What is the cheapest parts to hit the minimum benchmark?

personally 300-400 quid is a good area. those tend to run guns fine.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 09:55:34 am by Maximillian Jazzhand »