That moment when you see someone trying to be romantic on the forums in reaction of a conversation about someone apologizing to a person who is colorblind and another person completly raging on it because SHE (B'Elanna) can't understand that the person that was shooting on an allied ship actually was indeed colorblind and was completly trusting the captain to see which ship was enemy or friendly.
yes i mean you josie

by the way B'Elanna, chill out.
I apologized for it, it's not an insult.
and the time he was on my ship was before the new minimap, I only lied 1 time to him and were telling the truth the rest of the match.
ok maybe I lied more then 1 time, but we had fun together and he wasnt angry about it.
he was wandering why I was ramming my ally to death, he kept yelling at me that it was an ally and I said he was a bad ally and he needed to die. After the ship got destroyed I told him it was an enemy. 5 seconds later we laughed to death XD