Author Topic: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)  (Read 1065539 times)

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2015, 06:53:20 pm »
"Well since he's the bartender now it only seems fair that everyone have a drink since the old bartender is...ahem.. out flying. One round on me fellas. Enjoy."

*Tosses [Koali] a sac of coins. Raises his bottle again.*


*Brings the bottle back to his lips and takes a large gulp.*

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2015, 07:09:24 pm »
*Grabs the sack of coins and hops off of the stool. Walks over and hands it back to [Jester].*

"Poyo!" (Keep it, friend! Drinks are on the house!)

This is why it's convenient to have a fictitious economy!

*Returns to the bar stool.*

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2015, 07:23:30 pm »
*The white haired man shakes himself slightly.*

"Sorry, was lost in a reverie... anyway, nowhere near as interesting of a story as yours, [MightyKeb].  My father was a low class merchant with the Guild.  I was expected to take up the business, but my passion for engineering machines rather than profits made things... difficult with father."

*He grabs the tankard of moonshine, filling his glass again.*

"So, I cut ties.  Built my own Junker, the Arkos, and started to make preparations.  Of course, flying a Junker of all things, they figured I was an Arashi out for blood.  New as I was, I'm just lucky they didn't set the Trading Troops on me... Great respect for those men and women, don't get me wrong, it's just they wouldn't have hesitated to do their jobs.  I picked up a few of those odd Orange Suited crewmates and flew away, but they sent a Mobula after me.  I got into a canyon and ambushed them; took out the engines and threatened to do the same to the crew if they tried to fix them.  I can assume you know what a Whirlwind does to a man... Nasty business.  We sent 'em off in a dinghy and towed the ship behind us, actually landed here.  This place is now my home port- Every ship I own resides here.  I've slowly amassed my little armada and have started up my own trading company.  That's pretty much my whole life story."

*Slowly sips at his moonshine and looks curiously at Shou.*

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2015, 07:29:54 pm »
"Uyo! Wayo?" (Ooh, a Junker! Five guns in three directions! What guns do you have? Can I get you a refill?)

*Slurps up some noodles in preparation for story time.*
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 07:36:31 pm by Koali »

Offline Carn

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2015, 07:42:14 pm »
In walks a man in a long black coat and red shirt, with a golden helmet on his head.  He surveys the room fingers on his right hand ready to reach for his boarding axe, and the fingers of his left for his pistol or his beloved rifle Roxane.  Noticing a odd but surprisingly intelligent small creature behind the bar he goes up and orders in a rough anglean accent. "if you've got something that can double as paint killer but wont make me go blind i'll take it. unless of course you have....." leans in and whispers hopefully "a hellfire?"

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2015, 07:49:40 pm »
**He pushes his glass aside, it gently slides to the other side of the counter as he gestures Koali for another drink

"Odd. Junker has the single easiest blueprints to make around this region, a child could do it. I know a plenty of shipwrights who started out buildin' junkers, alot of em. Enough to make a fleet in a month. One of 'em works in Yesha now. I heard he took part in the first galleon's design. If anything, arashi'd have a harder time building one at all given their prime issues. But you know guild, safety's their concern here and they're not gonna blink an eye unless they find out you had plenty of goods onboard, and if that's so then they'll likely just cry their hats off over it."

"Oh, Whirlwind and man aren't a very happy couple you know. I wouldnt mind it if it weren't for the last time when someone'd blood splattered over my fine overalls. Need to start keeping some distance.

**He casually raises his glass at [ShadedExalt]
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 07:53:51 pm by MightyKeb »

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2015, 07:52:16 pm »
Anglean is like British, right?

"Wuyo... Poy." (Hellfire? I remember Hellfire... A great ammo, they just don't make it the same anymore, they water it down and call it 'Charged' or something like that. Never knew a guy strong enough to stand up to the stuff. I don't think we have any here... Gimme a minute, I'll check the cellar.)


Fixed it to make more sense.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 08:01:29 pm by Koali »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2015, 07:55:20 pm »
"Uyo! Wayo?" (Ooh, a Junker! Five guns in three directions! What guns do you have? Can I get you a refill?)

*Slurps up some noodles in preparation for story time.*

*Hands you his glass for a refill*

"Well, the Arkos is usually kitted out with the legendary setup the..."

*Speaks in hushed tones*

"The Paddling used."

*Normal tones.*

"The right side has a scylla up top and a whirlwind below, a front Artemis, a bottom Hades and a top Artemis.  Another is whirlwind/scylla on right, triple Dogs on the left.  That one is terrifiying... The whole ship gets ripped apart."

*Suddenly I whip my head towards the stranger, an odd look on my face.*

"Excuse me, good sir, but did you say hellfire?"

*He shrugs towards [MightyKeb].*

"The Guild is full of murderous bastards anyway.  Besides, I'd built it in a hurry with limited materials- It definitely LOOKED Arashi enough, but you'd think me at the helm would've tipped 'em."

Offline Carn

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2015, 07:57:35 pm »
(think more like Scandinavian accent (the hellfire is a callback to the burning skies thread loch powder not incendiary. it was the signature drink )

turns to Keb "never was fond of piloting a junker myself, something about the helm being to far back for my liking." giving the small creature a stare that could stop a galleon at ramming speed he says "if you have one i'll pay extra for it"

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2015, 08:03:35 pm »
(think more like Scandinavian accent (the hellfire is a callback to the burning skies thread loch powder not incendiary. it was the signature drink )

turns to Keb "never was fond of piloting a junker myself, something about the helm being to far back for my liking." giving the small creature a stare that could stop a galleon at ramming speed he says "if you have one i'll pay extra for it"

Changed my original statement to say 'Charged' instead.

*Returns, carrying a large, slightly charred, wooden keg with a steady stream of flame coming out of the spigot.*

"Poy!" (As it turns out, we DO have some! In fact, there's about 10 more kegs in there!)

*Attempts, with some success, to fill a mug with the stuff without making it explode.*

Offline Carn

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2015, 08:08:00 pm »
look on in shocked delight at the brew, then passes 3 gold pieces to the pink blob"i thought id never get to drink one of these, i never caught your name" looking at pink bartender "let me introduce myself i'm Carn Gormson, former sergeant in the anglean special forces, if you need a favor let me know

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2015, 08:12:21 pm »
Y-You have Hellfire?

Aha!  There's a reason I can knock back this swill without an issue, and it's that stuff!  Give it here, I'll pay you double what I just did for the shine!

*knocks back the whole tumbler in one go and slams it down, holding it out for a fill.*

"Don't worry about the glass, paid a bundle for it- from Chaladon.

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2015, 08:16:29 pm »
*Passes back [Carn]'s gold.*

"Wuayo!" (Keep your gold, sergeant! Drinks are on the house! Just don't sit by the fire, and don't make any sudden movements after drinking!)

"Poyo!" (Same goes for you, [ShadedExalt]! I don't want a mess here!)

*Pours a mug with a little less success, blowing off part of the rim.*

*Sheepishly hands it to [ShadedExalt]*

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2015, 08:17:32 pm »
"Well seeing that other stories are being thrown around, it only fits that I should tell mine. I was born in a small nameless village in the Burren. One day a raider named Armored Jack, who had a mechanical arm, raided the village and took me as his protege. I worked on his ship for years until I was old enough to learn how to pilot. He showed me how and my raiding began. After a bit of plundering we finally stopped at a port. I found myself searching for blood that night and picked a fight with a man who turned out to be a Baronies nobleman's heir and only son. Let's just say that I killed him and the Baronies forever hate me for it. Jack was very angry about this and began punishing me on deck. I fought back and after an intense battle which resulted in my left hand being crushed, I killed Jack and took over the ship. My hand was useless so I cut it off and replaced it with a mechanical hand which I made from Jack's arm. I continued raiding until a Baronies bounty hunter showed up. The captain of that ship was a ruthless woman and was the adopted daughter of the nobleman. They got a man onto my ship and caused a mutiny. While the mutiny was occurring, they bounty hunter ship attacked. I was captured and brought before the nobleman whose son I killed. He sent me out to an old prison fort in the most northern part of the Firnfield. There I was beaten and was left to suffer for all eternity. That's where I got this grin like scar. Complimentary of the warden. After some years in prison a riot occurred. Turns out some of the men from my old crew had been planning this for a while. I escaped and began raiding again. The same bounty hunter came after me but this time I was ready. I beat her and captured her. I bargained with the the nobleman and he agreed to not hunt me down ever again. After that I took a break from raiding and became an adventurer. I spent a good bit of time in the Labyrinth looking for old world tech and objects of value. The bounty hunter who I then found out was my long lost older sister (the nobleman had two children with my mother, so in short we were bastard children of a wealthy nobleman) decided to join me. She resigned from the Baronies army to go on her own path and find who she is since she was living a lie constructed by her father. After a bit of adventuring, I got bored and decided to become a mercenary to any faction willing to pay. I predominantly stay in the Burren but have been known to travel west to Yeshan territory. That's a shorter version of my story but you get the picture."

*Looks at [Koali]*

"Careful with that stuff. It has been known explode spontaneously."

*Looks over at [Carn]*

"Nice rifle you got there. Check this out."

*Pulls out his ivory handled, nickle plated custom revolver and places it on the table.*

"I had this specially made about 2 months ago after I dropped my old one into one of the engines. That was a nightmare to fix."

Offline Carn

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2015, 08:18:15 pm »
"What are you thinking!"turning to shadedexalt"he said hes got only 10 kegs! If we go through it at that rate it'll be gone within a month at the absolute latest, this could be the last hellfire in existence"