*The white haired man shakes himself slightly.*
"Sorry, was lost in a reverie... anyway, nowhere near as interesting of a story as yours, [MightyKeb]. My father was a low class merchant with the Guild. I was expected to take up the business, but my passion for engineering machines rather than profits made things... difficult with father."
*He grabs the tankard of moonshine, filling his glass again.*
"So, I cut ties. Built my own Junker, the Arkos, and started to make preparations. Of course, flying a Junker of all things, they figured I was an Arashi out for blood. New as I was, I'm just lucky they didn't set the Trading Troops on me... Great respect for those men and women, don't get me wrong, it's just they wouldn't have hesitated to do their jobs. I picked up a few of those odd Orange Suited crewmates and flew away, but they sent a Mobula after me. I got into a canyon and ambushed them; took out the engines and threatened to do the same to the crew if they tried to fix them. I can assume you know what a Whirlwind does to a man... Nasty business. We sent 'em off in a dinghy and towed the ship behind us, actually landed here. This place is now my home port- Every ship I own resides here. I've slowly amassed my little armada and have started up my own trading company. That's pretty much my whole life story."
*Slowly sips at his moonshine and looks curiously at Shou.*