Author Topic: The game you mostly play  (Read 208479 times)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #195 on: November 18, 2015, 02:46:01 am »

But it's a great game, easily GOTY.

...This is quite a bold statement, taking in count, oh, I don't knoWITCHER-FUCKING-3. Pardon me, my RPG-maniac-senses are tingling, because only Witcher came close to what cRPG means recently (ok, PoE maybe too, but well).

I have never read any of the books or played any of the games, and I've seen dick all for gameplay.

Educate me, oh great one.

And I've never even heard of PoE.

Pillars Of Eternity is a RPG done by Obsidian (same guys who made KOTOR2 or New Vegas, consisting of some famed guys like Chris Avellone - who wrote, for example, Planescape: Torment, and recently joined Tim Cain - the guy who was a lead programmer for first Fallout and core of the Troika Games), who many consider sort of the nostalgic come-back for older RPGs like aforementioned Planescape: Torment or rather more like Baldur's Gate.

Witcher 3 has an enormous open world. It's gorgeous, and at least, hardware requirements are waaay more than justified. Fighting isn't like Skyrim's [spits] "Hit and die", nor Dark Souls' "Hit and RUN, BITCH! RUUUUN!", it's something in between - I'm not a fan, but it feels much better than Witcher 2 fighting. The size of the open world is also justified - you can fast travel, but going by horse through long distances may achieve you finding new quests, secrets, etc. Seriously, people recommend afak not to use fast travel at all, for you may avoid many interesting things. That is unlike bloody Fallout's 3 open world I always find dull and boring, though this is me.

W3 has plenty of interesting characters. Even supposidly small quests can turn into something different in progress. The morality is totally gray, there are plenty of times you choose lesser evil. Dialogs are well written, and the world lives, is interesting - unlike in most of Bethesda's titles, seriously come on.

When we come to Fallout 4 we see that this is only the proof, that throwing money at a problem is not the way to solve it. Oh, by the way. Quests like "hurr durr make 5 beds", oh for fuck's sake. What the fuck is this? Minecraft? FPS? No, sir. Fallout is supposed to be RPG, and what Bethestards made is parody at best. I'm not even mentioning recycling of an awful lot of story assets from Fallout 3, contradicting the lore, naivety, general ridiculousness, etc, etc, etc.

tl;dr: Witcher 3 is the way. Fallout3/4 and Bethesda in general - cancer. By the way:

Also remember, you are talking with a guy who consider Mass Effects a cancerogene piece of shit. Because when I play RPG game I want - guess what - roleplay and at least some sort of freedom of creating my story, because story is far more important for me than anything in this genre. Meanwhile, what Mass Effect offers? Stuffed main character, "commandurr Shephard", which it shoves you RIGHT. IN. THE. FACE. LOOK AT HIM. LOOK. HE'S FABULOUS.

Excuse me, while I throw up.

Sorry if I go to far and somebody feels offended, this is surprisingly my opinion. Also, I just woke up.

Edit: If Fallout 4 gets GOTY instead of Witcher, then this is not the industry I wished to work at, and this world is fucking retarded.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 03:00:03 am by Schwalbe »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #196 on: November 18, 2015, 09:17:19 am »
I'll have to look into PoE, then, interesting.

I think what your main problem is, is that it's not a true cRPG, and more in the fashion of an FPS.  I agree with some of your grievances, all of which are legitimate, (Except Bethesda being cancer) and you have valid points.

That said, I enjoyed Skyrim, and I definitely enjoy FO4, even just watching it.

While I do wish it had a ton more of the elements from New Vegas, and going back to the original lore would be great (holy shit does Fallout have some great goddamn lore) but I like Fallout 4.  I like it, it looks good, it plays good, and bugs suck, yes, but in the 10+ hours I've watched of it I haven't seen anything gamebreaking- Most of them are funny, some of them are bad, but nothing that fucks you over horribly. 

I think we can agree to disagree; I see your points, and they are good ones that I agree with somewhat, and no Fallout 4 is not exactly Fallout, and I even agree that it should be with Obsidian;

But it's still a good game, and it's probably still gonna be GOTY.

Could you tell me more about the Witcher, though?

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #197 on: November 18, 2015, 01:29:42 pm » I was afraid I'm gonna be shouted at because of the amount of morning salt there was in my post (I presume, had no balls to read it again). Well, thanks for patience. ^^

Pillars Of Eternity... weell, it's a good game, and it can be seen at first glance that Avellone had his part in writing, but somehow I started it, had to put it away because of work, and never actually came back. Instead I played through, for example, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. xD (great game too)

Yeah, Fallout being an FPS? Oh my God, I knew that industry gone to shit last decade, I was not prepared it went down that much...

I tried playing Morrowind, Skyrim, I played through Fallout 3 (forcing myself for the latter half, especially towards the end), and I still say - Bethesda is cancur. I'll say why in the next paragraph.

Bugs, meh. I'll be honest with you - games I praise a lot usually had fuckload of bugs, even gamebreaking (Arcanum, Vampire - history of the latter's release is actually a reason why I say fuck Activision with a ten foot pole)... but I considered them in terms of the story, the choices, the atmosphere, small detailes that made those worlds alive.

What's my biggest problem with Bethesda is, that they stories - in any game - is usually dull, not interesting, morally black and white (to a degree), and they do actually nothing to make player think deeper, like questions of Arcanum or Torment ( "what is the point of human suffering?" - the theme that is actually unveiled at the very end and it is shocking how all the puzzles fit, and "What can change the nature of man?" respectively). Instead what do you get? Wow, yer Dragonborn. Hurr durr. Wow, yer a son of yer father, go find him. Bla bla bla. Oh you did something wrong? How naughty of you, you don't make daddy proud! HURRRR. DURRRR.

Yeah, even Witcher that I mentioned had some bugs, wasn't best at first, but guys from CDPRed are too fucking smart not to listen to feedback.

What else can I say about Witcher? Well, this motherfucker does not certainly run on my PC. XD I played it a little on my friends computer when I had an opportunity, most I know I saw on let's plays. I'd link you them, but those are of Polish versions. Witcher 3 is definitely much better than Witcher 2, especially in terms o the story. It's really big - 100 hours is what you need to RUSH it. Some guys played it through in 250 hours. - don't like him, but in his 5 first minutes he got some good highlights of W3. I highly disagree, Fallout 4 comparing to Witcher 3 does not deserve GOTY, not in the thousand years.

(interesting fact: the core of the Fallout 4 engine is dated back... to Morrowind. This is quite a fucking lot of time)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 01:31:54 pm by Schwalbe »

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #198 on: November 18, 2015, 01:33:21 pm »
my game is better than yours

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #199 on: November 18, 2015, 01:47:56 pm »
we all know you only like life and alcohol for the graphics skrim ;)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #200 on: November 18, 2015, 02:02:25 pm »
we all know you only like life and alcohol for the graphics skrim ;)

Hahahahahaha. Yet another moment I detest myself for not saving link for the image of a lemon being squized on the burn.

Skrim, I know this discussion is a little silly, but honestly, game differencies are something I prefer to weigh on my heart rather than HOW FUCKING STUPID POLES ARE, HOW FUCKING RETARDED PIECE OF SHITS THEY ARE, HYPOCRITE, BRAINLESS DUMBASSES. AND HOW WE ALL GONNA SUFFER IN NEXT YEARS. FUCK THIS. ANARCHY ALL THE WAY.

So, yeah. More or less civil discussion about games is simingly better for my own mental-barely-existing-health.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 02:09:34 pm by Schwalbe »

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #201 on: November 18, 2015, 02:06:49 pm »
we all know you only like life and alcohol for the graphics skrim ;)

Hahahahahaha. Yet another moment I detest myself for not saving link for the image of a lemon being squized on the burn.

then you would probaly be able to decipher what the hell keb just wrote.
read the sentence 10 times, still doesnt make sense.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #202 on: November 18, 2015, 02:17:22 pm »
we all know you only like life and alcohol for the graphics skrim ;)

Hahahahahaha. Yet another moment I detest myself for not saving link for the image of a lemon being squized on the burn.

then you would probaly be able to decipher what the hell keb just wrote.
read the sentence 10 times, still doesnt make sense.

No hard feelings, but I think schwalbe's post is the bigger question. Did he take my having-a-life joke seriously and went on a rant about or did he take your post seriously and went on a rant about it?

(and of course, because you can't comprehend references the person on the other end has to be retarded)

Offline Coiler

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #203 on: November 18, 2015, 02:38:04 pm »
Mass Effects a cancerogene piece of shit

Did you even play the three games ?
Cause it sounds like you just have a hardon for old school rpg and ME wasn't what you thought it was and thus you think it's a piece of shit.
'they didn't make this as rpg-ey as I would have liked! reeeeeeeee'

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #204 on: November 18, 2015, 02:55:19 pm »
I did Coiler. Third installment was improved a little.

The rest? Well, what you've said is correct, even to quite a high degree. As I've said, I've quite high requirements for the story in cRPGs, and ME series DID NOT meet them. Oh, BioWare wrote 300 pages of scenario for first ME? [looks at Planescape: Torment] That's cute.

Also it's depressing for me, because people and industry switch focus from story driven RPGs to more action and Micheal-Bay-esque style of gameplay, and something like big, vast, rich cRPG was something I always wanted to create, from my very first contact with this genre. I literally feel I was born 20 too late.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #205 on: November 18, 2015, 04:16:10 pm »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #206 on: November 18, 2015, 05:59:27 pm »
I love a good story in my games, too, but it's also fun to have romp through a world where everything is trying to kill you for the flimsiest of reasons.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #207 on: November 19, 2015, 07:16:31 am »
People complain in fallout 4 that they are confined to one specific role, the concerned parent.

But you are also confined to one specific role in the witcher 3, Geralt the stoic Witcher.

I don't think that either of the game deserve the praise they are getting, and are not material for game of the year. (who cares about game of the year anyway)

The major problems about fallout 4 is pretty obvious, bad performances, the perk system, the conversation wheel etc. etc.
Its obviously a console port only deserving at maximum 7/10 until thats fixed.

The major problems about witcher 3 is the combat system, its basicly just dodge, hit, dodge hit etc. People say it gets repetitive very fast and it isn't that great to begin with. Witcher 3 also suffers from many bugs and repetitive sidequest stepping which has become a "quality" stamp in many rpg's these days.

But in the end its what people personally like playing. People playing fallout 4 on a console might have a better experience than I have, aswell as people who enjoy open world with immersive backstory to the world enjoys the witcher.

Me personally I like immersive backstory, but I don't really enjoy open world. Fallout New vegas had a good lenght and open area for me, but both witcher 3 and fallout 4 seem to be just to large. I mostly enjoy a story that follows a certain rail, but changes depending on what choices I have made, like dragon age origins did. And i Know dragon age origins isn't considered the best, but back then it was pretty amazing and new how things changed depending on your choices.
Everytime I see a game with a main quest and 600 different sidetracks I actually get scared away because I don't know if I will ever finish it.

From what I heard the best roleplaying game this year is Undertale so im gonna check that out at some point.

I just want to go back to Game of the Year award. If you have any respect for video gaming you should stop caring about this award.
Just like any award the title released closer to the award date are more likely to receive it, and release problems such as bugs etc. aren't counted as negatives.
It's what the big developers want, you to not give a fuck about the bugs or bad controls.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #208 on: November 19, 2015, 12:36:41 pm »
That's reasonable and understandable. ^^

But you know, I'm planning to work in gamedev, so unfortunatelly, fucking GOTY might sooner or later affect, more or less, my future.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: The game you mostly play
« Reply #209 on: November 22, 2015, 03:57:22 pm »
Picked up Banished on sale and sunk up 15ish hours in it during weekend.

Also, I don't like New Vegas, if I wanted a walking game I'd play Stanley Parable :P