All of you guys derailing my thread, the one I think is really important for the future of the community:

I mean, seriously, I know we all like to joke from time to time but this is too much. Go the fuck out babbling about this shit to the pit, thank you very much. And please, do not reproduce.
Koali, Ceresbane, David Dire:
@DJ LogicaliaFor the sake of argument, could you explain how do you define elitism, where do you find it here and why is it bad? I'm serious, it's the first time I come across this word and I believe provided you explain what you meant we may form a fruitful discussion.
@IndreamsYou're pretty much right. Since levels are now completely worthless (pre-1.3.8 they were more or less valid) I always check the match count. Some time ago I suggested that match count should be some kind of MMR multiplyer, because even if the same win/lose ratio a guy who have 100 matches played is usually much worse player than the one with 1000 matches.
@MidnightWonkoI disagree. No one will play a game that is no fun and seems to have too steep learning curve. Giving example 'ad absurdum' - suppose you learn to play football with the best team of your country. You get your ass handed one, two, or few more times and then you say "Fuck it, it's too hard for me" and never do it again. On the other hand if you learn with guys with similar skill you may actually have fun, and if you really dig it you may try to learn more on your own and become better at it.
Oh, and this is perhaps something that happens if after a sale there is a peak of 1500-2000 players and after a few month we're back to average of 200-300 players during peak.