Author Topic: Guns of Icarus Seasonal - Concept Art Submissions  (Read 7411 times)

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Guns of Icarus Seasonal - Concept Art Submissions
« on: February 19, 2015, 06:17:07 pm »
This thread is for submissions (whether concept art or fully finished pieces) for prizes for the Guns of Icarus Seasonal. For those who haven't read about the competition yet, check it out here:,5667.0.html

Or a very brief overview:

It's a series of small competitions occurring in each of the four seasons, which a final tournament involving the winner of each mini-tournament and a wild card.

We plan to have a badge and ship decal unique for each season as well as the finals. However, we think it'd be really cool to also have a workshop item (headgear or goggles) for the winners of the final, giving us plenty of time to create it and get it approved.


There should be a set of five badges, one for each tournament. The four seasonal badges should have some kind of seasonal theme to them (Blossoming Colosseum, Burning Colosseum, Harvest Colosseum, and Freezing Colosseum). The final tournament badge has a lot more flexibility, and is simply called the Champion Tournament.

Badges need to be 512x512 with a transparent background. It needs to fit the theme of the tournament as well as fit GoIO (military medal or decorative award). It would need to be approved by the tournament organizers and Muse before being put up as a prize.

Ship Decals:

Very similar to badges, there needs to be one for each tournament and fit the theme of each tournament. Decal requirements can be found here:


This is very much a stretch goal for the tournament, but we have a long time to get something together. You can use the link above to find the requirements. Again, this has to be approved by Muse and the organizers, but it's pretty flexible, just make sure it fits the theme of Guns of Icarus Online and would look really cool on a tournament champion.


So post your submissions here, get feedback and such~ It doesn't have to be a complete piece of work either, concept art or even text descriptions can help get someone else's creative juices flowing to make something awesome~