Any experienced player knows that fire tools are imbalanced. Chem Spray >>>>>> Fire Extinguisher. I know this very well.
I've argued for Fire Extinguisher before. Man, that was the hardest argument I've lost. Truth is, Chem Spray is far better than Fire Extinguisher.
There's many ideas to balance these tools. This is my little something.
Fire Tool ReloadBasic MechenicsChem Spray:After about 5~6 sprays, the engineer needs to replace the chem spray canister. The reload is done by the second mouse press. It can be done quickly while moving.
Fire Extinguisher:After about 10~12 sprays, the engineer needs to replace the fire extinguisher canister. The reload is done by the second mouse press. It is done sightly slower than the chem spray. It can be reloaded while moving.
Advanced (Possible) MechanicsThese Mechanics could be implemented individually with testing to twick balances.
- Engineer movement slowed during reloads
- Reload is slower, but can happen with out the fire tool being active.
- Potency of the fire tool is reduced as the canister depletes.
- Amount of fire tool left is visible/invisible.
- Engineers have set number of reserve canisters. They are refilled from a canister station/over time.
These could make balance changes without number changes.
My ThoughtsA reload mechanic such as this can impact the balance of fire tools without technical number changes (which often doesn't solve the problem and/or is difficult to do right).
I don't think a fire tool reload mechanic will impact the game play much. If it is too complicated, the reload can be made automatic.
And reload mechanic shouldn't be much of a nerf to fire tools. 5~6 chem sprays will cover half a ship, and its about the number of components a typical engi is charged with.
A reload mechanic will
- give other ways to balance chem spray to fire tool
- make fire prevention strategic and fun (one must to decide which components get priority)
- make fire tools a lithe more realistic. GOIO is Hollywood realism, but we can't just scrap realism.
- replace the mindless, constant chem spraying of engineers with some interesting game play.
- rehabilitate the chem spray addicted engineers by putting limits to chem sprays.
This is a thought experiment. I'd like your thoughts on it.