-gasp- Triforce. I wish I piloted now; I'd have that on every ship. I'd bet Welsh Zelda would too!
I haven't really had time yet, but I'm looking forward to making my own decals.
I am unsure if triforce is copyright material or not... If you don't call it a triforce....
Its in Samurai Warriors 2 as a flag option, so its probably fair game.. That said I am sure someone else can make a nicer version..
Mine is basically just three triangles, all one color.. with some spray painted white dots all over it..
Don't forget Lead Cubehead!
Yes.. I haven't touch those yet, now I am interested haha..
I also did these..
My forum avatar to see what would happen:
and.. A crappy heart:
Do they have rules on what the decal can and can't be color wise.. or is just like has to be grey?.. I didn't try to do a colored one.. maybe I should just to see what happens..