Attention Guns of Icarus community, on November 11th 2014 my son Brisbane took his first breaths of Earth's atmosphere and found it to his liking. I look forward to teaching him all that I know about life, computers, and airship battles. For now I am busy changing diapers and making sure his feedings are happening on time. Sadly this means I have less time to fly around with you fine people, casing trouble, and breaking the meta. As a consolation here is a picture of Brisbane giving me the stink eye when he was a few hours old.

As you can tell by the picture, he is infinitely cunning with a sarcastic streak a mile wide. He favors close range tactics, such as luring an opponent in with a "poopy diaper" then hosing them down with a water based chemical weapon of his own making. So far I have fallen prey to this maneuver once, but over the coming years I expect him to pull it off on a few more unsuspecting victims. The next iteration of the Hamster line is real, you have been warned.