Author Topic: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition  (Read 129147 times)

Offline RedRoach

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2014, 06:55:46 am »
I look at the dev's computer. Because, well...

I don't know how to use this com-pu-tar but I want to see what's on it.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Offline Queso

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2014, 11:02:40 am »
I spawn myself into the game with mod powers. I spawn with a beam sword from smash bros and summon lightning to make my entrance more dramatic. I take no other actions.

Offline RedRoach

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2014, 12:54:01 pm »
I look at Queso. Because he, in the process of summoning a sword made from pure restrained light and creating lightning, might have just blown something up.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2014, 02:47:11 pm »
You look at Queso as he wakes up, his hands waving about as if he was in a dream.

Offline Queso

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2014, 04:42:41 pm »
*Hears epic guitar riff playing in my head*

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2014, 07:17:52 pm »

*The KS, who was polishing his many medals, looks around to find that a bunch of people are gathering in buildings near him*

"You silly humans. I don't have time for your games."

*KS uses his built-in weapon to attack Replaceable, Macmac, Pieman, Redroach and Redria as they come out without taking cover, then he turns to see Keon and Goldenglade trying to hide behind a wall and shoots at them as well*

"That was a big mistake, MWAHAHAHAH!"

*The KS seems to be pretty damn crazy*

Offline RedRoach

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2014, 07:57:29 pm »
As you have yet to leave or do as the GM noticed no movement taken just two actions,

I hear gunshots, and some screaming men. Gunshots hit the wall. However, I don't know how much longer these spawn-room doors can hold.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2014, 12:21:07 am »
Looks around, taking in the scenery.

Offline FredTheFifth

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #54 on: October 08, 2014, 12:51:02 pm »
I notice the killstealer completely ignored me, he must be too afraid of lagging to come near my research. They must have a very bad internet connection.

Offline Replaceable

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #55 on: October 08, 2014, 01:23:22 pm »
But i just did my hair. Humph.

How could the KS attack something so handsome... :(

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2014, 08:31:45 pm »
Understanding that the Table is fixed to the floor, I take the Computer and pocket it. I LOOK outside where I saw a rather handsome fellow called Fred not long ago.
I sit for a while checking how many games are installed on the computer.

There's a fair few games, some so attractive that you ended up using an action to play one of them.

E.o.T is being done right now! Soon everyone!

Offline Goldenglade

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #57 on: October 09, 2014, 09:54:58 pm »
hurry up :P

Offline RedRoach

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #58 on: October 09, 2014, 10:15:29 pm »
I look at Goldenglade. He really wants to be ready. Too bad the killstealer noticed him...

(OOC: Don't piss off the GM by rushing her! You don't want bad rolls! XD)

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: The Wall, take [2], Killstealer edition
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2014, 12:51:16 am »

You nabbed a computer and ran outside only to quickly hid behind the Barrack Wall. You set down your tool to build an armored shield to protect everyone. After a small brainstorming session, you programmed into the developer the specs for a shield. It's fairly large so the developer tool starts moving around the floor next to your barrack wall. It'll be ready in 6 turns.

You stayed firming inside the barrack, looking at Fred outside, you notices a red dot being painted on him, then after check how many awesome games is on the SPRC, one game lured you into it, it's very similar to this one but more awesome with graphics. A lot more.

You found yourself in the cold bunker slowly getting warmed up from your body heat, safe in the bunker you took your time to look up Old Man Henderson. That bad ass, crazy sob did not exist in this universe and Old Man Henderson wouldn't dare reborn here due to lack of babes, gnomes and good cigars from the Wars.

RedRoach remained in the thin walls of the barrack with Jacob for company. After the first person to pick up the kero, you admired it and checked it out before setting your Developer down, the Developer acted a little confused before it came up with you requested item. It ends up building another Developer which will take 6 turns. The steam seems to be a little lower, slowing the building down.

Rolling out side with your newish thingy computer you decided that you GOT to have another damn bomb factory and cannon, due to it large and multi-functional design, the developer popped up a warning noting that it'll need to build a base item then set to modify it to add connections and/or add cannon function to the bomb factory. It rolled away after accepting it, it'll take 10 turns before base item is fully functional. The GM cringed as she notes the max roll on the dice plus size turn. (ooc: rolled a 6 + 4 for large size item, ouch)

You just couldn't do things normally so you attempt to smash your computer to put a hole into the wall, causing 4 damage to your computer, putting your computer at  146 hp (That's some sturdy computer!) In the end, you just went through the barrier as you picked up the tool for your class and it allowed you through. You also did 4hp of damage to the Barrack, leaving it at 196 HP. Damnit, pieman, damnit.

After picking yet another damn computer, is anyone actually going to take a gunner?! You moved outside then attempted to hide behind the barrack. You took a look to see what is the fastest way to build but sadly, the developer can't change one material into another, merely transport it from storage. You put the Developer onto the ground after programming a crane and it starts printing it. It'll take your developer 7 turns to build into the sky.

After setting your developer down to build a flare cannon, taking 3 turns to do after the developer realised it could a modified blueprint of the flare gun that exists allowing for a faster build time, you notice a growing shadow upon looking up, you noticed that the Killstealer didn't see you.

You napped the computer and used the reflection on the computer screen with help from the sun outside to give yourself a preen, gaining 10 Charisma to which the GM notes on your character sheet. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow to your looks. More Charisma needed to cause any sway with the Killstealer or GM/aGM and you notice a red dot next to you slowly moving onto your head.

You looked for a attachments however your developer had no attachments available without using another developer to modify it and so you set it down, you attempted to add a parachute to the developer but it only accepted one input and you can feel it puffing and the cogs turning, wanting to get building your lighter. Setting the developer down onto a table, it seems to have leaked steam a tad causing a big slow down and will take 6 turns to build the lighter.  (ooc: ouch, another max roll there,rolled a 6, no modification for tiny size object.)

KillStealer readies his weapon and fires, targeting many players left in the open.

The GM draw drops are Replaceable pulls some matrix stuff, making time go slow to avoid the projectiles from the Killstealer. Not that it matters, the KS was a terrible shot on Replaceable, Replaceable walks away with his pretty hair.

Just as with Replaceable, the KS rushed too much he could not land a shot on him. Is the Killstealer ever going to land anything?

The Killstealer learned his lesson and controlled his breath to land his shots on piemanlives. Not that I've ever seen the Killstrealer breath but he doesn't give a crap and shoots off 24 hp off piemanlives. Now down to 73 health points left. I think I gave a lot of hints about armor?

The Killstealer huffed and puffed sending down a shower of bullets that RedRoach couldn't avoid it, taking 36 damage, leaving him at 114 hp. It's a good job Pilots are very healthy compared to engineers. Still, that health tent is looking very sexy right about now.

He couldn't avoid the bullet showers either but he manage to avoid the blunt of it, taking just 6 damage, leaving them at 144 hp.

Even with hiding behind the barrack walls, could not stop the Killstealer from hovering above his head and shooting straight down, in his attempt to dodge the bullets, he tripped and fell but thankfully saved himself from taking more damage (ooc: you had a fail, but you saved yourself on the saving roll and then.. KS got a natural success on his damage.. ) but the bullet still landed true... right on his head, dealing 93 damage to Keon. The Armor all engineers carry as basic couldn't save him. Leaving him bloodied, close to dying with just 7 hp left. The GM doesn't want Keon to die and suggests the Medical tent for his next move.

After a super close dodge, the bullet nicks GoldenGlade armor and slide inside his legs burning off 8 hp. It could have been worse if it wasn't for the armor and the cover. Good job Golden. He's down to a reasonable 92 hp.

Everyone's database chimes in, it's a battle report of everything that happened. The GM sent a few more tips to help,

Tip one: everything has stats based on their chosen class.
Tip two: Vehicles can protect you! There are some in your world, I wonder what's in the largest building.

You can now leave the developer to finish building so you may move to a new location and take a new action. Which means, everyone has a new action and movement to play with.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 12:33:20 pm by AbbyTheRat »