1. Favourite ship to fly. (Not including the build.)
2. Favourite ship to engineer on.
I have not had the chance to engineer in a match yet (got the game finally a day ago, and waiting for my new laptop to play it on for better gameplay). Based off practice playing, Pyramidion I guess.

3. Favourite light gun.
4. Favourite heavy gun.
5. Favourite gun overall.
6. Favourite 2v2 map
I haven't had a chance to play much else, so Dunes.
7. Favourite larger than 2v2 only map.(Ones you see on 3v3 and 4v4.)
8. Favourite map overall.
9. Favourite ammo type.
10. Favourite ship build
Current setup for me is a Pyramidion with Two Flaks on the top deck, Hades on the mid port-side, and Mercury near the rear port-side.
11. Favourite headwear. (Include gender)
Still a novice, don't have any headwear.
12. Favourite outfit. (Include gender.)
Still a novice, don't have any outfit besides standard.
13. Favourite Goggles (does a that have gender??)
Still a novice, don't have any goggles.
14. Favourite ship theme.
15. Favourite figurehead.
16. Would you rather, Deathmatch, King of the Hill or Crazy king.
17. Rank in order of preference, Pilot, Gunner and Engineer.
18. Buffgi/Gunji or Main?
Main, though I might start trying Gunji.
19. Lion gun OP?
Eh, not really. Close range maybe.
20. Are there too many questions? (Tick here: yes[X] no[] )
21. Have you found a better community than GOIO?
Not sure. I've been in several great, friendly communities (SWBFGamers, Pixel Gun 3D Forums). I'm still a newbie here, so I guess we'll wait and see.