Author Topic: Ship idea: Swan v1.  (Read 10913 times)

Offline omegaskorpion

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Ship idea: Swan v1.
« on: May 24, 2014, 07:24:13 pm »
This is my ship idea


(the model is not compleat)


Armor: 900

Health: 1000

Balloon health: 1000

max speed: 30.0 m/s (same as pyramidion)

max turn speed: 7.5 deg/s

Mass: 600,000 kg

Acceleration: 1.2 m/s²


Top deck has 2 heavy guns faced to front.
Under deck has 4 guns, 2 faced to port and 2 faced to starboard.


Upper deck has 3 engines: 2 light and 1 heavy.
Under deck has 1 heavy engine.

Other information

Swan is big ship (bit bigger than galleon) that is made for assaulting and ramming.
Balloon is located near the steer and hull is located near the underdeck guns.
Upper deck and under deck are attached with ladder.
Steer is at the front of the ship (upper deck)


Capten can repear the balloon near the steer and 1 engineer should stay upper deck guns where he can repear the engines and shoot heavy guns. Other engineer should stay under deck where he can shoot with under deck guns and repear hull and 1 engine.
Gunner can use both upper deck and under deck guns when he is needed.

Front guns are made to soft the target for ending the enemy with ram. Front guns can be used for sniping.


Ship is easy to use for ramming.
Ship has only 1 blind side.
6 guns.
Capten can see under the ship thru grid under the captens feet.
Heavy guns that have arming time have time to arm since they are shooted from back of the ship.


Its big ship so its easy to spot and easy target.
Capten cant see behind the ship. (only very little)
Back of the ship has no guns.
if 1 heavy engine gets destroyed ship loses 40% of its speed. (if both engines are gone ship loses 80% speed)
Balloon is weak.
Close rainge heavy guns lose some of their rainge.
Slow turning speed.
Small corridors on some of the maps can be fustrating when using this ship.


(the textures are bad yes, but im trying to make bether version of this later.)

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 06:38:16 am »
You just designed a much more powerful and tougher version of the spire - front facing heavy gun(s) coupled with front facing light gun(s). While turning slower than a galeon and moving barely as fast it weighs nearly twice as much making it insanely powerful at ramming - assuming you sucsessfuly ram anyone.

Reason why you don't generaly use galleon for ramming is becouse it's front is it's greatest blind spot, but this one does have fron't facing guns.

Arming isn't a dissadvantage while arming since you can always just pick heavy guns without arming time - like Manticore Heavy Hwacha or Helhound double carronade.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 06:53:20 am by Mattilald Anguisad »

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 08:36:19 am »
You just designed a much more powerful and tougher version of the spire - front facing heavy gun(s) coupled with front facing light gun(s). While turning slower than a galeon and moving barely as fast it weighs nearly twice as much making it insanely powerful at ramming - assuming you sucsessfuly ram anyone.

Reason why you don't generaly use galleon for ramming is becouse it's front is it's greatest blind spot, but this one does have fron't facing guns.

Arming isn't a dissadvantage while arming since you can always just pick heavy guns without arming time - like Manticore Heavy Hwacha or Helhound double carronade.

yes, i tried to make ship that has good ramming potential but ist as good when attacked from other directions, as for heavy guns, the leght of the ship makes double carronade less effective at rainge since it loses some of its rainge, as for the manticore... well that gun is not weakened by anything.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 09:24:32 am »
Also, it is REALLY big,. I mean, it cant exactly ram if its going to hit every other object in the map.
Big as spire, broad as Mobula.

And the Acceleration does not make this a good ramming ship. It will take aprox 28 seconds before the ship reaches max speed.

Another thing is the weapon formation. You can potentialy combine 2 light guns with 1 heavy gun.
Not too strong but for a ship that can switch to another 2light 1heavy combination, its getting pretty strong. Also its tanky, yeah it then gets too strong.

Changing the baloon health wont happen. Just put it to 1200 like other baloons.

Now you have to question, what is the goal of this ship. If you look at the current ships they are made to be very different.
This ship IS very different but the stats you gave it with some bulkyness doesnt help what the ships is trying to do.

For example, the Spire is a ship is all about killing as quick as possible
The pyramidion is all about ramming, or charging atleast.
The junker is about outfighting an encounter.
Galleon is all about heavy gun weaponary.
Squid is all about speed and evasiveness.
Mobula is all about Light gun Weaponary.
Goldfish is about Speed and tankiness.

This ship is Tanky, charging, outfighting and rammy.

You have a cool model, but you need to narrow down the ability of your ship. It then becomes interresting if you do so. The only 2 ships in the game that are all around good is the junker and the pyramideon, but even they have their quirks. Pyramideon Rams, while the Junker is Tanky but does not Ram at all.

I can see the crew formation being interresting though.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2014, 10:01:37 am »

The wings were bit bigger than they should had been but its not realy that much bigger than galleon, only longer.

Also i made the model so that the ship cant shoot with 1 heavy + 2 light guns since the light guns are facing left and right and hevy guns are facing front. also light guns are made for shooting targets that are lower altitude than the ship. there is little change to hit whith heavy and light gun (exept if the target is big as galleon).

It is made to be good for ramming and assaulting so its heavy armed but thanks to its lenght its easy target and its ramming attack are easy to dodge, so its made for ramming heavy ships.

For other role than assaulting and ramming... i have no idea, but i will try to make this ship more balanced and i will take ideas. 

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 03:46:19 am »
hear is more art about the ship

As for my stats ideas. pls dont care about them so much since they are just ideas how ship could fuction (and the acceleration speed is wrong since i thinked it was rising speed)

(also i cant seem to be able to modify this post, so i cant change some of thouse stats)

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2014, 03:50:41 am »
Nah just keep updating it. Still nice.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2014, 05:54:01 pm »
i propably cant update the model since i made this in my school (vocational school and its summer now).
But when sales hit i can propably buy space engineers, since that game has beautiful ship designing mechanic i can remake this ship twice as bether.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: Ship idea: Swan v1.
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2014, 08:20:13 pm »