Welcome to the Sacrilege clan page!
Founded in 14 August of 2013 by Tropo and YoloSwagJesus, we are a growing group of friends interested in playing casually and competitively together. Currently we are interested in expanding our clan and making it more accessible for people to join! If you are interested in joining please be aware that there are a few requirements. You must be an active player willing to join practices and matches, be friendly and mature, and be willing to work with a team. It is preferable that you own a microphone.
If you are looking into joining our clan and meet all of the requirements, here’s how to contact us: either talk to Tropo, Ariden, or Communistpony in-game or post on these forums telling us a little bit about you, and we will contact you in-game. We’ll probably need to get to know you a little better – if we don’t already – before handing the SAC clan tag over to your care.
We look forward to any newcomers and great games with you all! Hope to see you in the skies!