Looking for a clan to do competitive:
My current playtime is 182 hours: I like playing for fun mostly on the ladder and I really transfer that over into my competitive play. I complement a team by adding new crazy strategies for tight situations(if anyone ever listened which they don't but thats captain trouble)
Interceptor squid
-Front Gat
-Side Banshee
-Back Flame
Best use:
Line Breaker
Multi engagements
Art, Art, Art, manticore

(maybe replace one for a merc)
Best use:
Spires are bad...well JK
Line Enforcement & Line Breaker
Weapon Disabler
Final shot tactical kills
GoldFish: Durable weapons platform(support) with fire and barking for harass and tar for the fun goo aftermath

Best uses: My current gunner/engie/sub pilot(if needed) twistedXmetal a very good at skill shot which makes us a good weapons platform also a really good harassment tactic(again linebreaker)
Left gat Hwat Lumber
Right Car Hwat
Back Flame
Play style line breaker (Usually main weapons but I have been known to rush backwards at something that is weak with a flame thrower)
Pyramidion I don't play pyra(I might use double merc...)
Mobulas are good but I don't play
Junkers are bad