Author Topic: Press Start Community Guns of Icarus Tournament - Sign ups extended to April 30  (Read 66450 times)

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Hello so I've gone ahead and updated everything. I'm also posting all the details here. If you want you can go over to the site to see that these are both exactly the same. you can view this on the site if you would like here:
Other wise just read whats here.

Currently we have 5 confirmed teams with a 6th in the process. The details I have are listed here on the public forum on the site if you would like to see:

Tournament Signups are open till April 30th. The tournament will be at least an 8 team double elimination tournament.

Matches will be run team Vs Team 2v2 deathmatch battles. Battles will run for 30 minutes and must have a minimum of 3 points earned before one can be called a winner. If after 30 minutes the game is tied or three kills have not happened yet then the match will be restarted on a new map and first kill wins.
Signing up
  • Send an email or reply on this forum with your team name and crew mates.
  • If your applying as a four person crew list your four crew members.
  • If applying solo just state this on the post. Current teams will be posted separately on a new topic.
  • To email signup with questions please contact
  • Please identify if any crew or team mates do not have a copy of the game we have limited keys and participation does not guarantee a copy of the game. All keys are provided by Muse and as such are subject to them providing the keys.
  • This event's charity of choice is Child's Play.
  • Ad revenue earned from the youtube videos will be donated by PSC.
  • Viewers can also take part in the charity in more then one way.
    • Through direct donation link on the the youtube videos.
    • Take part in Raffles to earn prizes. Raffle tickets sell 5 for $1.
      • At the start the split will be 50/50 with half going to the charity and half going to a prize pool for the champion ship team.
      • Once the Champion pool prize hits $100 the split will change to 15/85.
      • The winning team can choose as a team to either get actual prizes or to donate their prize pool to Child's Play in their own name.
    • Viewers also participate in the charity solely by watching and sharing any match thus increasing views and ad revenue.
  • Matches will begin scheduling May 1st and the first match will air on on May 19th
  • This gives us three weeks to schedule the first matches. This allows for flexibility of the matches
  • After the matches a short post match interview with the hosts. This is more for the fans. We will not discuss tactics but more about how did you felt about how the match went.
  • Final match is planned to be Live streamed on twitch the week of 17 to 23rd of August. Depending on how quickly we can record all 13 prior matches there could be a long period of not playing before the final match.
Match Details
  • Teams are 2 ship crews. Each crew has a captain as well as a team lead. Captain does not have to be the pilot.
  • No restrictions on ships, equipment or crew layout. Crew Choice.
  • Matches are 1 team v 1 team on 2 ship v 2 ship Death Match battles. maps and color is randomized.
  • Matches will span 30 Minutes.
    • A match must have 3 points in some manner before any team can be called a winner.
    • If less then 3 ships are destroyed or if a tie takes place a Sudden Death match will take place
  • Sudden death matches:
    • No time limit
    • first kill wins
    • teams can switch ships and equipment from first match.
    • Crew members must stay on same crew.
    • map will be changed to Dunes first otherwise if that was the previous map it will change to labyrinth. These maps are very different and offer the best chance to change the dynamic and put an end to the tie.
Crew Backups and Replacements
  • One backup player can be crewed to your team. This backup player can switch with any player and any player can be switched out for this backup.
  • Only one replacement can be done during the event. If a player is replaced that new player permanently takes the old players spot.
  • This is reset upon your first loss. If you lose once before using your replacement you can replace the one other player once at any time. For a total of two replacements throughout event
  • After the second replacement no more changes can be made to the team without host approval
  • Backups and Replacements must either have or acquire the game themselves. No keys will be provided for backups or replacements.
Other Rules and Recordings
  • Be respectful to other players
  • This is meant to be a fun event more focused on exposing the game, Child's Play and the Players and less focused on just winning.
  • HAVE FUN AND BE A GOOD SPORT. Play to enjoy not to just win. 
  • No information regarding future match lineups or scores can be posted anywhere.
  • Anyone participating in the event can not purchase tickets yet however are allowed to donate directly to Child's Play.
  • Placing tickets on a match is allowed up to Tuesday 11pm EST this is before the second half of the match goes up.
  • If players wish to record during a match for a personal video please adhere to the following rules:
    • video can be no longer then 9 minutes (it is recommended to stay around 7 minutes)
    • Video can only be a highlight reel and should not contain long clips.
    • Scores must be either cropped out or obstructed in some way.
    • video of the match can only be posted one week after the match has been public on PSC Channel.
    • A link to the full Match on the PSC Channel must be in the description of the video.
    • Please make sure to mention the event and the charity either in the video or in the description.
    • A link to the Guns of Icarus Online game on Steam in the description.
  • (NOT REQUIRED) It would be nice to stand with PSC on the charity part of this event and to also forward any ad revenue to the Child's Play.

Please forward all questions to the GOI questions forum or send an email at
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 08:42:15 am by Shinkurex »

Offline Wundsalz

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Who are you and what's the Press Start Community?

Offline Squash

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Okay, when we click that link it takes us to a registration page. Could you please tell us about your group and what you are?

When you say backed by Muse Games, what does that mean? Does it mean you emailed Bubbles and he said it sounds like fun, or does that mean you're going on the website? Could a Dev help out here?

Child's Play is an amazing charity. We're a great community, and we've been successful in the past for raising money for a kickstarter, but not for a charity yet. It sounds like a terrific idea, and it's great of you to get the ball rolling. Having said that, I don't think any of the teams would rather take half the prize money for themselves rather than dedicate it all to Child's Play - so you might want to look at that part of your pitch again.

Would you please tell us about you and your group? I will admit it makes me nervous that you only have 26 members.

Offline Tropo

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your event is not yet listed ?

'I don't think any of the teams would rather take half the prize money for themselves rather than dedicate it all to Child's Play'

i'd never take candy from a baby

Offline Goldenglade

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They are being endorsed in that they gave them prizes and an interview.

Offline Skrimskraw

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“Guest” does not have access to the zone site.

Offline Swizy

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I love how I can't do anything on your website or check any legitimity about your cause for doing something for charity only if I register.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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I love how I can't do anything on your website or check any legitimity about your cause for doing something for charity only if I register.

Yeah, thats why this smells like a scam. Sorry if its not. But forcing people to join a site to find out more info on it just raises that question. If you are trying to get this exposure then you are wanting it to be public accessible. No way I'm going to join a site I don't know just to see.

Offline Imagine

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I love how I can't do anything on your website or check any legitimity about your cause for doing something for charity only if I register.

Yeah, thats why this smells like a scam. Sorry if its not. But forcing people to join a site to find out more info on it just raises that question. If you are trying to get this exposure then you are wanting it to be public accessible. No way I'm going to join a site I don't know just to see.
Apparently it's not, but hopefully Keyvias or someone will post about that.

Offline Mattisamo

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They are apparently working on getting a sponsor for the whole thing as well...

Here is a link to a quick doc of it since there are no spoiler tags on the forums yet, and I don't want to clutter the thread.

15min games, that's going to be rough.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 05:48:50 pm by Mattisamo »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Alright that helps. Really we should have seen that to start. 15 mins will be interesting to see as it may finally shake things up enough to get rid of the silly meta.

Offline Skrimskraw

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asked keyvias, its legit, they made a interview and got some prizes

Offline ramjamslam

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Apparently it's not, but hopefully Keyvias or someone will post about that.
I emailed Keyvias and he confirmed that they are legitimately trying to set up a tournament.  You will have a lot of work trying to coordinate your tournament schedule with the schedules of the existing organisers: cesports and the rob and dan show as well as fitting in with times that clans will be available but I wish you the best of luck.

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Ok for some reason I have gotten no emails to these posts here! I'm sorry I haven't been back here to answer questions. Press Start Community is a new gaming community that will have it's own youtube channel for events and situations all about promoting gaming and those who participate in the events. It's also about promoting good sportsmanship and friendly gaming. As for the site unfortunately it's in beta and not everything has been tested yet. I'll see what i can do as to getting it public. As for the child's play charity website I'm working with them to see how to put the event on their page seeing as the event will take place over 15 weeks on the PSC youtube channel. I'm sorry if this seemed like a scam for a second however I promise this is not.

Bubbles as well as Matt have both given PSC the ok and have provided keys and Avatar items as well as provide raffle prizes. We will also have an interview up on the PSC channel on Youtube once it launches later this week. As for the half going to proceeds and the other half being used to get a gift for the winning team if the crew mates of the winning team choose to donate their prize to child's play it will be done in their name. I will leave that up to the winners however I did want to try and at least offer a prize to the winning team.

For the site feel free to register if you want. I will work on fixing it today and getting a public listing for this information. I will probably switch it to a forum instead of news post which the forums are accessible to guests. The website has only been open for less then a week and this has helped me to find some bugs so thanks for everyone for trying to check it out. If you have any other problems or questions feel free to email me directly at

Thanks to everyone who has helped to verify this event! I just really want this event to go well since I am very excited about this game and I want to do right by it I've been very busy with it. I'll come back with an update once I either fix the old link or come back with a better link.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 06:48:06 pm by ZeckPressStart »

Offline ZeckPressStart

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Ok I am unable to open the original post without making large scale changes so here is a link to a forum post I created that is open to the public and no registration needed to view the details.