What is the profit of having an touchscreen player on your ship?
Agreed! >:I
No but I agree that it would be hard to balance. I mean, to make it a better crew option than AI (which it'd have to be, because why implement it if it's gonna be the same/worse?), if the whole thing is just pressing buttons, then it has to be automated to make good decisions and that means no skill or knowledge or any thinking whatsoever from the player. E.g. The hull is down, you press "Repair hull" and that's that. If it was on fire or had health too low to use the mallet safely, the player never knew.
I just think it kinda defeats that whole point of the game where you need to know your shizzle or learn from mistakes how to do stuff best. The gunner deal is also difficult because it's not just the ship you're aiming at, but also what part of it. AI chooses by itself, so if the mobile player here just taps "Shoot gun" and it decides for him where and how then it's the same.
It would be fun tho to be able to see matches from mobile devices xD Like just a map like the one that we already have with all ships marked and such, and when you tap on one you can see stats and crew, and it could show the score on top and notifications like "Player1 destroyed hull armor" and "BOOM BABLAMBAM killed Lockheart's Tiny Squid" etc. much like the spectator mode we have now, but without filling spectator slots maybe, so it would be great for Fight the Devs and all those fun competitions