Except against equally skilled opponents. Be aware that ships move up and down dramatically slower than forwards/backwards. If you wait until the last second, you're still getting a face full of hwacha. If you predict when he's going to shoot and move ahead of time, you might be able to avoid most of them. If you get it wrong and move too soon, they'll lead the shot and you get another face full. Using one of the tools just about guarantees a miss (assuming you're close enough). Using kerosene or moonshine can have the same effect, and I often prefer kero or better yet, moonshine, for such situations.
There seems to be a lot of personal taste involved. If you feel you can dodge shots without using a tool, I encourage you to do so and openly applaud; hazzah unto you and all that jazz. Some players might not want to take that risk against skilled enemy teams. Some players might feel the desire for small bursts of up/down without severely damaging the balloon. Some players may want to use it for less than 3 seconds, or may want to choose exactly how many seconds it's active. Maybe they know the enemy is high above them, so they pop hydrogen for two seconds, almost run into the enemy who's dropping down and need to wait 3 seconds before they can chase them (with their balloon in a very sad state at this point). There's a lot of personal taste. And having it limited in the way it is reduces it's usefulness in a lot of other situations.
As for it being the most powerful, I would heartily disagree. That award I would give to the phoenix claw. Nothing keeps enemies in your sights better. If you could choose only -one- tool, this would be it. For it's usefulness in dodging, I can't argue. It's great for that; but mostly at close range. You go mid to long and you're going to have a hard time keeping out of arc. It's basic trigonometry. You can certainly use a little boost for dodging some snipes, but the damage it does and the time it lasts only lets you get away with one or two dodges at most (assuming the gunners don't catch on very fast); and only on the faster vertical ships. Dry dodging a shot with helium on a galleon and it's just not going to happen.
I can compare it to other tools, point out issues and common complaints, use dreaded math, and even come up with alternative solutions. But the only reasons against the proposed balance seem to be:
-I don't want it changed, it's fine as it is
-You're not using it right
-But it's -really- good for dodging/escaping
-I can do that without tools
-I don't want to see it used more
-I have to use it that long anyways to see an effect
What's wrong with wanting it to be used in different situations? Damage aside, why does it need to be left on so long? What's wrong with wanting more control over it's use? Why Khan?