Author Topic: Red Button Consequences  (Read 326809 times)

Offline Carn

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #450 on: June 06, 2017, 11:48:56 am »
The button, in it's smugness, opens a pit below Shaded to make it's lording even better.

Carn makes a crude crown and tosses it to Shaded.

"Congrats! Your a Pit Lord!"

Carn falls down laughing into the Pit, unable to press the button.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #451 on: June 06, 2017, 04:19:31 pm »
Shaded proceeds to weave a cape out of roots in the dirt and commands the Pit to spit him to the top, so he can guard it from people who are entirely too serious.

He's too busy to press the button.

Offline Carn

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #452 on: June 11, 2017, 09:25:38 am »
The Button is not pleased at being ignored.  The button teleports 50 accountants from the IRS to audit Shaded and his Pit.

Carn, horrified, repeatedly pushes the button in the van hope that it will help Shaded.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #453 on: June 16, 2017, 10:15:14 am »
Shaded screams in rage and begins to bodily throw the accountants out of the pit; The button simply gives them all bunny ears.

One accountant lands on the button.

Offline Carn

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #454 on: June 16, 2017, 02:50:33 pm »
The accountants are fully transformed into bunnies, though they still continue to try and audit Shaded.

Carn looks hungrily at the bunnies and enters the fray.

The button is left next to the terrified accounting bunny that pressed it.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #455 on: June 17, 2017, 12:31:04 am »
Hungry from playing accountant toss, Shaded tosses Carn a sharpened stone spear hewn from pit rock and gets a small pool of magma going to cook the game over; The button is tossed a rabbit leg, but it does not press it.

Offline Carn

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #456 on: June 18, 2017, 08:36:39 am »
The button worries at the ethical consequences of Carn and Shaded eating bunnies that were once humans.

One of the accountant bunnies hops on the button while attempting to flee.